ChristianityWhy I Am Not A Christian
5 Posts • 3517 Views Religion Forum |
Thought I may make a thread for this essay. Its rather massive, but its worth the read. No really it is!*cool*
As your Chairman has told you, the subject about which I am going to speak to you toni... |
What does buying the stairway to heaven mean?
11 Posts • 46939 Views Talk Talk |
Here is the meaning to Stairway to heaven.....
Take in mind that it's full of symboligy...infact it is implied in the song itself "there's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure... |
Long one act
5 Posts • 2769 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Scene 2
(Later that night. JASON and JUDY return home after the dinner. Both enter through the door.)
JASON: A full ride! A full ride! I can't believe it!
JUDY: I know! I'm so proud of you. Y... |
Genetic engineering
40 Posts • 18548 Views Science & Technology Forum |
hmmm... i'm on the fence with regards to this topic. as with another controversial subject - abortion - i can see the benefits, but am wary of "messing around" with nature.
1. We don... |
SocietyAnarchy, misundersood
41 Posts • 13127 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Anarchy, as we would like to believe it, is being confused with an autocracy, in which case a nation runs itself without the need for laws or enforcement of said laws. Everyone would know exactly what... |
Alternative BeliefsDisprove my beliefs.
4 Posts • 2973 Views Religion Forum |
This is my first post on any site related to this idea I have had for quite some time now. You can take from this what you will, but it won't matter.
I have been borderline atheist for a few y... |
Emotional effect of overcrowding.
2 Posts • 2080 Views Talk Talk |
I recall a socialogy class in 1971 in which we discussed the research of a Cornell University researcher.
I do not recall his name and have looked for it and his paper for over 10 years now. If it... |
SpiritualityI'm think I'm losing faith in God.
48 Posts • 17260 Views Religion Forum |
First of all... I want to apologize for saying that this debate was heading down the pitfall of absurdity...not only was it pretentious of me it was also partially a false statement. There is nothing... |
SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11632 Views Religion Forum |
The urge to resist that what we do not understand is quite common. And judging by what you both have expressed it's pretty clear to me you two do not understand faith. Nor do you choose to, thoug... |
PoetryProse Poem Earthquakes Rearranging Your Head
3 Posts • 2559 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Throw Your Sweetness into the Pan – and Cook All Your Emotions Until There's Earthquakes Re-arranging Your Head
A poem by Wolf Larsen
The poem wants to be every sky that the human race has ever t... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAtheists Intimidating
38 Posts • 10690 Views Religion Forum |
Really - well, I never realized that Atheists felt intimidated by those of us who believe in God. I have been intimidated like crazy in this place (before you got here). You'd come here to the re... |
Ethics & MoralityGood vs. Evil
14 Posts • 5998 Views Philosophy Forum |
'If people forgive and forget their misfortunes, they can go on and do good things. I dont know this for sure, but i think its probobly true.'>>
'To forgive is to live'
I truly believe that... |
SpiritualityI'm think I'm losing faith in God.
48 Posts • 17260 Views Religion Forum |
What I am saying is that the impossibility of deciding the issue FOR ALL TIME does not mean we need stay utterly silent on the matter.
And what I told you long ago, and thankfully for the last time a... |
Religion & HumanityThe Ego of Abraham's Followers
0 Posts • 625 Views Religion Forum |
I really like this post Decius, I think it comes close to the problem of zealous believers of any of the abrahamian beliefs. To get closer to the truth though, I think the problem lies with giving thi... |
Society & SociologySave us from puritanical soul-torturing 'Green' people.
25 Posts • 10355 Views Psychology Forum |
I understand where you're coming from Ophion but I can't say that I don't understand where the green cause is coming from either. If we look at the earth as a mother common to all of us... |
Society & SociologyThe mentality of a soldier
0 Posts • 7803 Views Psychology Forum |
If only such philosophies could be applied to reality.
You're not some illegitimate child of a mother who can't even support herself because the job she has doesn't even make it to the... |
93 Posts • 25443 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Im going to stop this quote thing, because it makes our posts ridiculously long.
Physically, there is no difference your right. The conception is the only difference. If this country was not found... |
Emotions & FeelingsI cry when forced to express something in words that has emotional connection
11 Posts • 6133 Views Psychology Forum |
Hi Ravenclaw,
Let me get this straight. I have a bunch of questions.
Do you cry when writing about something benign like socks or your favorite food?
When you try to put words to emotions it... |
People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31810 Views Talk Talk |
Sleepingwraith, good to speak and debate with you again. I'm heartened to learn that somewhere people are actually taking classes on ethics and humanities. There's hope in the world yet. And... |
GovernmentMy Democrat amigos MUST READ!
30 Posts • 7042 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Remarks by Georgia Senator Zell Miller at Democrats for Bush Rollout
SENATOR MILLER: Thank you, Marc. I appreciate your kind introduction, and I appreciate even more your efforts to re-elect Presiden... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55476 Views Philosophy Forum |
^^i know you understand and know what respect is....and I know you seek to test the knowledge that I portray i contain, when infact I don't know shit....hahaha..... you see I could never stop ans... |
Random QuestionsHas anyone ever visited a pro-suicide Forum?
2 Posts • 9887 Views Talk Talk |
I've never visited a pro-suicide forum before, but your description about the site you visited sounds pretty accurate to what I imagine the social culture surrounding such sites would be. The who... |
God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33990 Views Religion Forum |
i believe in a God but in my own way. i do not follow any religions and do not think about God in the same way as most people do or might do. My meaning behind God is the creator of creation. He or no... |
War & TerrorismFrom Iraq
9 Posts • 3393 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
We went to Afghanistan to fight terror. We went to Iraq because Saddam was a great enemy of the Saudi Arabian Royal family, and Mr. Bush didn't like him either, especially since Saddam made perso... |
Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 19112 Views Religion Forum |
I think the only thing we can all be really sure about, is that no one knows exactly what happened.
About two thousand years ago, something happened in the middle east that appearantly was worthy... |