Conservative Today VS Liberal Today
31 Posts • 7824 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I see where you're coming from Wyote.
I love idealsim - if only it worked!
As I grow older I start to see things. But before I explain them I think its important to set some perspective. Se... |
PerceptionGravitating Towards Perspective
10 Posts • 2676 Views Psychology Forum |
Modern life is different from earlier time. Because of remarkable technical advances, information is burgeoning, choices and alternatives are expanding, and knowledge is exploding. I this avalanche of... |
Emotions & FeelingsAn Emotion Theory
8 Posts • 22042 Views Psychology Forum |
Here are a couple of interesting points about this theory:
Leverage - resembles a lever, the relative lowering of a subject in a relation causes the relative increase of the other related subjects.... |
Rehab & AddictionDrunken
27 Posts • 10379 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
And how do we control a potentially dangerous substance from being abused?
You don't, you can't, or at least not the substance. That war on drugs has been going on for some time and they... |
Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13586 Views Religion Forum |
Patrish - the point is you are no more of a patriot then I am. I love this country, I support the troops. When you join the military you give up your constitutional rights (which I could never really... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views Religion Forum |
" The point is I just don't see any mechanism for it to have evolved?"
This is pretty well established and common knowledge, but here we go :
In the 19th century, England became the f... |
GovernmentKerry Bad For America
26 Posts • 7566 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Which Roosevelt, Teddy? I suppose I should concede the national park system is a benefit. But my new rose bush does more for humanity and the world than both of the Bush presidents put together. Wilso... |
HistoryAquatic Ape Hypothesis
21 Posts • 12208 Views Science & Technology Forum |
More news in the offing for the swimmer in us. As described in a recent Smithsonian article, the human survivors who survived the great die off 70,000 years ago lived in coastline caves in southern Af... |
PerceptionI Find Myself Here
20 Posts • 7369 Views Psychology Forum |
yup the cute and cuddly kid is right
i had that happen to me not long ago and i bet it still is, i guess it keeps on happening all the time but only once in a while you realize it
i know i'll... |
Fatboy Slim- Wonderful Night
1 Posts • 1862 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
How I "get down". :)
Yeh, yeh yeh yeh yeh
Uhm hmm hm hm
It's a wonderful night
You've gotta take it from me
It's a wonderful night
Come on and break it on down
It's a won... |
War & TerrorismWhat Are We Doing In Iraq?
14 Posts • 4284 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
" It is a good dream, but it isn't going to come true by military action, by the use of our troops or intervention."
It worked for Germany and Japan after WW2, there was prolonged US i... |
Society & SociologyThe mentality of a soldier
0 Posts • 7803 Views Psychology Forum |
"As stated before, if there is no true democracy, then there is no reason to trust in the leaders who lead you, hence no need to follow orders. "
That magic word democracy. Things are never... |
God in ReligionGod, Heaven, and Good People
7 Posts • 3153 Views Religion Forum |
I apologize if this topic has already been addressed; I only signed up today and didn't have the time to read every post quite yet. Also, to note, in terms of religion, I'm an agnostic nonth... |
Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167907 Views Psychology Forum |
My mother used to beat me, let her boyfriends beat me, locked me away in my room for 2 years, and many other things I can't bare to mention here. I used to feel like everything bad in her life wa... |
Universal Constants
8 Posts • 3282 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yin/Yang philosophy
Each thing depends upon its opposite in order to exist; thus Yin 'creates' Yang and Yang 'creates' Yin.
Everything in the physical world has an opposite.... |
Music and India Arie = love
2 Posts • 2015 Views Talk Talk |
right now im having many love problems...im in love with my best guy friend of 4 yrs....he just told me he has loved me for a while...however...we cant go out b.c its too complicated...WHAT IS THAT SU... |
ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17394 Views Religion Forum |
I had read the Aquarian gospel. By reading the Aquarian gospel I have discovered that the reason they have different accounts is because some things happened more then once and each time it happened a... |
PoetryOnce gone Two return
13 Posts • 6938 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I move through my life without knowledge of why
Looking to the world, hoping for answers it might supply
Adopting ideals from sources of thought
Always learning but refusing to be taught
I have... |
62 Posts • 22010 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
America isn't even a "pure" democracy, so I think they can survive without it being a "pure" democracy for a couple of years.
And yes they can promote a candidate but they... |
Marijuana Legalized In Canada?
52 Posts • 20823 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
In another thread when someone counters a point I was making, then they make a statement about drugs. So I respond to their point & point out there are threads dealling with that issue. They respo... |
I am saddened by the situation in the courts
30 Posts • 7732 Views Talk Talk |
During her early-afternoon speech Kate declared that 'If they want to kill Terri they should have the guts to put a gun to her head' rather than condemn her to such a slow and painful death.
This... |
Song LyricsTalk Talk - The Party's Over
1 Posts • 3372 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
The Party's Over
The party's over
I never thought you'd stay
The love of laughter
My truth's no longer sane
The party's over
Much older than you'd say
This frien... |
so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12770 Views Talk Talk |
The idea over same-sex sleepovers is odd. If we don't let 8-year olds have coed sleepovers, are we acknowledging that they're sexually curious and uncontrollable?
Imagine, learning about... |
A real question from my son...
1 Posts • 2860 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
A Black and White World
My six-year-old son David asked me the other day, 'Papá, when you were little was it black and white'? I quickly changed the subject because I didn't want to shoot-off some... |
Life & DeathHow does one begin a disinterested intellectual life?
1 Posts • 2570 Views Philosophy Forum |
How does one begin a disinterested intellectual life?
While reading a book about the civil war between North and South Vietnam and the American involvement in that war on my back porch in Dallas in... |