Life & DeathBeing succesful.......
26 Posts • 13955 Views Philosophy Forum |
One thing that makes me feel succesful is when after long hard hours of building an Engine, it fires up and runs. The growl of the exhaust makes me feel acomplished.*cool*
I have a different view... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49735 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I haven't written in months.
Nothing real, anyhow.
Lab reports, history summaries
Quantitative numbers without qualitative characteristics,
all with cut-and-dried meanings I started out inten... |
GovernmentIraqi Statue honoring President Bush
63 Posts • 14837 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The Poles fought so incredibly hard for their freedom and deserve a lot of the credit for toppling the USSR. The Aussies, Brits and Americans have an incredible record for being on the right side of h... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132003 Views Philosophy Forum |
Your movement poses two unanswered problems:
A. You presuppose that man is destroying the planet. How do you know?
Secondly, you presume that by the extinction of the human race you would 'save... |
TechnologySolar Panels – Several Thousand Dollars? I don't think so...
18 Posts • 5866 Views Science & Technology Forum |
"A democracy is a form of republic as far as I know."
Correct, and I apologize for my tone. It is my belief that my founding fathers created America with the idea that every man has the c... |
Society & Sociologydeterioration of identity in society
12 Posts • 2650 Views Psychology Forum |
Lately I've been feeling run down by the trappings of everyday life and respondsibility. It seems like we're held to these arbitrary standards set by society, taught to value things we don... |
Christianitywhat's the logic in x dying for our sins?
128 Posts • 26718 Views Religion Forum |
No. I mean what I wrote.
I don't however believe in hell as a place of forever burning.
But clearly if you read this parable of Jesus, you will see that those who were saved did not even kn... |
ConspiracyU.S. Cover-Up? What do you think?
16 Posts • 6803 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
black ops -- black helos Or conspiracy freaks
Did Bin Lauden really order the activation of 9-11?
They seem to have been watching & evaluating security in a lot of areas yet the only attack in... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132003 Views Philosophy Forum |
While there are certainly some reasons to be optimistic about the future, mostly I'm pretty cynical about humans. Self-interest is a driving force behind our success as a species, as well as perh... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhy do we exist?
83 Posts • 60666 Views Philosophy Forum |
Why are we here? Life is about judgement and placing. Life is a large competetion because noone wants to help anyone out, everyone is trying to be better then the next person. Were trying to climb the... |
Sexual Psychologypremarital sex
6 Posts • 3721 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
If it becomes something the relationship hinges on, worthless. If not, hey more power to you if that's what you like.
I think that is an extremely valid point. Couples burn out more often then... |
Random Questionswhat makes someone a douche bag?
16 Posts • 11598 Views Talk Talk |
The reason there are so many douchebags in society is because most popular rolemodels today are douchebags. When people grow up with poor rolemodels, its excepted that they see this as the type of beh... |
Higher Learning
1 Posts • 2218 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I begin my contemplation with a definition:
Educate - to develop the faculties and powers of a person.
What faculty would you have me take from this?
From these hours sitting inert,
hearing... |
Alternative Beliefsreal or just a myth?
57 Posts • 18618 Views Religion Forum |
I worked for many years in a building that was reputed to be haunted- Every night I was alone and on some nights I would try to find the ghost with no success- Being a non beleiver in ghosts the super... |
Society & SociologyCuteness- inborn or bred?
29 Posts • 7514 Views Psychology Forum |
Attolia: 'Cuteness' is an evolutionary adaptation to ensure parents of organisms nurture their offspring. This is a trait that allows the success of the species. Humans react more positively... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16865 Views Psychology Forum |
I think women now a day have a choice. When they go to marry a man they should have made sure that he would give them the choice. That's just being practical, I understand that's not perfect and it pr... |
Christianity2 Candidates for Jesus's daddy - you pick...! ;)
19 Posts • 5970 Views Religion Forum |
"ChrisD - All monuments are impermanent... and that is the usual cop-out that people use to deny themselves any success in this life... to under-shoot their own potential and hold others back so... |
Child & Family PsychologyBeing Lazy
8 Posts • 3887 Views Psychology Forum |
I dont believe in weekends. I could care less if i get into collage, and i could care less about my future. Yes, i know collage is important. But society enforces that demand not me. Of course if you... |
What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44055 Views Philosophy Forum |
When you climb this ladder of success, make sure it leaning against the right wall. There is nothing more lonely than climbing the ladder that you think will bring happiness and fulfilment a... |
Can we escape our pre-conditioning?
21 Posts • 9829 Views Philosophy Forum |
We teach our children things that our parents taught us, that their parents taught them…and so on. Tribal wisdom.
The unconscious things are the trickiest. Thieves in the night that rob us of... |
War & TerrorismA Conservative Reviews "Fahrenheit 9/11"
30 Posts • 8569 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I am so glad to read this review. Michael Moore is the reason my "quote" at the bottome is what it is. He frightens me because I fear his success will keep others complacent, content in the... |
DreamsThe Mind Portal...An Un-Researched New Discovery
37 Posts • 21289 Views Psychology Forum |
Hey Jozen-Bo, I read through those seven pages and I am very intrigued by this device you've created.
I have a few questions;
Is it necessary to gather an entire year's worth of symbo... |
Starcraft 2 (no, NOT Starcraft Ghost)
12 Posts • 3354 Views Talk Talk |
I guess that's the difference between me and allot of people. I'm strongly emotional in what I like and dislike. If dislike it, I really put allot of feeling into it. Conversely, if I like s... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49735 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
A four-year wait,
An endless battle to make the list.
Warriors of the highest quality compete,
Many destroyed on their first try.
A crowd gathers and the halls are silent by scream of the believ... |
124 Posts • 33705 Views Talk Talk |
The following message will be one of the very few things I have typed in all caps within the past ten years because it is completely and totally batshit insane in my opinion.