Tagged > Thirteenth floor |
return of the story teller!
18 Posts • 5300 Views Talk Talk |
being in absolute hysteria they quickly climbed out and onto the floor... |
What do you want for Christmas?
36 Posts • 13081 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Dear God.
*has a tantrum on the floor*
For the sake of HALLMARK! Act like decent consumers! |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainYour first memory
8 Posts • 3354 Views Psychology Forum |
i remember crawling in the floor wanting orange juice and getting pissed off because no one could understand me. |
JokesYo' Mama Jokes?
163 Posts • 103722 Views Jokes & Games |
yo mama sooo fat, when she fell down on the floor, I didn't want to laugh....but the ground start cracking up!!!!!! *lol* |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160019 Views Talk Talk |
I think this happens to many people but anyway, I hate to step on the lines in the floor, specially the ones of the sidewalk, I think that's the main reason why I don't walk more :p |
83 Posts • 20546 Views Philosophy Forum |
Honestly this is easy. There doesn't have to be a ground floor to anything if you have lots of big fans and enough money to keep them going. Why would it be impossible to start from nothing? |
Hippie Joke!!!
8 Posts • 21205 Views Jokes & Games |
damn man thats a great joke killer i mean roll on that floor and laugh damnit ooooolordy that was funny. |
the person above me
299 Posts • 49898 Views Talk Talk |
looking for questions.
zyphon i need to ride a high horse otherwise my long legs mean my feet drag along the floor. and since when have you been a king? |
Pictures of Ourselves
281 Posts • 71123 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I'm new on the block but I think I'll be sticking around, so here I am. SHIELD YOUR EYES!
And please ignore the absurd position; I was trying to get my dog in the photo, which required m... |
For a Million $, Would You...
48 Posts • 11705 Views Psychology Forum |
Let me tell you a story that happened to me today...
So me and a couple of friends were walking down the neighborhood and we saw a caterpiller on the floor. I picked it up and im like "Hey, ch... |
Why did you join this site? How did you find it?
17 Posts • 9118 Views Philosophy Forum |
I had a strange experience that brought me to this site.
Every now and then I like to rearrange the furniture in my room - I find changing my surroundings kind of keeps change and growth ticking al... |
What did you do today?
31 Posts • 9838 Views Talk Talk |
it was cold as hell (hehe no pun intended).
i used to be a gymnast but i had to quit because of my knees. anyway, i was quite good. i could do a standing backflip. it was so sad. i actually had tro... |
Natural Cures & Alternative MedicineHow to do meditation at home?
5 Posts • 7076 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
First of all you need to sit on the floor and close your eyes. You need to evacuate your mind from all the thoughts. Try to concentrate at the middle of your both the eyebrows. Try to do this initiall... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62743 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Excerpt: Sheen Movie To Portray Rodriguez 9/11 Heroism
PHILIP RECCHIA / New York Post | August 21 2006
The next 9/11 tale to hit the silver screen could be that of a World Trade Center janitor w... |
War & TerrorismOfficial Captain Cynic WTC 9/11 Thread
0 Posts • 6685 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Compressional forces being suddenly released could cause the steel beams to be projected especially considering the outer walls being sheared as floor sections fell toward the ground floor.Ascribing t... |
BooksAny Book Suggestions?
22 Posts • 7617 Views Talk Talk |
The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas a story of treachery and getting revenge
Across the Nightinggale Floor (and the others in that series) cant remember who they are by, they are set in an... |
Society & SociologyIdiot Eggs Arnold
8 Posts • 4140 Views Psychology Forum |
Man, you gotta see a rerun of that show (well, the first part of it, anyway). Conan O'Brian was his first guest and it was hilarious... by the time his time was up I swear I was rolling on the fl... |
99 Posts • 21715 Views Philosophy Forum |
in the matrix game that came out on xbox a charchter said something of this anture
you drop a stone from you hand and it falls to the floor, you drop it again and you do not know if it will float t... |
81 Posts • 21655 Views Religion Forum |
I can see the protest explanation... could it also be that Michaelangelo spent months on his back, with paint in his eyes, and two feet from a ceiling very high above the floor.... and that could have... |
Weird ThingsThree weird things you're grateful for.
33 Posts • 10512 Views Talk Talk |
a few days ago i found out the greatest sensation caused by cleaning ladies: when they throw water (the sound) mixed with detergeants(scent of it) on the floor and start moping it out. it's pure... |
GamesInteractive buddy
100 Posts • 88934 Views Jokes & Games |
dude how do you plzzzzzzzzzzz :>| dont make me *see image* you im 3 belts away from black belt only 3
here a cool script
gx = getBuddyX();
test = gx>510||gx<40;
if(floor ,test,explode(gx+r... |
57 Posts • 10411 Views Talk Talk |
IDK = i don't care.
TY = thank you.
LOL = laugh out loud.
LMAO = laughing my ass off.
ROFL= rolling on the floor laughing.
PMSL = pissing my self laughing.
AFAIK = as far as I know.
Just... |
Funny TidbitsWho Has The Best Pick-up Line?
86 Posts • 34065 Views Jokes & Games |
Nice top, it would look better on my bedroom floor though.
Do you sleep on your stomach? (if they reply no) can i?
Excuse me i lost my phone number back there, can i have yours?
Being Chaste... |
Body Art/Piercing
21 Posts • 8418 Views Talk Talk |
A DistractionB - If I may offer advice, demand to use a fresh needle, one from a brand new pack. All of the suggestions belowm can also be applied to body piercers.
I had seen some of my current arti... |
83 Posts • 20546 Views Philosophy Forum |
I ask for a brief answer; can you build a building without ground floor? you cannot. how can you build a theory without explaining the origin of first living organism? Give me a logical answer |