Tagged > Images of heaven |
Christianityjesus finishing our sins
43 Posts • 10677 Views Religion Forum |
You go to Heaven if you don't sin.
Where did you get this idea?
Although yes you need a communication with God if you have sinned!
But if you havn't then you are sinless thus alowed... |
Atheism & AgnosticismWelcome to "Atheist vs. God". Join the s
64 Posts • 22578 Views Religion Forum |
So God's image, is Man's soul? The body is simply the vessel for God's image until it can enter heaven?
Why does there even need to be a life? Why can't souls just enter heaven... |
 61yrs • F
< no additional information provided > |
28 Posts • 13987 Views Philosophy Forum |
There are no souls. You just think there are. You never heard of a soul and will forget about it. I repeat they don't exist.
There is no heaven nor reancarnation you just die. The "spark&... |
Religion & HumanityWhat religous group do you call yourself?
30 Posts • 6584 Views Religion Forum |
Some time ago I took a test on Belief Net and scored highest with the Quakers.
Some might call me Christian but I don't consider myself one as I do not believe that Jesus was a third part of G... |
93 Posts • 30397 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ok I'm not that all that smart about this stuff but I think people have to go through some sort of trial. The people who have been a bad person become spirits and mourn it the world watching thei... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
If we wanted to be God's Country or People, you think maybe we can take care of God's earth? God might just look down and say, "well what do you know, they're finally doing what I... |
ChristianityWhy does everyone have to be sinners
17 Posts • 5623 Views Religion Forum |
That is, assuming, that the christian faith is right. there are other religions each of which is equally vallid, and not all of them subscribe to the idea of heaven, and furthermore, how can you be so... |
Christianityjesus finishing our sins
43 Posts • 10677 Views Religion Forum |
That's a common misconception. The act of murdering people does not make you worthy of hell. It is not the problem it is the symptom of a Godless life. The only thing you can do to deserve to go to he... |
What does buying the stairway to heaven mean?
11 Posts • 46928 Views Talk Talk |
Here is the meaning to Stairway to heaven.....
Take in mind that it's full of symboligy...infact it is implied in the song itself "there's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure... |
Habits & BehaviorArbitrary Visualization
6 Posts • 3237 Views Psychology Forum |
This article is quite similar to this topic. Not identical to the experiences mentioned above, but it gives you an idea of brain imagery. I'll search and see if there is a further explination to... |
Anatomy of Death
7 Posts • 3384 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
When I wrote the story originally, it was in the right format...but when I copied it onto the site, i lost all the paragraphs and breaks. To answer some of the questions that have been posed:
Purga... |
PhotographyExperimenting with Post Processing Images
5 Posts • 4106 Views Art Forum |
I like these images very much, especially "Rise". I too am like you in discovering the joys of post processing. I only got a digital camera about three years ago, just a simple automatic and... |
Let it go anywhere
38 Posts • 8418 Views Philosophy Forum |
has anyone seen"what dreams may come"? interesting portrayal of heaven and hell.
I think heaven is in our conscience, like God and like hell.
i dont think there was a point to create it, i... |
What IS existance?
59 Posts • 15362 Views Philosophy Forum |
With regards to 'what is thought?' Thought creates our reality. Thought is the basis for our words and our actions. So it is the language that we use in our thoughts that manifest the world... |
The Cosmos
0 Posts • 2592 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Beautiful images!!! |
A Carapace of Thought
6 Posts • 2366 Views Philosophy Forum |
No, I had a friend join the forum and respond to it so people would be inclined to put forth their thoughts.
The scyscraper analogy has three parts with the peak of the very topmost part being bir... |
Society & SociologyMedia's representation of African Americans
2 Posts • 3837 Views Psychology Forum |
Have you ever noticed how African Americans are portrayed in the media?
African Americans portrayals in the media are often times based on negative stereotypes they do not accurately portray realit... |
ChristianityWhy is jesus story so powerful
18 Posts • 6281 Views Religion Forum |
The reason Jesus story is so powerful is because it is the Truth.
We have been created to know this truth and when you find it you will know it.
It is not by good works that we get to heaven tha... |
ArtworkThe Daydream Adventure Club
31 Posts • 12629 Views Art Forum |
A tree house city is such a great idea! I've actually never even really considered that in real life before which is odd, because I am sure I have read about such a setting before, or seen someth... |
Whats after heaven, astral,hell
1 Posts • 2020 Views Philosophy Forum |
I mean it's always been material man's question whats after heaven or hell and astral space considering the frequences have no limits in highness or lowness, thats why if our minds could per... |
What does buying the stairway to heaven mean?
11 Posts • 46928 Views Talk Talk |
"When she get's there she knows, when the stores are all closed, with a word she can get... what she came for." Not knowing the words to the song, is there anything else that makes you... |
Random PicturesImages of Latest Cars
2 Posts • 4685 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42137 Views Religion Forum |
For my religion, 'God' is the title that God gives himself. He actually has a name. And also, the God Head is the combination of the three figures, Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ, and the God. Som... |
ChristianityHappy in heaven... alone?
20 Posts • 7624 Views Religion Forum |
Ultimately it doesn't matter if heaven exists or not, if rebirth exists or not, what matters is how does that beleif effects us. If beleiving in heaven/hell or rebirth makes you a better person,... |