Physics & CosmologyTeleporting Atoms as Mini-cargo...
4 Posts • 2795 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Another good one from Black Gold, EDUCATE YOURSELF
Suggested Reading: Parallel Worlds by Dr. Michio Kaku
That will keep you busy for a while, and answer a ton of your questions.
Which by the way ar... |
Rehab & AddictionI need a cigarette
18 Posts • 19402 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
How come I have been smokin for like 3-4 years and I'm not addicted?
I mean I dont have the usual problems( headache, crankiness etc) if I take a break for a few weeks or even a month.
The re... |
How did they accomplish the rarest of military feats?
6 Posts • 3442 Views Philosophy Forum |
I believe that when people are in stressfull situations that's when they really start thinking. Humanbeings individually and naked with no tools are a weak species, but together with our hands we... |
God in ReligionKeeping God in the Pledge
30 Posts • 8393 Views Religion Forum |
Locally there is a similar debate of sorts some folks wish to have the lords prayer at school every day it has been out of the public system for a long time.. Anyway that sort of mentality pisses me o... |
ArtworkThe Daydream Adventure Club
31 Posts • 12647 Views Art Forum |
I find that whole album very uplifting indeed, definitely some of the most amazing music I have ever heard. It definitely helps the creative process, amplifies emotions and frees your mind in a sense.... |
BooksThe Perks Of Being A Wallflower
22 Posts • 105932 Views Talk Talk |
hey whats up wyote i haven't been on this site in a long ass time.
i read perks on your advice last year, and i thought it was pretty good. if you're into this sort of thing i'd sugg... |
Emotions & Feelingsdoes anyone else get like this?
1 Posts • 4434 Views Psychology Forum |
I’ve never posted anything like this online, I’ve never had councelling or been to the doctors or received therapy. I don’t talk about things like this but I just wanted to see if... |
Gender PsychologyWomen Hate Me
16 Posts • 21908 Views Psychology Forum |
Again my standard advice is to kill yourself.
Men and boys should always consider suicide as their first option.
A world without testicles is a better world. Pay attention to the world and you will... |
simple people everywhere vs. us
21 Posts • 5933 Views Talk Talk |
I sooo agree with you I feel the same way im not satisfied with anything in my life constantly searching yearning for something I don't quite comprehend at this time.
These people serve a purpose???... |
your purpose
48 Posts • 13727 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think everyone in reality is just trying to survive life in itself, with purposes and opportunity's they want met that may or may not come along before their time is up. My purpose is to go aft... |
Society & SociologyWhy must intelligent people be so sarcastic?
64 Posts • 87308 Views Psychology Forum |
Those who just try to insult others and look smart using sarcasm are just insecure and try to steal others confidence and feel better about themselves. It is true that intelligent people use sarcasm b... |
7 Posts • 4934 Views Talk Talk |
Good Idea. I will create a post for people who want to messener each othe. A post where people can list list their email addresses and interests. It will be nice to have some real time conversations o... |
Worst hours.
11 Posts • 2321 Views Talk Talk |
Arent you required to have a 30 min lunch break? Here in Canada it is a min for a 8 hour shift. When you work longer that that you are entitled to more.
I think since I have 3 breaks instead of one... |
Movie ReviewTotal Eclipse
8 Posts • 6981 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Yah through Dylan, hehe. I borrowed "A Season In Hell" from my library one time and couldn't get into it. I think I just don't know how to read poetry or something. From what I... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30367 Views Religion Forum |
Those dead babies, unless they had naughty thoughts in the womb, were probably innocent.
Although of course no man is 'innocent'. No man has not 'sinned' as defined by God. But... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55480 Views Philosophy Forum |
All philosophers are obsessed with the question why? We starve to answer what we don't know. Often is the case were we can not answer what we don't know. So a time will come in all philosoph... |
DreamsDreams... useless or amazing
50 Posts • 14245 Views Psychology Forum |
the problem with saying that dreams can seem like hours and only last minutes is that time does not exist...
You are referring to the duration of the dream. I am referring to the nature of the dre... |
Emotions & FeelingsConerning emotions and feelings.
6 Posts • 2833 Views Psychology Forum |
Excellent answer. But every time I get a thought, it is a word I understand. It has no value until I give it value or meaning. Every word has it's own meaning and place in the sentence... |
God in ReligionLoving, Kind, Forgiving, Blessing God?
35 Posts • 9775 Views Religion Forum |
So, God didn't get it right when he created the world? He just settled with a world with evil in it, destroyed the inhabitants, not because they were imperfect, but because he was imperfect? Now,... |
Religion & HumanityImagine a world without religion.
25 Posts • 9335 Views Religion Forum |
political bombings happen all the time, most is just called war. And 911 actually may be different than you were taught, fyi.
Google false flag to get an idea of the deceptive nature of another side... |
Weird ThingsHistorical curiosities
33 Posts • 14188 Views Talk Talk |
Thank you :D
You know, it is very encouraging to see people like this and that I'm not wasting my time ;)
This stuff comes from many places, but specially from the internet. When I don... |
Famous PhilosophersSocks or Socrates?
2 Posts • 5839 Views Philosophy Forum |
I feel rather ambivalent about philosophy at this time, not knowing where it fits in with my life. I would like to ask the value of any sort of philosophy, as I feel that pairing socks is much more pr... |
110 Posts • 24290 Views Religion Forum |
You can prove it though. Its like if I said you have black hair you could prove it one way or the other because hair is a physical trait. Worth is a physically manifested trait so that your value can... |
15 Posts • 4666 Views Talk Talk |
Its funny, if you read just the last line of Aura's post:
And I don't even have a penis!
and then read the next one down (dumbteen):
My mom complains about that all the time!
He he... |
Society & SociologyDeath Penalty?
16 Posts • 7902 Views Psychology Forum |
not everyone may want to change, but no one has the ability to foresee whether a person will want to or not. and even if they do change or have remorse for what they did, even if it was something terr... |