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Liar Paradox

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 95yrs • M
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Liar Paradox
"I always tell the truth, even when I lie".

The truth (in this case) is pointing to "as it is".

This proposition "I always tell the truth, even when I lie" asserts understanding about different range of boundaries:

- "when I lie" = "a particular of something is asserted"

- "tell the truth" = "assert something as it is"

- "I always tell the truth, even when I lie" = I always tell the truth as it is, which is one of them is "when I lie (I lie about something)" = "when I lie" is part of the truth = "when I am lying about something then i am doing something as part of the truth, which is lying".

It asserts "membership".

"I always tell the truth, even when I lie" asserts:

- Contradiction ( 'I always tell something which is relevant consequences, even when something itself is irrelevant consequences" ), OR,

- Implication (Lying implies something else). It asserts consequences whatever it is (as fact, axiom or hypothesis)

- Related to essential understanding that "a truth is anything as it is". It's universal-particular proposition, membership and similar to these ( lying is part of the truth since the truth is anything that exist including "lying" ). In this case there is no paradox.

I'd rather categorize this proposition "I always tell the truth, even when I lie" as no relation to paradox. It's not paradox.

- "I always tell the truth, even when I lie" equals to "I always tell the truth, even when I lie, because any kind of lying is part of the truth (as it is lying)".

- "I always tell the truth, even when I lie" is related to "I know that tell a lie is part of telling the truth".

- "I always tell the truth, even when I lie" is related to "I know that to do anything (including lying) is part of the truth".

- "I always tell the truth, even when I lie" is related to "I know that telling about something (lying) is one of the things we can do (within boundaries)".

- "I am lying." If he is lying, then he is not telling the truth, but he is telling PART OF the truth.


"I always tell the truth, even when I lie" is related to "SOME OF THE TRUTH IS LYING",

- OR, from different point of view: "I confess that I lie" is goodness, and the goodness is part of the truth, therefore confession (that I lie) is goodness (in this case part of the truth), BUT "A LIE" (part of the truth) itself is not a goodness,

- "The truth" in this case has no equality with "not a lie"

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"I am free not because I have choices, but I am free because I rely on God with quality assured!"
 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Theory is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Everything is paradoxical.

Any intellectual understanding off a paradox is a paradox.

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"We breathe natures breath until we are tired and layed to rest..."
 31yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that tummy is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
"I always tell the truth, even when I lie" is related to "SOME OF THE TRUTH IS LYING"

I found this to be a very interesting line, and so very very true. It's really not possible to always tell the truth or it it?

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"You see a mousetrap, I see free cheese and a fucking challenge!!"
 71yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that thx1137 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Nothing I say is true.

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 71yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that thx1137 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
...And Alice sat down with the Rabbit, Door Mouse and the Mad Hatter:

Mad Hatter: “Alice, would you like some more tea”?

Alice: “How could I have some more, when I haven't had any yet”?

Rabbit: “Of course you could have more. What you meant to say is that you could not have less.”

Alice: “ I guess I should have said nothing.”

Rabbit “ The only way to say nothing is not to say anything.”

The Door Mouse ( who up to this time had not said anything ): “ You cannot say nothing if you do not say anything, otherwise you have not said nothing.”

The Mad Hatter: “But if you say nothing, then you have said something.”

-- My apologies to Lewis Carrol.

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 35yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that pickup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Well there is actually a paradox in that there is no such thing as an absolute truth, i.e. if I travel half the distance to the doorway and continue doing so for infinity.. will I ever reach the door way no you will not.

This equation and this paradox, in a way, mirrors the fact that there is no absolute truth because truth and right and good are all subjected to subjectivity meaning that no one can ever perceive an absolute truth because no one can perceive objectivity.

The Mad Hatter: "But if you say nothing then you have said something" the paradox that says nihilism cannot exist, Also, points out the nature of the relationship between lying and telling the truth, if someone is lying about something then they have to use a premise that relates to whatever truth you are trying to discover or they could say absolutely nothing and again say something. If you put a murderer in a room and ask him a question and he pleads the 5th that tells me he is probably guilty and or hiding something erdo he is lying and not telling the truth which is, in a way, starting to write out the story starting to paint the picture that he is lying which is information that is apart of the truth which, if taken litterally from OP can be construed as telling the truth.

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"I like carl sagans spin on that, we are all made of the same stuff therefore we are all one and should love one another as an extension of ourselfs"
Liar Paradox
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