Human relationship with the 'Higher Power'
19 Posts • 5895 Views Philosophy Forum |
I must start off by taking a bow. Life is a stage and we are all actors.
"What is a human's relationship to a higher power?"
To some a higher power would be a god or such entity. T... |
LawSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Worldwide!
59 Posts • 22168 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"it's immoral and it's a mental defect. it's mental illness. the gay lifestyle is twisted and is anti-human."
How do you know what it is, you are more than obviously not an... |
God in ReligionGod being the generator of space, is beyond space and therefore, can never be imagined
13 Posts • 3400 Views Religion Forum |
It hardly surprises me that a consideration of the christian god with Zeus would come out with some similarities (it is the nature of religions to consider their main/only god as unfathomably powerful... |
GovernmentLeftwing Fascism...
28 Posts • 7162 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
" that the fed has certain rights/powers that supercede the states. For example, slavery."
I know, I don't support slavery. However, allowing slavery is advocating strong state rights,... |
ElectionsThe Next President (Hopefully) Mr. Chuck Baldwin
6 Posts • 2635 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
That's interesting because all that I've read about the Federalists and the federalist papers seems to support the idea of a strong central government and far less power given to the states... |
ElectionsRon Paul on the Constitutional Crisis
2 Posts • 2467 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ron Paul: We Are Enabling A Future American Dictatorship
Steve Watson
May 31, 2011
2012 Presidential candidate Ron Paul has warned that a lack of oversight from Congress, the... |
ChristianityHoly Trinity
15 Posts • 3694 Views Religion Forum |
^^^God be with you sir....I'm saddened for you... All are Gods children, the serpent has not children.... The serpent is not a literal body....it is the principalities and powers created by the h... |
FuturologyTheory of Predictibility of Evolution
36 Posts • 11504 Views Philosophy Forum |
The Big Bang is still a mystery. The thing is, that how did the blast take place, *withought a universe in which it could take place in*. One view is that God caused the blast by his infinite powers,... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42160 Views Religion Forum |
Suppose you woke up one morning to find that the Aztecs or the Mayans had somehow come back to life and established themselves as a nation. What if they won a succession of wars against impossible odd... |
LawU.S. Military has the right to detain Citizens
5 Posts • 3701 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
NDAA Nullification Passes Virginia Senate by a Veto-Proof 39-1 Vote
Posted by Michael Boldin
Today, the Virginia Senate took a firm stand in support of liberty, the Constitution for the United Sta... |
GovernmentFive Reality Checks For Democrats
12 Posts • 4534 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Quite frankly I was referring to the seemingly hundreds of other cut and paste jobs, you might have had an inkling if you had read what I said rather than make assumptions from loaded words.
If you... |
Movie ReviewTerminator trilogy
6 Posts • 4843 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
The first one had a kickass plot and great villain. It was a well thought out movie, I thought, but it was made in the 80s, so the revolutionary special effects look like cow-manure now.
The second... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85909 Views Science & Technology Forum |
25 October 2012
The Medusa Nebula
Image Credit & Copyright: Ken Crawford (Rancho Del Sol Obs.)
Braided, serpentine filaments of glowing gas suggest this nebula's popular name, The Medus... |
War & TerrorismIraq = Terrorism?
0 Posts • 3769 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Why did America go to war in Iraq? there was no smoking gun which was surprising considering the propaganda machines grip on the media. Why probly to plaquate people like tanker who can only be satisf... |
Random QuestionsKarma
39 Posts • 9058 Views Talk Talk |
you may have missed it but i mentioned that if you look carefully at the four laws of karma that you will see that cause and effect is the quintessential point of karma. the three other laws could not... |
DreamsDreams... useless or amazing
50 Posts • 14244 Views Psychology Forum |
Ya know what's weird.
My lucid dreaming is becoming more complex every time I dream..When I get woken up in the morning it's because I'll be in one senario and then I'll just r... |
Is Anything Possible?
13 Posts • 4205 Views Philosophy Forum |
Here is an interesting thought.
My mother and I would always have debates on God and the possibilities of anything associated with him. In the Bible it says (can't remember where exactly) that... |
War & TerrorismIran-US: the next war?
6 Posts • 3175 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Zionists Want to Evade Blame for Coming Iran War
The largest Jewish newspaper in the United States, the Jewish Week, has expressed concern that Americans are learning the truth about the Jewish pol... |
General HealthSwine flu 1 million dead and counting
2 Posts • 3423 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Swine flu is a scam.
It is however debatable in certain contexts as to whether it is childish to see it as a threat. Given that "official" and "trusted" sources that people rely o... |
This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 41114 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
John Woo to Direct & Produce He-Man
Source: Variety October 4, 2004
Variety reports that Fox 2000 has set John Woo ("Paycheck") to direct and produce He-Man, a live-action film ba... |
How do we know?
60 Posts • 16514 Views Philosophy Forum |
Im kinda new here =O
Im more of a logical person rather than Faithful, the little beleif in god was made even smaller by reading a book about the subconscous mind. Is says that everything that happen... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85909 Views Science & Technology Forum |
6 January 2013
The Dark Tower in Scorpius
Image Credit & Copyright: Don Goldman
In silhouette against a crowded star field toward the constellation Scorpius, this dusty cosmic cloud evokes f... |
IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17049 Views Religion Forum |
"And without the Reformation there would have been no Enlightenment and thus no USA."
Well I don't know, the reformation was a start, a step in the right direction like I said. But I h... |
GovernmentAmerica is an imperialistic empire!
24 Posts • 6224 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well to be honest to me it seems like corporations are assuming controls of everything that is America. We used to be FOR THE PEOPLE. The people however aren't willing to work for democracy it se... |
93 Posts • 25443 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Well, as i said earlier. If the case was, you forcing something on me, then your going against what i believe in. I can see we both dont agree on forcing anything. So if you cloned, and we didnt have... |