Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views Philosophy Forum |
"I hereby state that I am ignoring all previous posts on this topic in order to answer the original question"
I think everyone believes in free speech, unfortunately, this is only as long... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Art of Self-Discovery
0 Posts • 3056 Views Psychology Forum |
As Chiron's gnome, I noticed that she immediately wanted to respond, yet hesitated (knowing that she had nothing of great value to contribute) and then wondered why she continued...
She exists... |
I like girls!
24 Posts • 8032 Views Talk Talk |
Very badly I'm afraid, I am fairly insecure in many respects, so often, just to be honest, I usually end up wtih who ever comes to me, that lessons chances for rejection and all that. Right now I... |
PerceptionBlind Peace
5 Posts • 2595 Views Psychology Forum |
Light disturbs darkness (reflected light hits the dark retina) and thus we see.
Noise disturbs quiet (sound reverberates a still inner-ear) and thus we hear.
In that when nothing gets in, when not... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Price of Wisdom
36 Posts • 10149 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yeah, most philosophers like to be with themselves
i disagree, many like to be around other philosophers, and also enjoy the company of a person who may have an outlook on things that is completely... |
3 Posts • 3394 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I sit in sullen silence
Everything around me
But nothing near me
Close to my touch
Yet isolated
D arkness engulfs me
Eyes are all around me
Piercing, lancing... |
Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31744 Views Psychology Forum |
He'd be a man who was taller than me, around 5'8" or taller, mature, with a strong jaw, like Cillian Murphy. The color of the eyes wouldn't matter, although I am favorable of blue... |
Issues with Hate…
8 Posts • 3110 Views Talk Talk |
Mmmm, yes I can see where you are coming from, and I think that what you describe is part and parcel, and indeed a necessary pre-requisite for the following:
Acquiescence: (Dictionary.com) 1. the a... |
Cherished Contributors
6 Posts • 2945 Views Talk Talk |
Uh, actually I've been kind of flooding with new threads, more flooding within threads but I've tried to keep the new threads to a min, I don't need stevefromtexas'itus.
I'... |
I like her, but how do i ask her out
8 Posts • 2544 Views Talk Talk |
I was at an acreage party with the girl I was into... dead of winter. I was 16, she was 15. It was too hot inside, so I announced that I was going for a walk. She agreed and came with me. We were talk... |
Redneck Joke
19 Posts • 8473 Views Jokes & Games |
A couple of rednecks are out in the woods hunting when one of them suddenly grabs his chest and falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing; his eyes are rolled back in his head.
The... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49368 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I'm bored.
On stand-by in an ocean of disease and chaos,
I float without action.
They pontificate their words,
Only to come out looking like fools.
My eyes close,
I wake up to find myself... |
Creative MusingsIt was better left in the dark.
35 Posts • 9526 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I really dont care if they judge you, i dont care any more. Who are they? The man who works at homebase, the woman i passed by in the street, the dog walker who doesnt seem to exist in our society? Do... |
Dream World
5 Posts • 3518 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Is this just a dream?
Is none of it real?
Has all my loves been false, my hopes are lost
Is this just a dream?
Can't you hear me scream?
My love for you, has been a failure
You never loved me,... |
1 Posts • 2098 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
a short story by Wolf Larsen
The crowd of protesters, some of them veterans, stood facing the soldiers. The crowd of protesters saw a row of machine guns pointed at them.
One... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This coming form the guy ever replying to my "freakishly" persistent posting, do you even know what hypocricy is?
Thank God you make time to excite us with your riviting counters whereby... |
Habits & BehaviorMiming the words...
1 Posts • 1825 Views Psychology Forum |
This is not something you might have seen on the older style music television shows...
You may also have experienced this when listening to music, or reading something quietly from a book...
Basic... |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11277 Views Talk Talk |
the impression that i get from fin is that he enjoys life. he doesnt really "do" much, but non-the-less has fun doing the stuff he does do. when ever there is an uncomfortable silence in the... |
Spiritualitycoincidence or what?
9 Posts • 3720 Views Religion Forum |
funny little story,
im not one to ask for signs. to me asking for signs means youve already dismissed the possibility of a higher power. i do however see them quite frequently anyway. i believe tha... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This coming form the guy ever replying to my "freakishly" persistent posting, do you even know what hypocricy is?
Thank God you make time to excite us with your riviting counters whereby... |
Song LyricsOne Song
4 Posts • 3193 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
oh god i could think of a million, but i'll just put the first one that came to mind
Poison The Well - Nerdy
Why do your eyes paralyze me?
What makes me feel this way?
Carry me away wit... |
What is Important to you?
8 Posts • 3060 Views Talk Talk |
This question was given to me today by my dad and told me to think about it... when I was told to give a response I just sat there in silence.
I really don't know what is most important to me... |
Dead Eagle
1 Posts • 2463 Views Talk Talk |
http://okcitykid.bravejournal. com/entry/20302
Lord Somebody Killed the Eagle And a part of us Inside Died
When Kennedy died - the SILENCE was screaming outside on the empty streets, shops and scho... |
Emotions & FeelingsSense of Wonder
7 Posts • 6108 Views Psychology Forum |
I wonder all the time. Sometimes, as I pass the downtown areas and see some homeless people, I wonder how they cope and how they feel. If it's a cold day, I feel cold with them. Sometimes I see p... |
War & TerrorismAnonVsScientology
13 Posts • 3499 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Dear sir,
You are a jerk. Nothing can stop us in our plan for world wide domination. Neither you, or your evil Alpha Beten allies will prevail.
On the day in question General John Travolta will f... |