Philosophy and persona
6 Posts • 3176 Views Philosophy Forum |
is there anyone here who consideres themselves outgoing in puiblic/social siituations in general.. or is there like a philosophers curse that prevents us from doing so becasue were always deep thinkin... |
Mixed Martial Arts
8 Posts • 3166 Views Talk Talk |
Sometimes referred to as Ultimate Fighting, now legal in nearly every state and aired regularly on Spike TV, this thing is really getting popular.
I was just wondering what your thoughts are--do yo... |
Society & Sociologyvoyeurism
25 Posts • 8042 Views Psychology Forum |
Likewise the response to Katrina
THE RESPONSE, or the media's response, minus the real or not response of Heraldo in referrence to those TRAPPED in the Super Dome, "let them go!"...... |
SocietySocial Engineering
15 Posts • 3589 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
*mad*I am not a housewife. I am a domestic engineer.*cool*
This thread blooms out of the 'meaning of democracy' thread. While social engineering is most certainly germane to the subject of democrac... |
About You / IntroductionsOur strengths and weakneses
9 Posts • 3085 Views Talk Talk |
My strengths
I am focused in almost everything I do giving my full attention to the task at hand. If a problem or question occurs then I will seek clarification or the answer from another source... |
7 Posts • 3405 Views Psychology Forum |
The thought I have tried to express is that animals struggle to separate between the natural emotions that come with perceiving dominance and the reality that just because something appears dominant d... |
12 Posts • 3505 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I've read the site.
You'll find that in any age its characterised by political correctness, the moral teachings of the day and their interpretation and the studies that are going around.... |
War & TerrorismPlease Watch This
12 Posts • 3545 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
My god people, my god. The lies, the abuse, the dumb fucks who buy it and let it continue. Its only going to get worse. Think hard, where did the media even get the bottle notion?
http://bravoclan.... |
What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44067 Views Philosophy Forum |
Let's say, for example, that there is no law and no president or anything of that matter. Most people think that there would be chaos and they see that concept as rediculous. These are also the p... |
SocietyBastardized American TV News
0 Posts • 1388 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
i was talking about this just about a week ago. today we are exposed to so much tragedy that doesnt even directly affect us. i am sure it is causing some psychological damage to people. when a "g... |
SocietyBastardized American TV News
0 Posts • 1388 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
their is this thing in news stories called a slant. we see this all the time. they only show the parts that they want you to see. the homeless people in india, not the ones with all the first worldly... |
Lawrequest for help
3 Posts • 2843 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Hmmm, I don't know of a site but I can sum up what I understood of it :
Once life without society becomes impossible for whatever reason a society must be created. A society being a group of ind... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42015 Views Religion Forum |
Assume I have moral choice. That moral choice is restricted by certain variables like my ability to understand language and concepts. How developed is my brain, my awareness, my social structure, my e... |
SocietySo, just what would you do...
2 Posts • 2123 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Just for a moment, ask yourself.
What would you do if you heard frank conversations from people in a posistion to know.
If you heard politicians, generals,CIA, FBI, scholars, media, actors, say... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousUnconscious, Subconscious, Preconscious and Conscious
13 Posts • 10664 Views Psychology Forum |
http://www.psychology4all.com/ PsychologyOfConsciousness.htm
heres another that might be useful to your research
I would highly recommend reading this link through carefully it is quite a thoroug... |
Religion & HumanityThe End justifies the Means
13 Posts • 3131 Views Religion Forum |
I think Jesus' largest problem, in my view, was to introduce the idea of evil. Why this was done, I don't know; but it could be because human's react better to fear; specifically the fe... |
PerceptionConcieveing Certain Things
16 Posts • 6174 Views Psychology Forum |
i think there are new colours that we cannot perceive. The human eye can only detect lightwaves within the visible spectrum of about 350nm-750nm. however our visible spectrum is not restricted to all... |
Murdered or assassinated
7 Posts • 4187 Views Philosophy Forum |
We've perverted the word 'assassin' from the original 'hashishian' (a person on hashish). It was thought that hashish caused or at least permitted persons to murder. It has be... |
SocietySouth Park & Censorship
2 Posts • 2175 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Alright, I am not sure how many people knew this, but this week on Comedy Central they were supposed to show an image of Mohammed on the show known as South Park. There was a lot of build up on whethe... |
The light bulb is on finally
5 Posts • 2569 Views Talk Talk |
Booky, we don't need war that's a social issue. People don't know how to solve their problems without it and people think its good due to the way that are society is structured.
That... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34670 Views Psychology Forum |
this is my first post in this forum and this is my point of view (sorry if my English is not perfect it's not my mother tongue)
most women cannot love, especially when they're still quite... |
GovernmentMy Democrat amigos MUST READ!
30 Posts • 7042 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Democrats Making 'Unforgivable Mistake'
Edward I. Koch
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
The Democratic candidates for president – and many in the media – are trying to make President Bush... |
The OJ Simpson Case
47 Posts • 31336 Views Talk Talk |
i am NOT trying to convice ANYONE of ANYTHING.
Please go to "Jebusville.com" and read the Los Angeles Times Article on me. I have my Phone number on My OJ Simpson Case Doc... |
GovernmentBush's Actions Fuel Recovery II
10 Posts • 3498 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The jobs creation is only half the story. It is how they get the numbers that is important. These figures are based on payrolls from companies. After the shedding of the fat by corporate America (2.3... |
GovernmentKatrina and Bush
0 Posts • 3964 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
the problem was that nobody was ready.
You say you can't say anything about anything else other than that no one was ready?
This is not the first devastating hurricane to cripple that re... |