Tagged > Long term memory |
DreamsDreams... useless or amazing
50 Posts • 14245 Views Psychology Forum |
This topic is very interesting to me. I have always had very detailed and "lucid" dreams... I have, in fact, experienced at least bits of dreams or images from dreams later on in life (somet... |
Im Getting Married!!!!!
6 Posts • 3294 Views Talk Talk |
:) conragts......
here's my advice.....enjoy your honeymoon.....make it last as long as possible......let the little things go....try not to fight over trivial things......appriciate the love... |
The Zero Conjecture
10 Posts • 4017 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'll comment later in this thread . . .High, just wanted to say thanks a mil for sharing those thoughts, I've had some pretty long thought out ideas that your thread oddly enough spurred and... |
confussed girl
2 Posts • 1927 Views Talk Talk |
these guys i like for a long time i was dating one and the other one was just a friend but the one i was dating broke up with me this morning so i dont know what to do now can somone help me....:(*rol... |
141 Posts • 31187 Views Talk Talk |
I'm cynical of animal experimentation. As long as humans believe that animals don't feel, then humans remain the savage beast.
- Have You Butchered A Puppy Today?
*mad* |
Religion & HumanityThe Meaning of Living
103 Posts • 25132 Views Religion Forum |
I understand the theory of (over a long time). But what about DNA, is that not a miracle. I mean, it's like a program that is WAY over our head that we are just beginning to unravel. I would look... |
6 Posts • 3234 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Geez, you could have mentioned that it was 3 hours long.
Good movie, nothing super spectacular but, on the point of Fox's bitching, this was a counter terrorism movie, idiots. |
51 Posts • 13387 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Only memories of the past, from long ago nothing can ever last, we took for granted what we had, now it is just sad, to see what once was great, in such a desolate state, maybe our youth has faded awa... |
War & TerrorismTen years after "war on terror"
11 Posts • 4539 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Your words are a refection of my thoughts. The other thing it appears "they" have learned is not to institute a draft. At least as long as you don't want protests and public awareness. |
Wearing your seatbelt
32 Posts • 12385 Views Talk Talk |
i don't like wearing a seatbelt, purely because they make me feel uncomfortable....but if i am taking a long journey, i will wear it and i'll wear a belt in my mum's car...her driving i... |
SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33468 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
There have been recessions since the industrial revolution. Are you saying that all recessions are caused by people? I tried watching the Norman Dodd video but it is essentially a long old man story h... |
Alternative BeliefsWhat Gods or Goddesses do you believe in
31 Posts • 9979 Views Religion Forum |
Firstly, i hate the way westerners use the term "pagan" to describe anything that predates or contradicts christian belief or other monothetic belief systems. Many ancient religions were ver... |
GovernmentPro Communism in America
14 Posts • 18450 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I'll make it easy. This is in reference to the practiced system of economy. (I'm sorry for the long post, it's also a bit of a rant. Mail me your thoughts)
In short, corruption is bad, privatizatio... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30367 Views Religion Forum |
^^^ahhh.....so you somewhat understand...Stopping is the only way you can move. what's more plausible, a circle of life? or life where a straight line is represented, a beginning and an end?
A... |
Relationships & LoveConfused about almost everything...
8 Posts • 3387 Views Psychology Forum |
A lesson I see you may wish to take from this is, Do you really want your life's sense of "purpose" and meaning to rest on the shoulders of someone who can just choose to walk away from... |
Child & Family PsychologyEffect of aggressive voices on TV on baby
3 Posts • 4639 Views Psychology Forum |
My memory is hazy so some of this may be incorrect:
There was a study done where children in group A watched some footage of another child punching an inflatable wobble doll and generally playing a... |
ChristianityClear Definition #1
0 Posts • 2363 Views Religion Forum |
tolerance: to allow to be or to be done without hinderance
bigot: one intolerantly devoted to his or her own prejudices or opinions.
empathy: as experiencing as one's own the feelings of anothe... |
Science vs ReligionIntellagentdesign
82 Posts • 19573 Views Religion Forum |
Ancient: thats a very valid point.
cturtle: Your examples are well established and understood in evolutionary biology. "Odds" refer to logical statistical probability, something that is a... |
Society & SociologyFree Will
16 Posts • 5558 Views Psychology Forum |
I define free will as the ability of a sentinent being to think for itself. Even if everything is predetermined, as Witt has pointed out, we would still be able to think for ourselves, whether or not... |
Chicken or the Egg
64 Posts • 16757 Views Philosophy Forum |
I overstand fully the uniqueness of the "chicken" and the latter. I also overstand the fact that they are both words. but however no matter how you come about the name, no matter what name y... |
Science vs ReligionEvolution of God
43 Posts • 12271 Views Religion Forum |
Islam says Allah is the only God.
Jews say their God is the only one.
Christians say God is the only God and Christ is His Son.
Who is right? All are in my opinion. The earliest religions where S... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58973 Views Religion Forum |
Down South I was at a Church of Christ. They were sharing their facilities with a spanish speakiing congregation. As they were just beginning to form I decided to attend their services in support of t... |
Riddles & Puzzlesoh zeno and you paradoxs
11 Posts • 4579 Views Philosophy Forum |
the paradox can be solved by a deeper understanding of how energy changes or transfers. enerygy never dies it only converts its changed molecules to facilitate its next step towards another change, wh... |
Question for the Ladies (guys too)
3 Posts • 2972 Views Talk Talk |
its extremely circumstantial. i think really the only time you would find a "point of no return" is if the woman has found somebody else. if she views you as a friend and only a friend, atte... |
Random QuestionsQuestion for all with an open mind!
5 Posts • 4569 Views Talk Talk |
You said:" Hello everyone, I am very new to this site and I wish I joined a long time ago. I have a question that's been on my chest for a while and I really need to get it off my chest. Eve... |