Are Videogames Good or Bad?
16 Posts • 10965 Views Talk Talk |
Decius, what about simulations? im pretty sure flight simulations have saved some lives over the years, and those training simulations they use for the army... maybe they dont fall under the same cata... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
Well that is really all i like to do. I like to go to concerts, classical, punk, metal, Not hardcore. T.v is dumb and has no intellectual basis to it. I dont like video games, because they are all thi... |
Short Films
10 Posts • 3983 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
some of the effects are fantastic. they arent as detailed as the "real deal" but these people definately know their stuff and have done their research.
for fan flicks they are five star.... |
DrugsTry Marijuana - you shouldn't like it.
0 Posts • 2571 Views Psychology Forum |
I think weather you like the effects on any substance depends on your personal health beforehand. If you say have a stomach disorder where you're in agonizing pain every time you try to eat, or y... |
Age relevency on CC
23 Posts • 7203 Views Philosophy Forum |
there is illiteracy here in the extent that a number of people on here have trouble spelling the longer words. or use internet slang instead of proper english to which i will admit being guilty at tim... |
SocietyWhen People Stood Up
4 Posts • 2637 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The Most Dangerous Man In America
Dan Ellsberg who stole and published top secret Pentagon papers and won a Supreme Court case defending the first amendment doing it, then when retried for conspira... |
God in ReligionWhy are people indulged in killing each other in the name of God?
4 Posts • 2792 Views Religion Forum |
All, or nearly all of the worlds religions have the rule or commandment of "thou shalt not kill", or words to that effect, so all religious wars are contradictory to everyone involved.
Why... |
War & TerrorismWAR CRIMES
20 Posts • 6930 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Clinton bombed about 2 different countries that didn't need bombing in the least, and ya know what? He did one of them on his IMPEACHMENT day, so if you want to get into the whole war crimes thin... |
The Rich People Should Not Be Afraid To Speak Up
6 Posts • 3074 Views Talk Talk |
New Zealand did that. A lot of people complained, but it did work. It wouldn't be as fair as the system we currently have, but it would bring in the tax revenue we would need. But here's a b... |
Child & Family PsychologyRecapturing youth?
15 Posts • 4193 Views Psychology Forum |
I think I see the problem... you are looking for a particular relationship, a specific bond, but I don't believe you will ever find what you are looking for. Maybe instead of trying to make this... |
ElectionsIgnorant Voting the Death of Democracy
60 Posts • 15991 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Oh but the ladies love him compared to ol' darth vader, but people are very critical about the Iraq situation right now and they know they fucked up so they can't defend themselves well. Tha... |
DepressionFed Up
13 Posts • 10489 Views Psychology Forum |
Do you ever get fed up with life? with people? do things ever feel completely futile? we are all alone and cold in this world. friendships are a joke, love is a lie and life is nothing but a four lett... |
War & TerrorismExcerp: Truth of War
124 Posts • 34103 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
i've heard all the rhetoric and propaganda before. like i said in a perfect world a 'utopia' as you people seem to think is possible but will never happen, america could be considered p... |
MIchael Jackson
0 Posts • 7487 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Originally - when I first heard the news, I thought for sure he must be guilty, this is the second time. At work, we all pretty much agreed, but George, a black christian man who everyone has grown to... |
is this considered philosophy/izing?
13 Posts • 3791 Views Philosophy Forum |
If you or I make a conclusion about the way things are which are not obvious.. as in it may take some time to reason thorugh your memory to come up with certain conclusions.. example: like if you conc... |
Body Art/Piercing
21 Posts • 8426 Views Talk Talk |
I see most piercing as mutilation and body art as vandalism. Maybe because of my cultural background. I dislike pierced tongues, bellies, eyebrows, and chins. I think the human body is fine the way it... |
ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17397 Views Religion Forum |
"It is one continious line of history written by the followers after the Apostles.
Scripture is history.....look at the dead sea scrolls."
Man's written word and accuracy have nev... |
51 Posts • 20020 Views Philosophy Forum |
Love this topic too. Im gonna be a posting freak around here if this keeps up.
I have met some who appear to me to be very fake. So much so that I want to believe that they are doing it on purpose.... |
SocietyA Liberal against immigration
12 Posts • 6853 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Yeah Europe has a good idea, but there are problems brewiing. Germany is losing jobs to Poland and the Baltic states. (Source: NPR)"
No biggy, Europe NEEDS young blood. The population is g... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I Believe you are correct. That's when I went full force on my blog posting everything I could find on the election.
They had proof. They demononstrated how someone could go into a voter booth... |
it was just a tit..???
16 Posts • 8720 Views Talk Talk |
this whole deal about shocking people is really just another way to break down social barriers i think. i don't really like pop stars that much or what they do to further their careers, but i thi... |
20 Posts • 6371 Views Talk Talk |
Do you think that it's ok to smack your child so as to discipline him/her? I know that some people would never lay a hand on their child, but other parents are ok with it. I personally would ligh... |
EconomyWhy not tax the Rich?
52 Posts • 23570 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The richest of the rich can sustain their fortune simply by having their fortune. They are, for the most part unaffected by taxes, because the bulk of their money does not reside in any one country. M... |
GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30277 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Cain, I was actually responding to James specifically, but whatever applies to you works too I guess.
But for some points on your response. People can't be forced in communal situations under... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85944 Views Science & Technology Forum |
9 February 2013
The Great Meteor Procession of 1913
Image Credit & Copyright: RASC Archives ; Acknowledgement: Bradley E. Schaefer (LSU)
One hundred years ago today the Great Meteor Processi... |