Gender PsychologyChances are high when it comes to rape
22 Posts • 6874 Views Psychology Forum |
chances are that she said yes, but just regretted it in the morning. thats not rape, thats 100% her own fault.
A hammered person cannot consent. Therefore it doesn't matter what she said becau... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40858 Views Religion Forum |
But Secret, clearly the implication is that God doesn't mind people killing gays, that he even clearly takes pleasure from gays dying (whatever way it is, execution or not).
If you want to ple... |
Movie ReviewThe Da Vinci Code
11 Posts • 3466 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I have seen the film twice. Enjoyed it twice. The film opens your mind to the possibility of a spiritualism that includes women and is based on Christianity. I can see how that would upset orthodoxy.... |
can i dance with u ???
18 Posts • 4984 Views Talk Talk |
that day you abandoned me has gone for a long time .in the deep night your image is very fresh in my mind.....i wanna dance with u again?:>????ok dear....i love u |
SocietyDefine the word "American"
72 Posts • 18635 Views Philosophy Forum |
How about this- list a few words that come to mind when you think American...
I think...
American eagle
McDonalds, Wendys
commercialis m
red white and blue |
Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36583 Views Philosophy Forum |
maybe 1+1=3 in another reality--maybe nothing can be represented by numbers at all--maybe all the things we think of as reality don't exist there, but some other inconceivable(to us) pattern.
iv... |
God in ReligionIf God exisit...why there is so much evil in the world?
24 Posts • 7526 Views Religion Forum |
I don't know if a truly selfless act exists. I tried to think of an example but couldn't come up with anything. I imagine that what we would call a selfless act would be a lot like looking a... |
110 Posts • 24185 Views Religion Forum |
sigh... felt this the other day. when i needed strength my body was incapable of creating by itself, i felt it. be it God, my mind playing games with me, BS, or w/e. it was a sense of belief in myself... |
Your Car
149 Posts • 38495 Views Talk Talk |
O, Paula the deer accident. That wasn't a big deal at all. That kinda slipped my mind I have that vehicle back now, but it wasn't this one.
110 seemed to be fast enough for me at the time... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Use of Types of Thought
8 Posts • 8398 Views Philosophy Forum |
Thoughts come from our reality to our memory then too our mind, And then back to reality.You have a good point. Language is the catalyst for knowledge. Paul |
The Mind
49 Posts • 13290 Views Philosophy Forum |
also.. if you were going to live like this... by those ways of thinking . do you know how long it would take to in a sense, reprogram your mind into thinking this way? from going from the familiar to... |
two questions
21 Posts • 8206 Views Philosophy Forum |
2nd question.
Our mind will never know if there was a beginning or not. I believe if there is a beginning there is an end, so therefore I think that the universe always existed. but thats something... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42290 Views Religion Forum |
you both think youve "won" but the fact is, neither of you have gotten anywhere. thats a loss for both of you in my mind. |
Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28555 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well if you think about it, doing that forces you to think from another prespective, you utilize your mind "outside the box" |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40438 Views Religion Forum |
mind over matter.
you're tricking yourself. |
ConsciousnessHow do the ideas of Universal Consciousness and synchronicity fit together?
5 Posts • 3716 Views Philosophy Forum |
I guess what I was saying that we're very much aware of the soulful and spiritual nature of each other, as it is more easily read and incorporated with our own.
The essence of we feel in the body la... |
Mental Organisation…
1 Posts • 1983 Views Psychology Forum |
Is it possible, given the fact that the same information can be placed in different areas of the brain in different people (or the same person at different times), that, we can choose where to place o... |
12 Posts • 3783 Views Talk Talk |
You are entitled to feel how you do, you explained ahead of time how you felt about it.
But now he did anyway and you have to decide whether you are ok with that or not.
Its ok to overreact onc... |
Official Top 10 Movies
0 Posts • 4897 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2. Home Room
3. Texas Chainsaw Massace [2003]
4. Final Destianation III
5. Corpse Bride
6. Boy's Don't Cry
7. May
8. Empire Records
9. SAW II... |
The Mind
49 Posts • 13290 Views Philosophy Forum |
for meditation, the easiest one is just sit nice and comfortably, and count to 21 repeatedly. your mind goes blank, and you can sit there for ages without getting bored. though admitedly the last time... |
Reality & MetaphysicsThought and Reality
26 Posts • 7598 Views Philosophy Forum |
So scary it makes you laugh, I love it.
So, what is the ultimate purpose and goal of this thinking you do so much of?
What does anyone stand to gain from your thoughts?
Do you just wanna be a... |
Official Top 10 Movies
0 Posts • 4897 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
1. Batman[1989, 1992 & 2005]:D
2. Bambi
3. Pokemon
4. La Vita e Bella:D
5. Schindler's List:D
6. The Pianist
7. Memento
8. Cujo:D
9. The Shining
10. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless... |
SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33415 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Sorry I have been busy for a week, haven't really had much time to post.
I would critique but of course that would be childish in awakend's mind haha
What is the motive for control if... |
GovernmentThank you Republicans
21 Posts • 6153 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Hey Allimar, you ever heard of Gen. Smedley Darlington Butler?
I understand your frustration with Fox, but tell me, do you follow other news broadcasts that you feel in alignment with?
CNN, MSNB... |
70 Posts • 22607 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
do you play guitar ?
i just assumed you do b/c you like buckethead ...
i don't mind hip hop but dislike gangsta rap
hmm rock
a little metal
techno (a lo... |