IslamMocking Muslims and "Virgins in Heaven"
0 Posts • 4379 Views Religion Forum |
I think there would have been a huge difference between the teachings of Jesus (as it may have been when he existed) and what the rules of Islam, Christianity or Judaism impose.
I believe that duri... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29187 Views Religion Forum |
For the sake of arguement. (I'm sorry I had to bring it up.) Jesus chose 12 apostles. The number is obviously important, because they had to replace Judas (and they did). Later on here comes Paul... |
EconomyHas Obama tripled our national debt since he has taken office?
6 Posts • 6993 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Whats sad is that Paul Krugman,
http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Paul_Krugman
has said that it wasnt enough. If your conservitive though you wont believe anything somone whos not a Foxmonkey would beli... |
4 Posts • 3789 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Ummmmmm I don't know all the titles, but I can sing them to you in full if ya want. :D
Ludacris-Make love to me?
(Pretty much ALL Luda, every CD, every Day)
R.Kelly-... |
What happened with Ron Paul's category?
3 Posts • 3516 Views Administrative Contact |
Captain Cynic no longer advocates or endorses any particular political party.
You can still access the threads that were created on Ron Paul - they can be found in the 'Politics and Current Ev... |
Reality & MetaphysicsSpiritual reincarnation vs material reincarnation?
1 Posts • 2651 Views Philosophy Forum |
What if we were able to reincarnate spiritually instead of materially? We wouldn't come back again and again to get it right. Paul |
Emotions & FeelingsMeditation vs daydreaming.
5 Posts • 4144 Views Psychology Forum |
How about daydream as a therapy using positive thoughts instead of negative thoughts? With rational reasoning as a goal? Paul |
ElectionsRon Paul for President
14 Posts • 5373 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
http://www.libertydollar.org/l d/ronpauldollar/index.htm
M ore Ron Paul support stuff
http://stores.ebay.co m/libertymanifesto |
9 Posts • 3903 Views Psychology Forum |
I see words as symbols with meaning. It is beyond me how the reader can interpret what they thought the writer meant. Why would the writer write anything he didn't want to say? Paul |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29187 Views Religion Forum |
I'm quoting Jonathan Kirsch "....the dark side of monotheism is not it's only side. The blessings of Judaism, Christianity and Islam far outweigh, and we hope will outlast, the curse of... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Use of Types of Thought
8 Posts • 8397 Views Philosophy Forum |
Thoughts come from our reality to our memory then too our mind, And then back to reality.You have a good point. Language is the catalyst for knowledge. Paul |
Reality & MetaphysicsReality does it have meaning?
12 Posts • 6644 Views Philosophy Forum |
:) Our consciousness is our reality which our brain translates what it sees and interprets as reality. Our mind is created from our observation and beliefs from our experiences. Thoughts please? Paul |
ChristianityTwo more Popes shall reign and the End is come
33 Posts • 14264 Views Religion Forum |
I would like to hear your opinion of how Pope John Paul II fits with the title De Labore Solis, or 'From the Toil of the Sun'.
Already answered....read the explanation. |
ElectionsFinal Presidential Debate - 20 minutes from now
0 Posts • 242 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I watched the whole thing. Romney really rose to the occasion in the latter portion of the debate, but was looking extremely weak in the beginning. Even though I would have preferred a Ron Paul, Romne... |
The Amazing Screw On Head
2 Posts • 1871 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
This is the pilot episode from the maker of Hellboy, Mike Mignola.
It has a really good cast and is an interesting watch.
Paul Giamatti David Hyde Pierce Patton Oswalt |
About You / IntroductionsWhats your name?
73 Posts • 18765 Views Talk Talk |
*cool* Real name is Paul...Ronello is a play on my middle name~~they call me 'Mellow Ronello'
:) On Yahoo auctions, you will see me as koyama_1954
;) on eBay, you will see me as mainecomi... |
ElectionsPoll: Ron Paul bests Obama for the first time nationally
0 Posts • 522 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ron Paul has no chance. The ruler of this country rigged the election to pick up their own puppet because they control the voting system. They justify the result by faked poll because they control med... |
Pictures of Ourselves
281 Posts • 70918 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Whoop cheers...
Should be upgrading soon
Les Paul Custom Ebony...
*lol* whoop whoop*lol*
will post pics of new Les pauly when i got it in a couple months! |
Obama a thread about Hope and Change.
9 Posts • 2687 Views Talk Talk |
Can someone who is better educated on Mr. Obama and what he intends to do explain to me why he is the best man for the job?
I wanted Ron Paul and couldnt pick between Obama and Mccain... |
ElectionsOfficial Launch of Ron Paul 2012 Campaign
3 Posts • 2688 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ron Paul Blasts GOP Establishment In Dramatic First Campaign Video
Debt ceiling struggle takes centre stage in Congressman's blockbuster trailer
Steve Watson
July 14, 2011... |
SocietyBoycott GE
1 Posts • 2258 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Contact GE and let them know your intention:
https://www.ge.c om/contact/contact_form.html
I am outraged that your Network NBC has refused to let Kucinich in the Las Vegas presidential debate. I... |
Elections2008 Election
13 Posts • 3449 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Update on Ron Paul stories.
Since I have interest in the candidate I have watched some of the goings on with his campaign as well as reactions to it.
The most interesting part comes with somethi... |
Newbie here.
2 Posts • 1760 Views Talk Talk |
Hi, newbie here.
Was searching the net for other boards to hang out in and found this one. Like the set up and subjects covered.Really like the fact its not too brainy and full of people masturbati... |
Human Nature & EmotionThe power of thought.
10 Posts • 5055 Views Philosophy Forum |
I lived a illusion for twenty years because I believed my ego. The word believe is the power of words. Within our law we have free will, until we brake the law. Is not suicide our free choice?... |
SocietyThe Source of Idiocy of the Average American
0 Posts • 414 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well Decius there was a poll taken that asked who was the most morally sound candidate.
It was something like this....
Romney 38%
Bachman 11%
Paul 9%
Perry 9%
Cain 8%
Huntsman 2%... |