11 Posts • 4209 Views Talk Talk |
When we stop letting people profit from war and violence, when opression and lies come to an end.
So I watched some tv just to see if they would completely smear Osama, Al Qaeda, Muslim all over th... |
Ethics & MoralityGandhi's views on violence in self-defense
3 Posts • 7221 Views Philosophy Forum |
Thanks for your post, an excellent view from a brilliant man.
How I read this is that choosing a nonviolent path is not the same as choosing passivity. It's a worthwhile discernment to make.... |
Elections2004 Election
0 Posts • 6604 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Hey Jesus loves Muslims.
Just not in that divine, son of God sort of way.
I say America is a woman who put herself in a 4-year abusive relationship with this man Bush. And then last night roll... |
Do chicks like guys with huge muscles?
41 Posts • 37843 Views Talk Talk |
Yea guys dont fight because of their ego or whatever, its just the thrill of the moment, the anger, the rush, the blood in your eyes, and your ready to kill. I used to fight alot, but now ive been stu... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29011 Views Religion Forum |
Decius--"Again, this is not advocated in the religion itself, but the religion provides the first ten steps. Religions such as Budhism or Hinduism do not provide those ten steps."
Just be... |
GovernmentObama/Bush are World's Biggest Terrorists!
16 Posts • 6348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Actually the way I used terrorism is the correct term.
   [ter-uh-riz-uhm] Show IPA
the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especiall... |
SocietyJoe Stack Flies his Plane into an IRS Building
0 Posts • 2130 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Okay if labels are going to be thrown around I probably agree he was not a terrorist. He didn't care at all about inciting terror. He wanted vengeance.
A better more fair question to you woul... |
Kill Bill
0 Posts • 4037 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
rather then making a new thread for Volume 2, i decided to talk about it here... after all it is still Kill Bill :)
i absolutely loved this movie. it has a completely different feel to it then the... |
124 Posts • 33394 Views Talk Talk |
Its a short rant.
What really gets me is when some random person decides to make it their business to try and start an argument on every little thing. I mena come on! we should be allowed to vent o... |
Society & Sociologywhy are people so difficult
10 Posts • 3399 Views Psychology Forum |
why do people wage war
why is it so hard to do good things for yourself, but easy to do the bad things
why can't people live in harmony
why don't people accept you if you are different
w... |
Should the US become the next major empire?
40 Posts • 8175 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ok but gun ownership is encouraged. Things like gun week or NRA or just simply being placed in their constitution.
And, just because there are more evil governments doesn't make a less evil g... |
IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 22903 Views Religion Forum |
I do not condemn a brain washed person, I pray for them. My beaf is with those who support this. Pier pressure is very powerful. They have found that children who join into gang violence do so because... |
War & TerrorismThese Recent Smoking Attacks.
9 Posts • 5356 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
There is a new law out that bans smoking in movies because it will influence kids to smoke if they see someone famous doing it. Now I understand this, they have a valid point. But if this is their cas... |
Serial KillersTed Bundy
5 Posts • 9258 Views Psychology Forum |
In his final interview, only hours before he was put to death, Ted Bundy did not blame but correlated his addiction to sexual violence to the manner in which pornography demonstrates the pleasure deri... |
Dir en grey
1 Posts • 1925 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
A Japanese rock group formed in the late 90's. Just recently they've begun touring around the world and are gaining in popularity outside of Japan. They play hard metal/rock as well as softe... |
18 Posts • 6404 Views Talk Talk |
Dear You With the Best Friend,
Perhaps your best BUD doesn't want to open up to you because you use stupid words like 'bud'. I know when someone abbreviates a word like 'buddy... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainBrainwashed Youth
27 Posts • 7098 Views Psychology Forum |
I see getting through boot camp as a combo of patience and strength that results in what Wyote called "the cookie cutter" that takes away your humanity and desire not to hurt others.
D... |
War & TerrorismA World Built By Conflict
3 Posts • 2711 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Even an empty coke bottle can destroy the harmony within the tribe. If anyone could own it/ could have his own bottle? But what if there's only one bottle? Anger, jealousy and violence are brough... |
More to the world than we can see
21 Posts • 5602 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well since you put it that way with that weak pathetic apology. Here's your evidence. War veterans, Alhimers victims, post tramatic victims, and so on. The brain is stuck in an incognitive loop t... |
Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34608 Views Talk Talk |
people insight violence among other people. if rap were to blame, then explain the hundreds of thousands of years that humans have been killing each other for the most ridiculous reasons. did violins... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
And one last thing to actually back up my claims, look at this graph :
http://www.nationmaster.com /graph-T/mil_exp_dol_fig&i d=sy&id=eg&id=sa&i d=uk&id=us
As you can see the USA sp... |
Serial KillersTed Bundy
5 Posts • 9258 Views Psychology Forum |
I think good ol' Ted's problems were a little deeper than 'feeling emasculated.' For instance, his claim that pornography was a causal factor in his journey to 'serial killeri... |
Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35731 Views Psychology Forum |
Let's face the FACTS people. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all terrorists are Muslims.
Start with the 1968 murder of U.S. presidential candidate Robert Kennedy by Palestinian Sir... |
Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34608 Views Talk Talk |
okay, personally i dislike rap, but mayb thatz bcoz i cannot relate to their songs. many of them are about violence and old stories, i guess i listen 2 more linkin park, coz im kinda insecure. i think... |
SocietyWhat one quality would make the world better?
51 Posts • 20970 Views Philosophy Forum |
I can't settle with only one quality so i'll mention two. There are two main areas of concern that will determine the future of the human race and the world.
Firstly- Conservation ethic... |