Solitude gives birth to the original in us, to beauty unfamiliar and perilous- to poetry. But also, it gives birth to the opposite: to the perverse, the illicit, the absurd. - Thomas Mann
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THREAD War & TerrorismPlease Watch This
12 Posts • 3544 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
My god people, my god. The lies, the abuse, the dumb fucks who buy it and let it continue. Its only going to get worse. Think hard, where did the media even get the bottle notion? http://bravoclan....
THREAD PoetryPoems by an Ancient
21 Posts • 6601 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
i fell asleep into a dream a dream of people and places so far from me that it seemed so real so unperfect that it unsettled the mind to believe that this is true that this is right and so long as...
THREAD HistoryDid we EVOLVE out of africa?
1 Posts • 2608 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Personally i think we did not. My argument is that if it is true then the more northern Asians would have white hair like the Europeans have because both evolved in a ice place with very little light...
THREAD Gender PsychologyAn Abundancy of Rudeness
0 Posts • 1174 Views
Psychology Forum
Having re-read your last two posts, Decius, I have realised my last post was unnecessary. What you have said has great merit and importance. But I must say, as I have contemplated this situation...
THREAD Serial KillersGary Ridgway vs Ted Bundy
0 Posts • 7070 Views
Psychology Forum
You are right, I didn't know about Gary. A quick glance at his Wikipedia page divulged that most of his victims were prostitutes. Prostitutes are easy prey. Ted Bundy, however, killed colle...
THREAD ArtworkThe Daydream Adventure Club
31 Posts • 12638 Views
Art Forum
Sometimes when I lay out under the stars at night, I tilt my head as far back as I physically can and look up at the sky, imagining that its all that surrounds me and that I am suspended in space. I w...
THREAD RelationshipsWhen will the pain of heartache go away?
17 Posts • 26631 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
One day a young woman was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming that she had the most beautiful heart in the whole canyon . A large crowd gathered and they all admired her heart because it wa...
THREAD LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51788 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
But if it was legal, if they beat and rape them and refuse to pay, it could get reported to the police, they may not get away with it, less chance that they will. It could get reported to the polic...
THREAD God in ReligionProving God Existence
30 Posts • 7093 Views
Religion Forum
OK Islam, I understand (kinda) what youre saying however....I need a clearer idea or the initial part of this proof. Could you explain set one and 2 further? is there anyway you can make up some sort...
THREAD A very good night
6 Posts • 3000 Views
Talk Talk
It was the best experience I've ever had in my life. It really was. Oh and I spent most of the day looking online for a reference and the closest and general direction I know where that gal...
THREAD Random QuestionsGirls with Tattoos
36 Posts • 65873 Views
Talk Talk
I don't like tattoos on girls in private places, or peircings, if I see them all I can think about it some nasty dude all over it for however long, and tattoo & peircing shops have pictures o...
THREAD Do you hate the French?
1 Posts • 3044 Views
Talk Talk
As posted on theword. News & Political Debate Forum __________________________ ________________ started by Thelonious Monk After this war on terrorism has split the US and our allies, m...
THREAD Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views
Psychology Forum
The Enemy------People who devote there time to building weapons of mass destruction. People who kill for the fun of it. If someone calls the usa a name, there not gonna go to war but, kill a bunch of...
THREAD Society & SociologyWhat makes a person bad?
35 Posts • 9209 Views
Psychology Forum
Vigil- So I may be wrong. Some one once gave me the advice, speak to someone as you would have them understand you, not as you would have them hear you. Whether I am wrong or not, I will tell you to l...
THREAD SocietyCreating a society based on no money possessions ?
6 Posts • 6627 Views
Philosophy Forum
Could we get started with a society with no money ? Trying to make not differences between classes, and to live well ? I think so. And if the problem with that idea is because the humans mentality...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15611 Views
Religion Forum
I've heard that theory of different dispensations, if it is true, I don't know where we are at Elemental - There is Jesus will return and then there is the church is taken up. Some believ...
THREAD Movie ReviewUp
3 Posts • 4095 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
The Disney Pixar production about a man on a quest to finish the dream that he and his wife had shared as children - to visit Paradise Falls. So, that's the movie I'm talking about. I...
THREAD I don't actually dislike Bush
17 Posts • 5379 Views
Talk Talk
Idiot with a Masters from an Ivy League School. Idiot who got elected twice. An idiot who has the Blue Congress pistol-whipped. He is a genius. He is a Business Genius, he is an expert as molding t...
THREAD Revision World
1 Posts • 3750 Views
Are you a student studying for you GCSE / AS / A2 Levels? Revision World is an excellent and completely free online resource dedicated to providing you with the foundations of knowledge needed to p...
THREAD Life & DeathSoul: Born or Grown
0 Posts • 2018 Views
Philosophy Forum
2 of my own, and Ive witnessed about a dosen or so closely do to being forced into "family" social situations, From the first month of Life I'd say I watched about 6 and they all starte...
THREAD College Freshman
2 Posts • 3197 Views
Talk Talk
im very anti social myself. i remember my first year very well. keep in mind everyones experience is different. during my first year i was extremely anti social. i rarely left my room. i had a lot of...
THREAD Stellar Scenes
1 Posts • 3278 Views
Naoyuki Kurita is an astrophotographer who is located in Japan. In order to take his astro-images, Naoyuki drives outside of the city, to locations away from the interference of city lights. On his...
THREAD ElectionsJust watched another John Kerry master plan
27 Posts • 6582 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
We had 30, and I wouldn't doubt they find stuff somewhere, but there is stuff in a lot of places, but ya I don't hear too much about them using them like Saddam did, how long ago did the Kur...
THREAD Atheists for Jesus
1 Posts • 4218 Views
Atheists for Jesus is a site that aims to provide a place for anyone, religious or non-religious, from which to explore and discuss the life and teachings of Jesus. One of their interesting discussion...
THREAD Online Classroom
1 Posts • 4254 Views
Online Classroom is a website focused on the teaching, learning and sharing of social science and humanity based class subjects using video based resources for the classroom. Specific subject areas...
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