Gender PsychologyWhy do women nag?
21 Posts • 20892 Views Psychology Forum |
Why do women nag? What causes them to do it? Most of the time it doesn't bother me so much. Other times I get angry and I just want to throw something through my girlfriends face. I love her thou... |
How can i get her back!?
2 Posts • 3450 Views Talk Talk |
ok me and my gf have been together for a year and half, breaking up, getting back together, living together, not living together. Now, its been 4 montsh since we broke up, she has a bf, i had a gf, an... |
RelationshipsWhen will the pain of heartache go away?
17 Posts • 26627 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Actually I do find simplicity to be happiness and complexity not so much happy. I do deal with reality when I have to . Also who are you to say or know what realities I have braved . If I prefer fanta... |
the thread of LIES
79 Posts • 18444 Views Talk Talk |
I love this Big Brother government that watches my every move, keeps records on everything I do and even monitors my movements on the streets through street surveilance cameras. It makes me feel reall... |
Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 301048 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Ya, I draw, so most drawings I post will be mine, I'll say otherwise if not. Why you likie? I also posted one poem in the love lost 4 good, its an ok one if you want to see if i'm any good a... |
Epiphany through...?
3 Posts • 1733 Views Philosophy Forum |
When you're thinking about the world what kind of areas of knowledge or perspective work best for you? What brings you to an 'aha!' moment?
For me looking at things like physics and... |
Emotions & FeelingsEmotional Spreading
98 Posts • 20494 Views Psychology Forum |
If you believe, though that understanding a book is the way to God. You are mistaken. It is a means of allowing easier access; but then so are paintings, so is a dictionary, so is a thesaurus, so is t... |
American footballers are pansies
42 Posts • 12472 Views Talk Talk |
You litle slight of build rugby and soccer players do not even stand up to our huge boys. You really want to go unprotected against a 300 lb mass of pissed of american???? I am sure there are plenty o... |
God posts
3 Posts • 1895 Views Talk Talk |
I guess people want to try and resolve the matter as much as possible, so that we're all on the same page...
It's just an important concept...
So many are religious, and often their de... |
War & TerrorismDocumentary about Iraq War
0 Posts • 8577 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I downloaded this file - man it took me forever, and I'm on broadband. It must have took you forever to upload it.
I'm a member of Moveon.org, I've contributed, how come I didn'... |
Taste in Movies
14 Posts • 3598 Views Talk Talk |
One of our greatest gifts as humans is to find beauty in the ordinary or even in the ugly.
Besides, what isn't a rehash of good vs evil, coming of age, seeking love and riches, and dying etc?... |
124 Posts • 33705 Views Talk Talk |
With out a porpuse or a goal, going to a shity job everyday just because you need to do it in order to live, seems pointless. Not that I dont have anything. I have a brother and a sister in law and a... |
What should I do?
4 Posts • 2034 Views Talk Talk |
Im in a realationship with this amazing guy ok and I could not ask for more! but the problem is that he has alot of girls that are his friends from college, and lets just say I get jelous when a girl... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40566 Views Religion Forum |
As to what you say. You are right. There is nothing wrong with being all right with no point. But tell me why you prefer this. Why would you rather not exist. You see what existence can br... |
42 Posts • 10541 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
lets get this strait
the words you say
push me over the edge
i try to be me
but your offence sucks to my walls
forcing me to run
i want to stay
but your always there
bitter overness
i fell i... |
37 Posts • 11769 Views Psychology Forum |
hmm i dunno myabe but i sleep over 3 hours
i rember last night's dream :) i saw a girl who i used to work with ( very random ) she had another kid ( she already has 5 ) , we were in some weird... |
PoetryLast of the good memorys and smiles of summer
5 Posts • 2776 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
And these are tales from the open road, oh the sights I have seen. I'd send you a postcard but chances are that you've seen better.
Crossed out another shooting star. another night on my c... |
6 Posts • 3463 Views Psychology Forum |
When I get upset about something, no matter what it is, I get upset about everything. It's like every negative thought is a snowball rolling down a mountain. If I'm upset about losing a Star... |
57 Posts • 10408 Views Talk Talk |
aww cool were about in le uk are you? lol and yeah that must suck ...my freinds are like that.... they wana drink .. i dont lmao they wanna have big lesbian orgies....and i dont hahaha i just wanna sp... |
Coheed and Cambria
3 Posts • 1965 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Genre? Progressive Rock. This song is real tops. Love Sanchez's vocal range plus the "dueling" style of guitaring. Great band.
"Welcome Home" |
Kahlil Gibran Discussion on one writing of his pro favor? (No it is not in espanol)
17 Posts • 9428 Views Philosophy Forum |
hehe, i'll post something when i run into a good one. But do read the poems of Tagor, they all grasp you from within.
meanwhile i got a chinese poem that goes like this: Never let your heart ope... |
Rehab & AddictionMedication for depression?
25 Posts • 13222 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
That sounds great! I like the term gooey I must admit to feeling Gooey around children as well I have very much warmed up to that idea but I am not certain as to how far down the road that is. Maybe y... |
Official Top 10 Movies
0 Posts • 4897 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
1: The Matrix
2: American Beauty
3: Kill Bill vol 1
4: Spider Man 2
5: The Last Samurai
6: Star Wars Revenge of the Sith
7: Garden State
8: The Fellowship of the Ring
9: Kill Bill vol 2
10: S... |
Habits & BehaviorWhat gives you comfort when alone
15 Posts • 7058 Views Psychology Forum |
nothing really comforts me any more. lately the only thing that i do enjoy is interaction with other people. and i have noticed that all the ways you guys comfort you selfs involves things you enjoy d... |
Wish breaker
121 Posts • 29858 Views Jokes & Games |
You will soon be so over wwhelmed with all of the things that need to be done that you will no longer have the time to do the things that make you happy. You will lose all of the poeple that love you... |