I would rather have my ignorance than another man's knowledge, because I have so much more of it. - Mark Twain
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Tagged > Human skin color
THREAD Physics & CosmologyQuestion about the speed of light
15 Posts • 4516 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Thought is not instantaneous, Each neuron can fire about 100 times a second, though this is fast its not instant and it is limited. The speed of light is really just a term for the maximum speed of ch...
THREAD AnimalsDolphin Pictures
5 Posts • 3162 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Here's a bunch of dolphin pictures if there's any dolphin lovers here. Dolphins seem surreal to me, they're so social with humans that it seems kinda freaky. I watched this documentary...
THREAD ChristianityAdam...?
43 Posts • 11016 Views
Religion Forum
Yes the NT states that Joseph & Mary went into the east which many think that Jesus may have had access to eastern teachings. The OT starts with description of creation on our world, but I have h...
27 Posts • 9836 Views
Religion Forum
First of all angel, let me explain something. nowhere in the Bible does it say that what is natural to human beings is right. quite to the contrary, people's natural urge is to sin. that is why w...
THREAD Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 54422 Views
Philosophy Forum
I believe that humans came about through evolution after being created by the great crab king Lew Johnson. Lew was a very quiet boy who accepted his first job as a desk clerk in lower Manhattan. His b...
THREAD Funny TidbitsThe Art of Offence
1 Posts • 3434 Views
Jokes & Games
• Did your parents ever ask you to run away from home? • Keep talking. Somedeay you'll say something intelligent... • Please give that face back to the gorilla... • How can you love na...
THREAD GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24183 Views
Philosophy Forum
One of those faith issues. I dont think you can prove or disprove if God exists...Just have to go with inkling I guess. However, it depends on what you define God as. If u define him as a Big powerful...
THREAD BiologyChimps - are they really that close to us?
13 Posts • 4328 Views
Science & Technology Forum
That's fine, you mentioned it as a possible of a most important difference, where as I would say that opposable thumbs and higher brain functions, conceptual thinking, are far more important of a...
THREAD Life & DeathLife, Already Planned?
62 Posts • 23904 Views
Philosophy Forum
Okay guys, so here's my theory on life's design. I believe that the human as an individual does not control his fate, but that humanity as a whole controls an individual's fate. Say yo...
THREAD GovernmentDoes the goverment have rights to penalis those it
67 Posts • 17063 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
another narrow minded gimp who thinks u need to be at least 40 before u can make any judgment on things like politics, love and all that. So what if people have been arguing about politics since the b...
THREAD About Captain Cynic
8 Posts • 23235 Views
Captain Cynic Guides
These are important questions with pleasant answers. At first hand it could be easy to make conclusions about Captain Cynic, just based on our title... "Cynic" n oun 1. a person who belie...
THREAD ChristianityWhy is jesus story so powerful
18 Posts • 6168 Views
Religion Forum
I think that the way to God is through Jesus is only true because Jesus knew that God resided in him, as God rests in all of us. The Bible is a way of helping others see the way through all the fog. T...
THREAD Physics & CosmologySomething out of nothing
40 Posts • 8733 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Lol!...Shallow?...That's OK...I've been called worse...But I do understand your position with respect to science and even mathematics...but, once again, science is empirical and, thus, bases...
THREAD What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 43669 Views
Philosophy Forum
Let me ask you something 730. What do you think holds more value, the human race or the salvation of earth? How many creatures have gone extinct, how many forests have been destroyed because of us and...
THREAD Intimacyoral sex
60 Posts • 84434 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
I do recall that there have been studies in the consumption of semen that suggest consumption of semen, either orally or vaginally, can have a positive effect on mood, (as I understand it the control...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsWhat do you believe?
67 Posts • 16474 Views
Religion Forum
All people have purpose and all people have worth. These two are not dependent on each other. If someone's purpose is evil that does not make them worth less as human beings. As far as inanimate...
THREAD What does God have to say about it?
10 Posts • 3699 Views
Talk Talk
TO: The teacher NOTE: Due to your simplistic theorizing and subjective conjecturing, the majority of your statements will not be evaluated The following is my evaluation of your two (2...
THREAD Society & SociologyIt's funny how people are...
10 Posts • 6357 Views
Psychology Forum
I agree with beachboy. I too am a high school student surrounded by a world of gossip. And I believe that no matter how old and wise our human race will become, the world of gossip will never end. Adu...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40207 Views
Religion Forum
ok dumbteen, ""1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. " that is sayi...
THREAD God in Religionexcessive much?
19 Posts • 5542 Views
Religion Forum
but maybe even God needs a balance. It doesn't make sense to me how the Christian God, or any other for that matter of the alpha and omega description, would ever be capable of a balance. The...
THREAD AliensWhy do people assume Alien lifeforms are smarter than us?
24 Posts • 17126 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Simple, if an alien race has been able to create a way to communicate with us, through that kind of distance then, they are more advanced. Im going to say, that to get that kind of technology, they wo...
THREAD GodWhy Question God's Existence
45 Posts • 12306 Views
Philosophy Forum
If it makes you happy so be; I personally think I am not that niave or faithful, whichever word suits best, to believe in the Bible. If the Bible is a manual; I never read manuals anyway becuase to me...
THREAD God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 49136 Views
Religion Forum
Fact and allegory is not so clear-cut in the Bible...the reason people though left-handed people were evil is because they would not sit on the right-hand of the father. You will find that nowhere I t...
THREAD This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 40387 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
And Venom should DEFINATLEY be in the next Spidey movie, without a doubt :) I was just damn frustrated about why they didn't give Doc Ock a German accent in Spidey 2. I think that Venom wi...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyNibiru looks more and more plausible...
8 Posts • 3866 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I don't think you do! If there was any change it would reach us in december it would be visible by the human eye. I dont think you have acknowledged the effect of gravitation on spacial obj...
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