I think...its human beings for this reason alone...
"Why...human beings?"
The fact that we do not know enough to determine. So we sit and ponder...going in circles through our brains. Endless lapses of logic..over...and over..again.
If there were to be a perfect species set as what would seem, "supreme" to those around it...it would be humans.
arrogant enough to overlook one thing, in order to view another...as if everything wasnt connected. As if it could determine anything...while it was left, still pondering.
Ya gotta love em
its like we're our own contradiction.
A line of discernment.
a fence. that both, keeps things from getting in..and prevents things from getting out. But itself determines...both in, and out.
there is no better border than such a thing.
and a border for what? What we know and dont know...left and right? up and down? positive from negative?
and the answers to such questions...are either.."yes"..or "no".
are there any certainties in this world? Well that depends on what borders you've set for yourself.
a question... needs an answer.