Epistemology: Truth & Knowledgeacquiring knowledge
1 Posts • 3906 Views Philosophy Forum |
this is a note a wrote in my journal one day and i think it sounds pretty good, so i will print it out for you guys to have a look at.
knowledge is "knowing" something for absolute certai... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
Whoa...Looking through the gawds of posts to this Thread...I realize, I haven't truely introduced myself...Guess thats a slight flaw of being extremely shy...I feel that I have opened up alot mor... |
Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36763 Views Philosophy Forum |
i've been programming AI software for the past 9 years and have made most of my money using those programs. i never went to college so most of my knowledge is from the internet and my own thought... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42015 Views Religion Forum |
it is mans fault that we see evil and suffering in this world "the wages of sin is death".
Bullshit. Man did not create pain, suffering, tragedy and death.
Secondly: God gave us a fre... |
There is No God and You Know It
17 Posts • 5932 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Okcitykid, first things first....realise that science is based on testable hypotheses who accept or refute theories. Religion on the other hand claims fact. Belief in a god is unreasonable. An Atheist... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90789 Views Psychology Forum |
30. Monitor and be monitored
In 1998, I read a book 'Study abroad in US'.( Chinese edition ) Author Qian Ning was a Chinese student studying 'News media ' in US. He visited many... |
EconomyEuropean Union VS United States of America
7 Posts • 21150 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Having lived 25 of my 60 years in Europe (until late '98), I find the comparison silly. Europeans live in 'country-states' that have been supporting people for over 1000 years in... |
7 Posts • 3405 Views Psychology Forum |
The thought I have tried to express is that animals struggle to separate between the natural emotions that come with perceiving dominance and the reality that just because something appears dominant d... |
General HealthWhy I Love Green Tea
0 Posts • 2209 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
That's sounds about right to me given what I've seen.
Oxygenation is extremely healthy but will add extra free radicals, some with harmful effects, as this electron pulling apparently dam... |
6 Posts • 2759 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This is a subject I wish more people would educate themselves on, many don't know the first thing about the short history of the state of Israel, let alone Jewish ideology.
There is a disgusti... |
ChristianityWomen and the Bible
6 Posts • 3908 Views Religion Forum |
St Paul.
On Marriage, Divorce, Circumcision, and Celibacy
It is well for a man not to touch a woman, but because of the temptation to immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woma... |
1 Posts • 2237 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Stony, stony crack in the wall
You know your headed, headed for a fall
Man runnin'
No end in sight
The boss screams
“Take off tonightâ€
Makes his way through the cloudy streets
Wou... |
SocietyWhy Do They Hate Us
53 Posts • 13197 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Someone on e-thepeople said they already saw it on the news:
That day when they showed this stuff on the news. I quess it was only being hidden from you?
If you saw the Michael Moor movie, you... |
LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51800 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You insist that prostitution is needed but cannot tell me why.
I was referring to consentual sex.
Degradation of the family system.
Gross assumption. This is what you guys keep doing, errone... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57912 Views Religion Forum |
tanker: I can believe that God has been and will always be. That's not hard for me to believe. Because to me that makes sense even though its not possible and that doesn't make sense. In the... |
Martial arts
29 Posts • 15397 Views Talk Talk |
Wudang Weng Shun Kuen - by Grandmaster Rien Bul
The WUDANG style of Weng Shun Kuen was unknown to general public until recently, when Grandmaster Rien Bul opened public schools i... |
SocietyJoe Stack Flies his Plane into an IRS Building
0 Posts • 2130 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
That doesn't even make any sense. This isn't third grade you can't just say something that "should" be speculative humor that in no way is and still get the expected response... |
HomosexualityWhat is homosexuality in humans and animals? Opposites philosophy.
2 Posts • 3320 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
All people of homosexual and transsexual orientation are "mistaken", because they don't completely understand their nature, and what the second half they need! Actually, the mankind has... |
WE owe it to ourselves
9 Posts • 3364 Views Talk Talk |
I hate typing, more than i hate aids, so i thnk that i will find the shortest way possible to type this and as question arise i will adress them accordingly.
ill start with my beliefs, my plan, and... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90789 Views Psychology Forum |
126. Sniper case (crime style)
Every criminal has his own crime style, sniper killing is used to be seen in political assassination. Such like the assassination of President Kennedy, ( I had been... |
ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21784 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Honestly, its POSSIBLE, that if we turn Iraq into a middle eastern Taiwan that that would fight terrorism.
But I think its more likely that Bush what is good for his class, rather then really fight... |
War & TerrorismEnergy
2 Posts • 2902 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
As a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and the growing uncertainty with the situation in the Middle East, South America and Europe, the United States is now forced to re-think its... |
HomosexualityGay Marraige, For or Against?
32 Posts • 16757 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I don't know just how religious you are but ultimately it doesn't matter, your opinion has no basis other than your most prominent religion of choice and or exposure.
And b... |
30 Posts • 16475 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
352. Pre-psychological propaganda (10/22/05)
On 7/7 and 7/21, there were bombings took place in London. It was a cover up operation to justify the plotted master bombing in US. To deceive the publi... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30358 Views Religion Forum |
"Ummm, well having a place where people can worship together seems like an obvious idea. And many don't only worship on Sunday at that agreed upon place but also meet through out the week in... |