Tagged > Robotic technology |
Life & DeathCircle of Life
34 Posts • 11600 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, do you have sexual desire? If so, then your purpose might be to reproduce accidentally. If you're a homosexual, then I think that your sexual orientation was made in order to control the po... |
Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20397 Views Religion Forum |
The W.H.O. suggests that worldwide, abortion rates are very similar irrespective of the legal status of the country. Therefore, abortion undertook properly and safely is better than abortion undertook... |
This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 41107 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Microsoft & Marvel Sign MMOG Deal
Source: Microsoft Corp. July 14, 2005
Today at Comic-Con International, the world's largest comic book convention, Microsoft Corp. and Marvel Enterprise... |
Alternative Beliefsreal or just a myth?
57 Posts • 18622 Views Religion Forum |
I don't really beleive in ghosts or werewolves, that is the do not physically exsist- but they do exsist at least in the collective consciousness. As far as aliens go I believe the origional refe... |
FuturologyWhat do you think the Future will be like?
43 Posts • 16795 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Well a millinieum is a long time, but when i read about ancient greece or ancient rome, it doesnt seem like a very long time. Because its the same repeating story.
Human gets angry.
Human makes... |
SocietyJoe Stack Flies his Plane into an IRS Building
0 Posts • 2130 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
That's correct because I personally know alot of small business owners who some are doing fine and others are not. You don't attack the IRS because your business plan failed. You build a new... |
15 Posts • 5607 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Your post made me think a bit- mostly about Star Trek and how the beam in and beam out all the time. I often wondered if a persons consciousness would be lost. What I am getting at is that consciousne... |
Sentience vs. Sapience
7 Posts • 29305 Views Philosophy Forum |
I remember an episode of the Twilight Zone where a far superior race of beings came to earth and told us they had been watching us for centuries and we were a failed race still in the stone age. Our p... |
ChemistryClean Energy Source
18 Posts • 8815 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I've been reading a lot about advances in cold fusion lately, and I stumbled upon a clean non-nuclear energy source that may find application in cars, especially electrics.
It's a patente... |
AliensWhy do people assume Alien lifeforms are smarter than us?
24 Posts • 17392 Views Science & Technology Forum |
i think Azhrei has summed it up the best, to reach us in our current situation must of course be the result of their using more advanced technology to reach us. though of course that does only prove t... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Laughed my ass off.
I read this thead from the beginning, and there's a disgusting little fact that might intrest you guys:
According to a certain White House document, America spent, betwe... |
War & TerrorismIran-US: the next war?
6 Posts • 3174 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Hello Tito, were you aware that a country that develops nuclear technology is seen as advancing, that it is a time honored celebrated accomplishment, a mile stone of a country's ascention from su... |
FuturologyNature of Technology?
3 Posts • 3601 Views Philosophy Forum |
Wisdomseeker, I am not versed in modern epistemology, nor am I well read in Jean-François Lyotard or Bruno Latour. However, I find that both of these modern French philosophers discount rational co... |
SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29200 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Only GOd knows why? I don't see it as that far out of context.
How is this country's government has been spending billions, trillions, etc during the period of time since WWII, developing t... |
SocietyWhat went wrong with America
9 Posts • 3618 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have decided to join the philosophy these forums, of being totally offense and inconsiderate, on the belief that this somehow makes people better human beings.
For reasons I do not fully know, th... |
Human's Inevitable Downfall
89 Posts • 23577 Views Philosophy Forum |
Crimson, not that I am against the exploration of space but rather I feel we are putting the cart before the horse. I said it once but I will state it again ' if we had used all the time & en... |
War & TerrorismExcerp: Truth of War
124 Posts • 34078 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I was looking at another thread . . . http://www.captaincynic.com/th read/68028/depleted_uranium.ht m#68052 Capitalism or Democracy? Government serving the people . . . funny thing how War is great for... |
BiologyScience versus Instinct
37 Posts • 11630 Views Science & Technology Forum |
You have to understand that the instinctive traits of other animals are unique to their specific evolved state, and their environmental context. Every species evolves to adapt to their environment in... |
GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30270 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Since humanity is not perfect, none of our institutions will be perfect, but we can try to get close.
The perfect government will encourage personal responsibility. Without going into massive detai... |
Religion & HumanityPoints on Religion
75 Posts • 15797 Views Religion Forum |
Hitler, wether you want to believe it or not, was one of the smartest, if not the smartest man in human history.
Think of what he did in 5 years, then compare it to anyone else.
He united his co... |
BiologyElectric Universe
3 Posts • 2993 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Physics Lecture 29: The Electric Field
Faraday's vision of lines of constant force in space laid the foundation for the modern force ... all » field theory.
This series helps teachers... |
SocietyIf You Believe Strong Enough, It Can Happen
6 Posts • 5711 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well seeing as your quoting from the Bible I'll try and harmonise with some science.
Technology is fastly overwhelming the comprehension of the individual so much so that the common person on... |
Video Games
76 Posts • 25218 Views Talk Talk |
Ya know, thumb blisters, carpal tunnel, destroyed relationships, broken controllers, and an endless fascination with collecting everything you can get your greedy little hands on.
For the love of t... |
Nature & GeographyglOBaL waRMInG
69 Posts • 18728 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Land effect is the situation created by growing cities where the buildings and concrete raise the temperature of the area. Get out into a natural areas (agricultural, wooded lands, etc) one quickly un... |
Are man made things to be trusted?
15 Posts • 4703 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ok this may seem complicated but it makes sense if ya think about it. Go back to the cave man days, no technology, primitive way of thinking, survival his only concern. Boom one day he DISCOVERS fire,... |