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Tagged > Mental health
THREAD Society & SociologyArgument VS Debate
0 Posts • 7930 Views
Psychology Forum
But what if you are unable to make up your mind wihtout being crippled my mental stasis? What if you're struck by the irreducibly plural nature of debate and conclude that to unconditionally wed...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40967 Views
Religion Forum
Death is a problem? Death is part of life. Murder on the other hand... that is a problem. And that is solved by several possibilities... calm, patience, understanding, forgiveness. I didn't sa...
THREAD DrugsDo you smoke?
47 Posts • 16744 Views
Psychology Forum
I was brought up in a house in which 3 adults smoked without the slightest hint that smoking was either harmful or connected with cancer. Being 53, I', m not even sure my Mum stopped smoking for...
THREAD Government25 More Reasond Americans Elected Bush!
12 Posts • 4220 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
What is never the focus on this issue is that there is probably a record broken of outsourced jobs, so many people spent time becoming computer techs to have the jobs outsourced to india, including br...
21 Posts • 10266 Views
Philosophy Forum
And there is even more that dates before Egyptians that they got theirs from. But I don't think any of that was the point of his question which no one has bothered to answer. Which is also...
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27248 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
"They either get artificially insemination or use a surrogate donor or carrier. It happens all the time for straight infertile heteros just like anyone else, including homos." -------------...
THREAD ConspiracyExcerpt: Mainline U.S. Church Publishes Book That Claims U.S. Government Was Behind 9/11
9 Posts • 3055 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
He's got some balls. America could have staged this. And people need to see the information as a wake-up call. Still, I'm still cynical because it could be that the US government did make...
THREAD Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77250 Views
Psychology Forum
Wholly shit that was funny...fuckin Brittney, I still do er though ;). How in the hell do teachers become teachers when they are that dense? Jesus Christ! Yesterday I was in my Anthropology class a...
THREAD LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29308 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"but the child these people will raise probably won't be ok because in the world around this little kid everyone lives in a normal family and kids would make fun of him(her he(she) won...
THREAD Famous PhilosophersSocratic and Platonic philosophies
34 Posts • 10366 Views
Philosophy Forum
Or maybe the world really isn't made up things composed of matter or substance, maybe only a synthesis of forms accessible only by the mind. That's the secret of Plato's Theory of the F...
THREAD Serial KillersTed Bundy
5 Posts • 9291 Views
Psychology Forum
This brings me to a point. I am so very tired of those that say "just do what makes you happy, as long as you don't hurt anyone else" What a cop-out. Everything you do effects every...
THREAD Bushwhacked - It's only a bruise or two
1 Posts • 3134 Views
Jokes & Games
When Bush was elected president I was complaining and mumbling about how bad things were gonna be. But I honestly never anticipated how much he would actually screw up. Our economy is in the dumps, th...
THREAD DETOX Products, Folsom, CA area
3 Posts • 3696 Views
Jokes & Games
*cool* I was recently employed by one of the industry's top of the line, highest satisfaction rate, detox companies. I have lots of product. This stuff sells for $30 to $40 or even higher if you...
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27248 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Homosexuality is no more fruitless than non procreative hetero sex, nor is it any more deviant than non procreative sex, oral, anal, or general sex act, nor is it dangerous or unhealthy as an act....
4 Posts • 2292 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
To say it won't work because people are flawed you might aswell say nothing works. But if at first you don't succeed try try try again. no. those two sentences are counter-active to each ot...
THREAD Gender PsychologyNaivety in men
6 Posts • 4549 Views
Psychology Forum
I like Evanescence. The lead singer kind of reminds me of Sarah MacLaughlin with an edge. Anyway, nothing I can say but choose wisely who you put your trust in ('cause there are a lot of icky...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Despite it's literal meaning, what the hell is an American anyway? Ahahaha my passport's coming in the mail in a few weeks, that's what amuses me these days. Mostly because my pictur...
THREAD War & TerrorismAbout the war......
56 Posts • 18054 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Your right dingle Desert Storm wasnt about freedom of speech but WWI, WWII etc was. If it wouldnt have been for those that gave there lives for us you wouldnt have the right to even own a computer muc...
THREAD GodWhy human beings?
25 Posts • 7092 Views
Philosophy Forum
our actions defines our lives if we could control our physical and mental capabilities we could surely alter the way we see and sense things. moreover one should widen his perspectives and perceptions...
THREAD BiologyMeditation altars brain structure
18 Posts • 7015 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Evolution may not be the correct term for those of us with a superbly technical frame of mind (summit, dear ;) ). The word progression may make the point a bit clearer. A mental and moral progress...
THREAD For a Million $, Would You...
48 Posts • 11700 Views
Psychology Forum
"Why would it make a difference if I kill someone if someone else is going to be born?" Because people say so. Because it does affect people and they will react, does it matter in the ult...
THREAD LawAbortion
17 Posts • 6665 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I'm pro choice. I have never had an abortion, nor will I ever have one. This is a personal choice. It has nothing to do with society, religion or even law. I do not condemn any woman who chooses...
THREAD Greed is a disease
4 Posts • 2514 Views
Talk Talk
I don't think calling it a disease would be a very accurate description, as a disease is physical. Greed is more along the lines of a mental distortion caused partially by materialism and undoubt...
THREAD GovernmentIs There Really Such A Thing As A Conservative?
53 Posts • 12642 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
As for W (he isn't a junior) he has repeatedly claimed to be a sinner - in fact those recently revealed tapes show that the private man isn't different from the public man - now that does re...
THREAD Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13833 Views
Talk Talk
The only practical reason for becoming a vegetarian is a health related one. Being a vegetarian is really healthy but saying it's morally wrong to kill an animal for food is just silly. Animals a...
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