Wish breaker
121 Posts • 29709 Views Jokes & Games |
if you could sing like bob dylan then you would get lots of money and like most people with lots of money try drugs then get stuck one them become a croaky old singer with the i was once a famous sing... |
EconomyStock market and social security
23 Posts • 8149 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
401(k) didn't save us. It only delay the crisis and make it bigger.
In a simple story to make it easy to understand.
O (original capitalist) invested $100 in stock market. In 1980s he succe... |
20 Posts • 7175 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The point is, that money can be spent in a variety of ways, all of which sound better than a war in a Iraq.
A friend & I were talking (debating) the space program.
My statements was the shuttle... |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 24893 Views Psychology Forum |
Well, it's not that I'm not treating her right, and I'm def not afraid she's gonna leave me altogether. It seems to be it's more like I'm afraid of I guess losing the tim... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhat are you? Seriously.
6 Posts • 2901 Views Philosophy Forum |
Just one... An investment in some stocks allows for projects to be funded by that company. If the projects were of benefit, perhaps money well spent. And, I guess, some people get to decide who to giv... |
Religion & Humanitypray for me
29 Posts • 8519 Views Religion Forum |
thanks ok city
Decius I may be on my way down according to you.. but I can't ever become depressed agian cause I have eternal happiness*lol* no matter what
Are material things and money m... |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 24893 Views Psychology Forum |
you fear that katie will at some point leave you because you think you are in some way inadaquite and may not be able to hold her interest for a long period of time.
i dreamt that a "gangst... |
32 Posts • 11959 Views Philosophy Forum |
Is money the problem or a society that incourages greed, doing so by the need to aquire that which will sustain life, and the surprisingly strong notion of social status, what else goes into such a st... |
Real value of money
5 Posts • 3306 Views Talk Talk |
i always give people my change, i dont like carrying it around anyway lol but my friends always tease me because with all the change ive given away id probably have a good chunk of money. but i never... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23811 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You forgot something. The war cost a lot of money while the war machine makes a lot of money. The lobyist will do there best to convince whoever they need to convince that we need to go to war. Some p... |
Gender PsychologySex, Money, and why?
8 Posts • 3700 Views Psychology Forum |
Just go to the search bar, type in prostitution. If you have more questions after that, let me know.
Basically for me, it comes down to other people telling me what to or not to do. They have no ri... |
Random QuestionsAm I an asshole/bad person?
4 Posts • 3705 Views Talk Talk |
You turned an awkward situation into a good one. You didn't carry on the lie for ages, you said something and that was it. If you were a bad person you wouldn't be worried about it, you'... |
your purpose
48 Posts • 13645 Views Philosophy Forum |
To always be curious and never stop questioning, and seeking answers or explinations. Keep active, open-minded, happy, healthy. Money for me is not a purpose. Money does not = long term happiness. Kee... |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67419 Views Philosophy Forum |
The Incas were perhaps the only civilization to function without money. They were something to behold argue many; but they are no longer here.
I have a sheep and want a goat. The guy I go to wants... |
Society & SociologyBeing succesful and people that try to use you.
2 Posts • 2553 Views Psychology Forum |
First I think that you need to ask yourself the question of whether or not ALL of them are PURPOSELY trying to take advantage of you, or if after a few bad experiences with a few jerks altered your ow... |
DepressionI am so depressed
3 Posts • 8721 Views Psychology Forum |
Depression can be debilitating. Sometimes, just being heard helps, even if it's very slight. I find when I'm feeling really down, any positive feeling even if it's small can be used to... |
ElectionsJust watched another John Kerry master plan
27 Posts • 6549 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
ya right, like any of those sources, including the government are trustworthy.
The buisness that are cutting the cost of health care because they cannot afford it is the same problem us citizens h... |
War & TerrorismCanada permitted to bid for Iraqi contracts
0 Posts • 2937 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
i'm not saying that we build it to american specs. i'm just saying that the day we said that we were going to rebuild iraq the price in plywood doubled and i know that we are just shipping i... |
Religion & HumanityReligion: where would we be without it...
3 Posts • 3991 Views Religion Forum |
I agree with james a little. Even without religion things would most likely still have happened. Most of the wars were fought over land money power women or just the fame of winning. nd the crusades a... |
Drugstrips (drugs)
54 Posts • 17661 Views Psychology Forum |
1. Money
2. Money
3. Power
i really wonder what would happen to a drug that had no side effects. if it made you "high" but had absolutely no negative side effects... i think the whole w... |
Society & SociologyBeing succesful and people that try to use you.
2 Posts • 2553 Views Psychology Forum |
I have been in business for myself for over 2 years now and I have been quite successful. I find everywhere in life (family and friends) there are people constantly trying to take advantage of me. Som... |
EconomyWhat Economic Governmental Sytem Works Best and How?
24 Posts • 12406 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Obama regime? Money is behind it, UNRESTRAINED MONEY is behind it, SOMEONE HAS TO PLAY THE GAME OR NO ONE WINS,
baby steps at least Obama is passive world destruction instead of Bush who was Active... |
Life & DeathAre you bored by life?
7 Posts • 4235 Views Philosophy Forum |
I sort of feel that life is boring, or at least the life that I'm currently living is boring. I don't get any satisfaction from what I'm doing. Like vigil said, people say that a degree... |
What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 43945 Views Philosophy Forum |
Where the hell do you think money comes from?
Money sure does say a lot, apparently you haven't learned how it works. Do you not have a college degree and you're some Senator i... |
Human Nature & EmotionHappiness
58 Posts • 13851 Views Philosophy Forum |
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
after your basic physiological needs for food water then comes safety protection money security then belongingness and love followed by your own esteem and finall... |