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THREAD PerceptionWhat constitutes as alive?
19 Posts • 6233 Views
Psychology Forum
Breath constitutes living.....if you can't breathe you're not alive.... Earth/dirt constitues the body of man....when the body dies it returns to dust Fire constitues the aura of celestial...
THREAD ChristianityChristian Q&A
0 Posts • 3762 Views
Religion Forum
Funny thing you should ask, just the other day I was at my cousin's home to help him with a project. As we started to go back to work, some "christian types" stopped by for a visit. One...
THREAD God in Religiongods name
46 Posts • 12615 Views
Religion Forum
If my God exists then He created man and man would have worshipped Him first before they fell to sin. There is no 100000 years to go back to for some reason there is no record of human activity pas...
112 Posts • 27010 Views
Talk Talk
ok so im really really addicted to mountain dew. im not talking like "oh i need a mountain dew every day to get me through the day" no no its far worse... more like "if i dont get my mo...
THREAD American members i have a question for you
8 Posts • 3093 Views
Talk Talk
i consider myself american simply because i live here. i don't really identify with the label beyond that. i don't really think it makes sense to call myelf european simply because thats whe...
THREAD Mathematics
1 Posts • 1742 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Mathematical Thesis This is my attempt to show that, in regards to zero, our current calculations are not correct. Firstly I shall give three definitions to which I can refer back to. 1. â€...
THREAD Religion & HumanityNotes on the Great Ones
0 Posts • 661 Views
Religion Forum
Therefore, Jesus and Buddha were happy, wonderful people - not because they were nice, but because they were extremely intelligent. This is a fine idea, and I choose to believe it. I back up my b...
THREAD Society & SociologyRevenge
15 Posts • 4810 Views
Psychology Forum
OK so i was at the mall with a couple of friends and we met this girl we knew from school that was working in a store. I barley know her, but somehow, my friends do. So we're talking for a while,...
THREAD ChemistryFree energy
5 Posts • 5066 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Man, that I would have to think way back to even dredge up vague memory! Are you talking about the Gibbs- Helmholtz value delta G in Chemistry? Defined: The free energy change is the measure of the s...
THREAD Rules To Live By
29 Posts • 7257 Views
Philosophy Forum
well said wyote. we have rules to prevent the strong using the weak, and so that people can live together. what jacker talks about is complete anarchy, which is impossible. if there were no set rules,...
THREAD ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62682 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
What are you talking about, don't be bought and what? Scared into what? What are you even saying. Look, if you are saying to deny the reality of corruption and abuse of power towards the slau...
THREAD Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46305 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
how to gays harm? how do gay harm mor than reigious fantatisim? how do gays harm more than the man who bears up his wife? how do gays harm more than abolihment of contracption? how do gays har...
THREAD Question - Stolen Honor
2 Posts • 2937 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Does anyone know what day & time this week "Stolen Honor" will air? This is the film that shows the kerry the DNC does not want you to see. Kerry has also "threatened" TV...
THREAD Hornet's Nest
3 Posts • 3163 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
In a world so wet and full of mist Where the ground the sun has never kissed Breathe it in and soak it up Grab a torch and fuck it up Tie a bloody ribbon round the old oak tree Cut it down with...
16 Posts • 18737 Views
Talk Talk
I've been DIEING to get a tattoo, since the day I turned 18. I've been thinking about it for almost a year now, and I can't for the life of me figure out what I want to put on my skin....
THREAD Regrets
30 Posts • 10000 Views
Philosophy Forum
I'm dating a fellow now who I have known since I was 8, and we just recently got back from going on vacation together. The thing I find most amazing about him is that our relationship is almo...
THREAD Society & SociologyWhere you live
31 Posts • 7739 Views
Psychology Forum
I live in Michigan *sleepy* about an hour and a half north of Detroit.... sooo... recently we've been getting a lot of trouble makers coming up to the suburbs which pretty much sucks. I'v...
THREAD SocietyThe Meaning of Equality
7 Posts • 8498 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
This is a touchy subject. I was discussing (more like hollering back and forth) with this girl who sits at my lunch table. She was all complaining how women have been oppressed throughout the years an...
THREAD Drugstrips (drugs)
54 Posts • 17720 Views
Psychology Forum
Cutencuddly: What sort of mental side effects can LSD cause later in life? You should explain how LSD kills people so it can be avoided. If the addiction is not psychological, what kind of physiologic...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33926 Views
Religion Forum
okay I promised myself I wont talk about such big stuff cuz it makes my head boil and my thoughts get in my way, but... I dont believe in god. I believe in myself, in what I can do. You could say that...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57837 Views
Religion Forum
No, we are NOT held accountable for the sin of our ancestor's, we are held accountable for OUR sins. Whether you are Christian or Athiest, no one can deny we do wrong. Whether it be lying to our...
THREAD Society & Sociologycults
4 Posts • 2250 Views
Psychology Forum
I would disagree that there is any limit on the size of a cult (scientology anyone?), the definition of a cult is usually in it's practices. The word cult is generally used in place of sect to in...
THREAD how do you think of chinese
10 Posts • 2751 Views
Talk Talk
Well, theres to much of them, the true chinese died out centurys ago. China was an awsome country with the martial arts stuff, fighting styles That's not true. Don't believe everything...
THREAD JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62286 Views
Jokes & Games
Teddy Bears A man meets a gorgeous woman in a bar. They talk, they connect, they end up leaving together. They get back to her place, and as she shows him around her apartment, he notices that...
THREAD There is No God and You Know It
17 Posts • 5922 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Summit I don't speak your language and it is obviouse you don't understand me when you claim that I know that there is no God and I should admit it. You obviously can't explain that any...
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