I came across a statement today that brought up a question upon myself - The problems you see in the world mirrors what problems are in yourself.
That you as an individual react to and see the world in your own way. Say for example, the govt. and you. You personify your own ideals and beliefs in contrast OR comparison to the govt.'s way of handling matters. What YOU see wrong in the system might be what another person views as right and vice versa. Could this be that if we were to view everything in the same way, that what we process (the big picture!) comes back to us differently ...... or is that contradictory? If we were to all think the same, would we react the same? I think the problem today is that we limit ourselves to what we see and instead are so self-obsorbed with material things and standards set in present tense, that we fail to take in the pure essence of a situation or enocunter. If we were to think beyond our own perceptions and understand something in it's unadulterated (purest) form, free of preconceptions and notions we would be closer the nature of things and in turn realize sublimity within ourselves and project that upon our everyday lives and encounters....
In conclusion in order to expand my life I have to expand myself ..... & this applies to a broad # of individualits as well
Please any thoughts, complaints, comments, or anything on this would be greatly appreciated