LawSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Worldwide!
59 Posts • 22178 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
personaly i dont care if people ahve same sex marriges... as long as it is two girls... jk lol... but seriously i believe that any person should have the right to be with any1 they want as long as the... |
God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50351 Views Religion Forum |
It is good to help others and only help yourself when to do otherwise would stop or limit your help to others. This is good because it helps people build relationships and keep a collective interest i... |
War & TerrorismAbout the war......
56 Posts • 18075 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I totally agree with you guys
I hear a lot of "how do you think you got your freedom" crap from pro-war people. They're lumping it all together. Not all wars are good, and this one d... |
Sex & Lawsex age
27 Posts • 16426 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
thats the problem with people today. sex has become a past time. "hey im bored, wanna fuck?" ...its absurd. but hey who am i to judge. |
I would like to commend
14 Posts • 3760 Views Philosophy Forum |
I would like to commend Analytical, 730,Conway,ekimp, and sleeping wraith for their outstanding views and minds. I can tell that these are all very exceptional people
....like myself..lol |
ChristianityA Great Man Passes
24 Posts • 6711 Views Religion Forum |
^^doesn't that number seem a lil bit suspicious tho??...oh well, sorry you guys feel that bad about the passing of the pope...but he was just a good guy...what's so different about... |
A new theory about why world peace won't happen
12 Posts • 3293 Views Talk Talk |
You tied what I said into belief. That's not the same thing. Everything I suggested you do is within everyone's power. It's something that will make small positive changes and give the... |
Religion & HumanityIs it wrong to be multi-religious?
40 Posts • 9278 Views Religion Forum |
The bible was written by someone therefore it hasn't always been there, therefore it is not the ONLY correct religion. A religion is something made up by the brain. Because when people just evolv... |
Society & Sociologyvoyeurism
25 Posts • 8042 Views Psychology Forum |
To keep the people in fear and trembling. The more fear we have the more taxes we are willing to give for things like police officers, military and health care. |
GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24623 Views Philosophy Forum |
lastresort, That is exactly what happened. Sure people told me all my life that there was a God but one day I learned it for myself. I met an experience that was basically God saying "Open your e... |
Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 19211 Views Philosophy Forum |
I can respect that so long as you do. And I mean really do-not just this claptrap that people use to be 'eccentric' when really its a lame-ass excuse for self insecurity. Beyond respect...If... |
Human Nature & EmotionSad about the world
11 Posts • 3823 Views Philosophy Forum |
we have to try to change people to intermix and not judge others that way
it may be the law of the land but lots of laws of the land are changed in modern times because we evolve |
141 Posts • 31213 Views Talk Talk |
The word Cynic originally means like a dog, but any way thats changed over the years.
I'm cynical about people who talk about what every one else in the world is like, I don't believe th... |
What is philosophy?
5 Posts • 5101 Views Philosophy Forum |
Not to bias anyones opinion before this begins I'm not going to write anything. I just want to hear what people think philosophy is...define it, tell a story, relate it to something, etc. |
God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19647 Views Religion Forum |
People have a need for comfort but their comfort lies mostly in things that they can control so they make up gods or theories to believe in so that they have the illusion of controlling their lives. |
PerceptionStrength and weakness
11 Posts • 3960 Views Psychology Forum |
I've been wondering about how people see themselves. What would you say are your strengths, and what are your flaws? Also, are you satisfied with the results of your self-exploration, and attempt... |
Society & Sociologyfiuck it
6 Posts • 5311 Views Psychology Forum |
your right, it's up to us to feel as if our life is fulfilling, but sometimes people have goals in life that they strive for that can never be attained, no matter how hard they try, and it gets k... |
How to tell her that looks aren't important
8 Posts • 3022 Views Talk Talk |
Get her to hang out with someone who's ugly but has a great personality. Show an example. People these days "need to see it to believe it". Until she believes it she won't desire t... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40627 Views Religion Forum |
If there is no God. Then why do we lock up murders. If there is no God, why do we have values. Why do atheist (some of the most moraly outstanding people there are) still have morals and values. There... |
Cool Lyrics
0 Posts • 8454 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Everyone I've ever known has wished me well. Anyway that's how it seems it's hard to tell. Maybe people only ask you how you're doing, because that's easier than letting on ho... |
Society & SociologyPopularity and open mindedness
39 Posts • 9960 Views Psychology Forum |
It was not an assumption. Most "open minded" people that I have met simply follow the expected pattern of thinking. I never said they all do but it would seem to be the trend. |
Pictures of Ourselves
281 Posts • 71197 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
People say im a pretty young girl.... must be the hair *dead*
(this is just the one of me in the avatar, un-shrunk and normal colours.)
Whoop whoop
:D :D :D |
ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43097 Views Religion Forum |
It is not a contradiction. A person is no less human because of his actions. Actions are not equal but people are.
Answer the incest question, or do you prejudge that behaviour? |
Emotions & FeelingsYour Own Insecurities
22 Posts • 8546 Views Psychology Forum |
awakendwraith whatever your real name is, Ide just get a boyfriend, u dont need to get much more attention from other people when u got a boyfriend that can see u often, Im a bit like u too but not as... |
Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28647 Views Philosophy Forum |
war is natural and necesary. certain people have to die while others live. peace is also necesary they both cancel out. with the current population it is presently impossible let alone inplausible to... |