Tagged > Internet post graduate courses |
Why do we search when no answers are given?
16 Posts • 5407 Views Philosophy Forum |
We will never find the answer here...so why
I am so pissed that i can not stop checking this site to see if someone has posted something that may change my life. Why do we continue to search...anyway... |
GovernmentObama is a Communist - should we really vote for him?
23 Posts • 5466 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"You think that a couple people should run everyones life because they hold a lot of money well. That makes a lot of sense. Not really."
This line sums up everything about your point.... |
ElectionsWelcome to the Future
0 Posts • 325 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I was responding to the inference of there being something improper about him promoting his candidate of choice, which is a silly notion.
At no point did I say anything like "it is improper f... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23900 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I share your sentiment, Survivor. What pisses me off the most is censorship. People can agree or disagree with Bush, but how can you justify blocking open debates and the flow information -- especiall... |
8 Posts • 4057 Views Talk Talk |
Isn't this guy also married to one of the spice girls? The short-haired one, I think.
Put both their incomes together and CHA-CHING!!!
Granted, even looking at just ONE of their incomes is... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Without my post being deleted in here, I wish to add, I did NOT come out and say anything hateful about Kerry, but my thread was deleted because it disagreed with liberalism...
And two, it was about... |
GovernmentJesus for President?
45 Posts • 9628 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
DT... are you referring to my post? If so "someone of that nature" refers to "someone similar to" Jesus, Dalai Lama, Gadhi...
Just clarifying. |
7 Posts • 3658 Views Religion Forum |
I think we're generally arguing the smae principle but with confusion over the semantics of words. I'll procede assuming you misunderstand me completely in hope that this makes sense.we can... |
Christanity & Capitalism
2 Posts • 4161 Views Jokes & Games |
Don't view the link if you are easily offended.
After reading the 'Upload Image HELP', I decided to post a link to the cartoon, instead of the cartoon itself ;) |
Riddle you this
64 Posts • 15950 Views Talk Talk |
i am goin to post a riddle every week till i run out of them... lol
What lies in bed, and stands in bed?/ First white, then red/ The plumper it gets The better the old woman likes it?
will have... |
About the Conspiracy Theory...
3 Posts • 2673 Views Talk Talk |
Hey guys, I'm doing a research on the conspiracy theory, and I want you to help me gather sources and information about it. I want to know your opinions, and if there are any facts you know about... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I was just going to post that. I was doing a search to see how bush was doing and found all his ad campaigns on www.bushin30seconds.org.
Cr acked me up - How true, how true indeed. I liked the one &... |
Wierd al yankovic
2 Posts • 2080 Views Talk Talk |
I am a big fan off wierd al yankovic!! he is a parody writer post things about song's of his or music videos. my favorite is white and nerdy!!!*lol* |
Human Nature & Emotion"simultaneous and equal cooperation of logical intuitive thinking"
6 Posts • 3306 Views Philosophy Forum |
:)Logic. Which is logical, editing or interpreting ones post and why? The writer is editing for mistakes and the linguist is reading between the lines. Both cannot be logical? |
Free The Balloon
3 Posts • 10621 Views Jokes & Games |
here is Industry2.it only has 2 levels.ill post the updated version when more levels have been released
http://www.andkon. com/arcade/puzzle/industry2/ |
"The Breathren" By John Grisham
1 Posts • 1843 Views Talk Talk |
Have any of you read this book? I have and I liked it. It is quite interesting. I'll post a summary later. It is good. Read it. |
Political Cartoons
10 Posts • 9371 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Either talk about or post a political cartoon. Talk about the style, the art, the subtle meanings, the references made etc. |
Word GamesA fun game to play
584 Posts • 103788 Views Jokes & Games |
will not get cleverly insulted by me because i cant stop laughing at the previous clever insults and,because of which,i cant think strait((OMG i cant stop laughing at ChrisD's post!)) |
30 Posts • 16468 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
329. The mysterious "anti terror" exercise. London bombing (3) (7/22/05)
I leave it for people to think about by themselves the possibility that an "anti-terror exercise" took p... |
FuturologyMaximum Capacity for Earth?
7 Posts • 7220 Views Science & Technology Forum |
We have already reached it, but it is only with our tech that we have. The maximum capacity should be defined by saying that the planets maximum capacity is when all the people get what they need to s... |
God in ReligionSo God Makes This Deal With Satan
12 Posts • 3389 Views Religion Forum |
comparing the fact that even if you don't cause something "bad"... you are "required by law" to render aid.
again, generalization... i recall how well that word fit into a... |
Video GamesSocial networking of now
5 Posts • 2933 Views Talk Talk |
I'm in the same boat, in that I find it a much cheaper and more efficent way of socializing through the internet, especially across games such as WoW. I love being in a group and playing as a tea... |
Word Association- Life
16 Posts • 5853 Views Talk Talk |
This isn't like the furom game. When you hear the word life, whats the fisr thing that comes to mind?
If you think for more than 1 second on this, please don't post. I mean that. Just com... |
Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 301090 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
In another thread, I think something related to poems there another draw that seems to be from the same person, I look for it but I couldn't find what was the thread but I had this image saved...... |
Favorite quotes so far.
40 Posts • 12890 Views Talk Talk |
"insanity - a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world" ~rollergirl
btw, anyone know what happend to her? she doesnt seem to post anymore...
She is here more than you know. |