Tagged > Belief judgement truth lies alskjdf |
StoriesA Fly
11 Posts • 4349 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Again, this is ONLY my interpretation of the writing.
Try and see the fly within existence, as the so called 'problem' we find within it.
Forcing us to ask questions and look elsewhere for ans... |
ElectionsNew Politics Policy
14 Posts • 3480 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
If this election wasn't rigged*confused* then over half the people in this country don't want the truth . . . they would rather be justified by a lie!
Speaking of the truth, what about the... |
19 Posts • 7620 Views Religion Forum |
TO: her
[ind][ind]to have confidence in the existence of something, without absolute PROOF.
[ind][ind]--- the world; universe.
[ind][ind]--- the origi... |
A new theory about why world peace won't happen
12 Posts • 3293 Views Talk Talk |
Your own truth. How you really feel about something. What you really think about something. The truth is just not lying. It's that easy and it's that hard. |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views Religion Forum |
closer to the truth
I have read the truth
you just belive somthing |
It's been years and still... I loved you so much... Go fu** yourself
2 Posts • 3892 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Masks and makup to cover up your lies and flaws.
Plastic skin and fake hair to catch the glips of strangers to try to make yourself feel more important.
Abusing of words to get your way.
You with a... |
Society & SociologyThe Use of Insult
0 Posts • 915 Views Psychology Forum |
I think if you are trying to carry on a logical, civil discussion with someone in the interest of attaining more truth about a subject, and they are consistantly trying to pass off illogical statement... |
Having Kids
49 Posts • 20520 Views Philosophy Forum |
spoken from someone who's been burned by love recently?
philosophically we are all moved by love if we know it or not....
psychologically speaking we all NEED a good balance of truth and lo... |
ChristianityWhy do teens find Chruch Boring?
50 Posts • 21562 Views Religion Forum |
^^^hahahahahaha....you're a joker.... I'm not an atheist, And I don't go there to worship anybody you're right... because worshipping a man is no different than worshipping a celeb... |
Human Nature & Emotion"Love Believes all Things - And Yet Is Never Deceived" by Soren Kierkegaard
2 Posts • 8108 Views Philosophy Forum |
Knowing is one thing, and proving something is another...
Evidence is experience based... Perhaps the only knowledge is 'Self-Knowledge'...
You can get the impression from someone that they've p... |
Alternative BeliefsWhatever needs to be discussed
43 Posts • 9457 Views Religion Forum |
*roll* as much as you may assume this as some sort of juvenile play-time, this is not a game godisnotanidea. This is a discussion where two or more opinions are discussed. The problem may seem that yo... |
Christianitysecond coming
53 Posts • 16358 Views Religion Forum |
http://www.exitmundi.nl/exitmu ndi.htm here u go all the religous armagedon judgement day whatever things are at the bottem. |
Can we escape our pre-conditioning?
21 Posts • 9832 Views Philosophy Forum |
have we satisfied your question Chiron?
Hmmm, not quite Scarecrow. But thanks for trying all the same.
Here's the thing...
A belief is a certainty or a conviction held by the believer.... |
33 Posts • 9726 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yes, there isn't a definit answer to determin what we deserve or not. I guess what I'm trying to bring out is if you think you have (or should have) the things you deserve, according to your... |
People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31809 Views Talk Talk |
views are ment to be diffirent. its the judgement that is not needed. No right and wrong.. No forced opinions. Only forced people |
GodWhat is God?
55 Posts • 14678 Views Philosophy Forum |
If you ar atheistic down to the bone the answer to this question is simple: God is nothing because it is nothing. I can see an argument for this on the lines of God is a concept by which we measure ou... |
Balance, A Universal Truth?
3 Posts • 3760 Views Philosophy Forum |
hello everyone..this is my first time here, so I thought I'd share a few of my thoughts, or what I hold to be my own universal truth.
I've notice that in everything thing there is this ba... |
Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views Psychology Forum |
Decius, it sounds like you should take your nose out of your book and take a long look around in the world "we" live in not the world you live in. It isn't all peaches and cream and jus... |
Society & SociologyThe Use of Insult
0 Posts • 915 Views Psychology Forum |
I am focusing mainly on name calling here because it interests me.
I think one of the ultimate purposes in seeking truth is being free to be totally uninhibited in regards to what we truly feel and... |
God in ReligionIs god real?
16 Posts • 5251 Views Religion Forum |
My belief is that people have no idea how to explain life so to cope with their inability to find an answer, either by coincidental things or what have you, they made up this perfect character to go t... |
Alternative BeliefsWhatever needs to be discussed
43 Posts • 9457 Views Religion Forum |
So... You will accept logic. Alright, good.
When I said they were wrong, that didn't mean in all aspects. Summit set it up as saying that if there is truth, everyone would accept it and it wo... |
IslamMocking Muslims and "Virgins in Heaven"
0 Posts • 4379 Views Religion Forum |
Red berries are righeous viral religions that state "our belief system is the only true belief system. Any other belief system is wrong, and it is our job as people who have the right information... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39617 Views Philosophy Forum |
maybe 1 of the reasons i think, to end angelic desputes (and all unrightousness) as seen at the end and beginning of the bible. Grace before judgement.
Also God told Adam and Eve to multiply, which... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAtheist Ideals
21 Posts • 7466 Views Religion Forum |
The idea I was attempting to share was that I beleive the absence of faith is the essence of truth. Therefor a movement of truth IS a movement of atheism.
The title is not for comfort due to insecuri... |
To not exist
20 Posts • 6435 Views Philosophy Forum |
i think jacker wins that arguement, people fight over ideas all the time. the world of science is full of it. and u cant just pull a belief from thin air, someones got to think of something before oth... |