Emotions & FeelingsEmotional Spreading
98 Posts • 20493 Views Psychology Forum |
No solution will work because we as a society would rather kill ourselves than give up this notion of free will. And so no matter what you decide would be a working solution we would have to let peopl... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16864 Views Psychology Forum |
Anyone who thinks that a matriarchial society would be relatively the same as a patriarchal society, is feebly thinking within a patriarchial thought system.
And also note; that so far this discus... |
4 Posts • 2949 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Well, I'm basically talking about deconstruction on any level. Archetypes, symbols, underlying messages..it's funny you should mention Boondock Saints; I've seen a lot of merchandise fo... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42253 Views Philosophy Forum |
What makes you think we are not slaves of our nervous system even with conscious thought?
All that changes is our impression of control and a bigger influence of our intellect and memories.
The... |
Uncross the lines
39 Posts • 28290 Views Jokes & Games |
Actually, I got a system down around level 6 of pullin center threads and back twisting. It worked really good until level 11. I was averging about 10 to 12 minutes to do the harder ones......thinks I... |
ElectionsPolitical Primaries
6 Posts • 7021 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
[quoteopinion is biasedOur present political system needs reform. yes, a biased opinion but is it not true?
Voter apathy, lack of concern or feeling they are not being represented anyway? |
GovernmentOccupy Wall Street
33 Posts • 8567 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
That's not to say a futures market isn't nessasary because things go up and down in value so buying something cheap that you can predict will go up in price later produces alot of money and... |
God in ReligionWake up and discover that God never existed
48 Posts • 13381 Views Religion Forum |
hmmm...why be so naive about the billions of other people who don't believe in your belief system.
As I said before- If one is close minded and is incapable to compare different mainstream re... |
Society & SociologyIs Jail a mild form of torture
35 Posts • 11423 Views Psychology Forum |
Chained wings, shame on you!
Time to wake up from primitive tribal slumber.
No you won't find this story on CNN. Yet this is not something new. The Dutch, the Quakers, and post-structuralis... |
Reality & MetaphysicsCan we know only what we are prepared to know?
2 Posts • 1960 Views Philosophy Forum |
Can we know only what we are prepared to know?
If an individual has never learned to add and subtract that individual cannot learn how to divide and multiply.
Our American educational system, K... |
What Video Game Are You Currently Playing
24 Posts • 6920 Views Talk Talk |
I am now playing Tales of Symphonia.
its an anime rpg for kids. it has a real time battle system and no random encounters. instead, the monsters are actually walking around and you have to avoid th... |
Religion & HumanityApostasy
4 Posts • 2591 Views Religion Forum |
You still have free will. To be able to answer your question, you and I would need to know more about Islam's belief system and values. Islam and Judaism obviously value being a part of the group... |
About You / IntroductionsHello again
8 Posts • 5211 Views Talk Talk |
Hi Dawn,
Thanks. Yeah it does seem a bit quiet around here. Why is that? I really like this forum and the policies.
I was going to respond to that thread you started about make-up but I ended up... |
ElectionsPoll: Ron Paul bests Obama for the first time nationally
0 Posts • 522 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ron Paul has no chance. The ruler of this country rigged the election to pick up their own puppet because they control the voting system. They justify the result by faked poll because they control med... |
ElectionsElectoral College
2 Posts • 3011 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The framers of the U.S. Constitution created the Electoral College as a result of a compromise for the presidential election process. During the debate, some delegates felt that a direct popular elect... |
Religion & HumanityGrand Religious Theories
16 Posts • 6110 Views Religion Forum |
Raven & I had many discussions on the subject. For us, the [moral, etc] spiritual aspect has greater significance than the religious belief system. Doctrine is suppose to communicate & guide t... |
GovernmentNo More Rubber Stamp Politics
12 Posts • 3838 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Great but a problem exist with our system. We tend to elect those who are best at deceiving the most people, not because of their honest desire & ability to serve the people.
We don't just a... |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67556 Views Philosophy Forum |
Here is an idea that I have...
We would not need a barter system because we have advanced beyond that with our technology. Each adult or possibly each head of the household would only be required to... |
General HealthHealth Tips
12 Posts • 6317 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Everyone's body has different structure and immune system so it is always better to have a dietician advice for the food and one thing which everyone can have is lots of water and fresh vegetable... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85852 Views Science & Technology Forum |
1 March 2013
Colors of Mercury
Image Credit: NASA / JHU Applied Physics Lab / Carnegie Inst. Washington
The colors of the solar system's innermost planet are enhanced in this tantalizing vi... |
EconomyWhat Economic Governmental Sytem Works Best and How?
24 Posts • 12449 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I admit that the present economic system is not working for the majority of people very well. I have read other's comments on the matter: objectivism, the zeitgeist movement, the call for governm... |
Chaos theory
70 Posts • 17064 Views Philosophy Forum |
Heres something extra about Chaos Theory- Fractals.
A Fractal can be a geometric object which is always irregular on all scales of length. In other words they are never smooth. Fractals possess inf... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainOf Computers and Minds
6 Posts • 2417 Views Psychology Forum |
The computer is programmed to make a judgement based on certain data programmed into it's software.
The ability to choose one judgement in favour of others is more complex, but still a computer can... |
what is the truth?
15 Posts • 2807 Views Talk Talk |
What is the truth? The truth about what specifically? Truth is a fact about something that is accepted as true apposed to false. So I suppose it depends on what belief system you are basing it on and... |
Law & GovernmentShould violent criminals be castrated?
18 Posts • 9917 Views Philosophy Forum |
I don't think we can adequately know how well rehabilitation works since we don't actually rehabilitate prisoners. America has the highest incarceration rate in the world because like all th... |