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Tagged > Baobab trees
THREAD Relativity:The miracle of movement
24 Posts • 6210 Views
Philosophy Forum
There is no point to my either/or questions, they were fingers pointing to the moon.To answer them is meaningless!(bullshit) Rela tivity is relatively :) new in science but has been in philosophy fo...
THREAD The Environment Reserve...
3 Posts • 1981 Views
Talk Talk
You've heard of the Army Reserve... 'One weekend a month...' What if there were an Environment Reserve? I'm sure there are similar things... This group would give up a certain amount of ti...
THREAD The End of the World
3 Posts • 2062 Views
Talk Talk
The world has been ending for two thousand years now. Monothiests point to all the weather and geographical "upheavels". Hello? We live on a dynamic planet that has gone through major c...
THREAD Society & SociologyExcerp: Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
34 Posts • 12837 Views
Psychology Forum
[quote="cturtle"]Rig ht on, western civilizations used (abused) their natural resources until they were depleted then colonized others' lands to provide the means to continue their expan...
THREAD why i run
1 Posts • 1743 Views
Talk Talk
Morning is the best time to run, before the air is corrupted with obligations, and the bushes are sealed in a glowing gossamer. That's when I like to go. Not only is it an amazing progression in my go...
THREAD StoriesShort story on vampires: Part 1
25 Posts • 7125 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
[ind][ind][ind][ind][ind][ind] [ind][ind][ind][ind][ind][ind] [ind][ind][ind][ind]Part Four The moon shone full on the park, illuminating the place they would kill him. Send his body to the grave whe...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsEuphoria
17 Posts • 7816 Views
Psychology Forum
I have had two moments in my life where I felt completely one with everything around me. The first time was following an intense argument with my very Irish wife (although I love her to pieces). I...
1 Posts • 2044 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Glum, I fell as drowning, In a blue, inhuman gale, As white-eyed ladies whispered, Of things beyond the pale, And high, Trouble mounted, Its shining, silver steed, To ride the thunder laughing,...
THREAD Religion & Humanitywhy are we so special?
22 Posts • 5944 Views
Religion Forum
They haven't reached critical mass yet, odd how you so easily discount pure theory anyway, none of us can predict the future, all my statements have been untill something happens to correct certa...
THREAD Creative MusingsIt was better left in the dark.
35 Posts • 9611 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I have realised that I hold the culture of my people in ways i didnt even know. I adjust my actions because of the effect it will have on the immediate people around me, and now ive realised that the...
THREAD To have children or not to have children..that is
16 Posts • 7372 Views
Philosophy Forum
I am 32. I decided when I was 17 that I was not going to have children. The question I always get is why? Are you physically unable? Is he? No and no. I just do not want children. Don't you thi...
THREAD Society & SociologyLife and Decisions
9 Posts • 3115 Views
Psychology Forum
Gary can't blame George for his shitty walking. Is George supposed to read off a list of all the potential things Gary could trip over? New trees are falling over on the path every day... new roc...
THREAD StoriesWar Scene
1 Posts • 3437 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I've been writing a book, this is an extract from it: Red thunder flashed acrss the tear filled eyes of innocent children, as the black sky looked down upon the dry land with gloom. Dead trees...
THREAD Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49752 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Tired, exhausted, my body refuses to shut down. The trees stand still, knee deep in dead silence. My eyes refuse to close. My window shows me a world drowned in slumber, taunting me. The echoing si...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64040 Views
Religion Forum
Been a while since I contributed here so please excuse that it is more related to the discussion of previous pages. But after one of Teen's post about preModern homo siepian (sp) I just happen t...
THREAD Life & DeathDid Einstein unknowingly prove life beyond death?!?! This is a theory of everything
25 Posts • 63817 Views
Philosophy Forum
I'm just wondering soul prophet why it is that people assume animals aren't going to have a soul or experience an afterlife just because they can't talk like us? Who on Earth knows w...
THREAD palindromes
28 Posts • 7707 Views
Jokes & Games
Locks I rifle so troops atone re war. Only rebel or a crofter animates so cottage beheld arcades, so trees are sold, abased. I redo, rehang, I err – a wasted act; nests I'd – as an owl – laid. A...
THREAD evolutýon????
83 Posts • 20543 Views
Philosophy Forum
Sorry i'm a bit slow....Evolution is just a theory right??... which means it has no ground basis right??..... so if something has no ground, then how can you stand on it?? if it's not a fact...
THREAD GovernmentBush and Earth Day
8 Posts • 3906 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I suggest you link up with websites such as the Sierra Club, League of Conservation Voters, the Audubon Society, or other conservation groups if you're not aware of Bush's record on the envi...
THREAD AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85871 Views
Science & Technology Forum
22 October 2012 A Space Shuttle on the Streets of Los Angeles Credit & Copyright: Bryan Chan, Los Angeles Times; Music: Keeper of the Wind (Eleni Hassabis, Firstcom) Was that the space shutt...
THREAD God in Religionproofs for God's existence
23 Posts • 7419 Views
Religion Forum
;) IF science had all knowledge, they err in being unable to disproove God. Altho proof is in all tears, in sweat, in so many things. In mountains and trees, water and air and gra...
64 Posts • 19304 Views
Philosophy Forum
Personally, I find it harder to believe that everything that is is just coincidence than God exists. There are numerous physic constants that are infinitally precise that allow life to occur. It has b...
THREAD BiologyChimps - are they really that close to us?
13 Posts • 4383 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Ive heard many people and scientists remark that our d.n.a is 98% the same as chimps. many of us try to explain human intelligence and behaviour by looking at apes but are these creatures really that...
THREAD Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Hard Working Paradox
10 Posts • 4228 Views
Philosophy Forum
maybe with the human physci working hard and smart are bad things. look our technology. cars-suppose to be ruining our atmo guns-generally used to kill other humans bombs-a way of killing larger am...
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122955 Views
Religion Forum
"Many people subscribe to the notion that since our universe is so massive, that there must be advanced life-forms like ourselves out there. But mere numbers do not make it true. Current studies...
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