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Tagged > Hate people
THREAD existence
4 Posts • 3193 Views
Philosophy Forum
here are some questions: would it be possible for the universe to not exist? similarly, would it be possible for consciousness to not exist? if consciousness did not exist, could the universe exist? a...
THREAD Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeNothing is fact?
20 Posts • 18323 Views
Philosophy Forum
I've heard people say a lot of the time "Nothing is fact". I've also completely agreed with that up until now. The other day me and my friend were talking about it, and he said: &...
THREAD God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 41956 Views
Religion Forum
God could stop it if he wanted to. But he doesn't want to. He created the Earth and all it's people to get entertainment. As long as there is evil there will be entertainment for God to get...
THREAD ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 42995 Views
Religion Forum
Uh, I don't think it's "impossible". I think humans should be able to discern at least 85% of what is right and what is wrong on their own without divine rules. Humans know when th...
THREAD Any new genre's of music?
3 Posts • 2429 Views
Philosophy Forum
Are there any new genre's or types of music out there? I get the sense that everything is just being rehashed from old things. Older styles come up in a modified version. I'm not to informed...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismWelcome to "Atheist vs. God". Join the s
64 Posts • 22571 Views
Religion Forum
I would rather have comfort in my life with my belief in God, than have no comfort in the up and coming death we all will go thru. What does it hurt to believe...nada! What does it hurt to NOT...
THREAD Free Will
60 Posts • 15127 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well its not uncommon for people to give up. That's their choice though, is it not? Every action, unless involuntary is a choice. Involuntary actions are more reactions. Like an instantan...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionThat Logic is the path to Emotion
0 Posts • 905 Views
Philosophy Forum
I asked more than one question to move this thread forward. If you don't want to answer them, I will move along to another thread, because I don't know what else to say this one. No actua...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42222 Views
Philosophy Forum
If all of the meditators are right and so effectively attaining enlightenment, which I'm not saying that you are claiming, but why have none of them just stopped existing or died physically, sepa...
THREAD More guys than girls on these forums...why?
39 Posts • 11257 Views
Talk Talk
Are there revolutions or changes? Is a line a series of dots of a flow? I'll give you an honest answer: I couldn't prove either to you. It depends on how you view things. What we have here i...
THREAD Music VideosWheres Music going?
9 Posts • 4247 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
music is entirely cyclical. record labels spend all kinds of money projecting where things will go next. i would say a new genre is on the rise. metal is gaining some slight popularity, traditional ro...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Well you as a matter of fact I do mind that the flam'in bush lied & deceived the people to justify starting a war. that he used that war as an excuse to promote a 'War on Terrorism'...
THREAD Famous PhilosophersSocratic and Platonic philosophies
34 Posts • 10358 Views
Philosophy Forum
I'm sorry I haven't responded sooner, but I've been running around all day...Well, I AM truly relieved that you GET IT...Cool!...The whole purpose of the paper is to actually transform...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS Little man. I reckon' you've never had yourself a good ole country ass woopin? :) Now that is what I call sarcasm. You are right about this being an Anti-Bush thre...
THREAD GodIs Influence of Religion Too Much?
18 Posts • 6898 Views
Philosophy Forum
Gotta tell ya, Decius, you put a pretty light hearted twist on the end of your post that I couldn't help but laugh at. You make some good points I never thought of. Now, to raise another issue,...
THREAD SocietyIdeas on education
9 Posts • 3641 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Such an awesome post, really helps to clarify the subject in my mind to a greater degree. It is an overwhelming thought that ultimately, it is as you say, we do need to do a whole restructure of th...
THREAD Night owl
5 Posts • 3441 Views
Talk Talk
You know i would really love to have a consecutive discussion with any of you wonderful people, but sadly i only post at night, and no one seams to be up at this hour, so i have to continue my discuss...
THREAD ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43945 Views
Religion Forum
Our government has the RIGHT to be religious, some people don't understand this, however, our government does NOT have the right to make us religious and this is sometimes missunderstood by our g...
THREAD Too much deep thought.
32 Posts • 13793 Views
Philosophy Forum
U know, I think there is a difference between 'intelligence'(or common sense) and 'genius'. I mean, a kid could be brilliant in maths but thinks that killing innocent people for th...
THREAD Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 19173 Views
Philosophy Forum
You make a valid point, however many of the older people in this country wish us to treat them with respect. They wish us to treat them as wise. This cannot be done if they emmulate the younger genera...
THREAD How are deserts formed?
3 Posts • 2603 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I second Oblivion's suggestion. You should google it first desmo. And then if you don't understand something, you could try asking people here about whatever it is you don't underst...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrunken
27 Posts • 10369 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
we need to rid the cause. I think the key cause would be lack of intrapersonal skills. People not knowing how to deal with their problems rationally, or just not wanting to deal with them at all. H...
THREAD Religion & Humanitypray for me
29 Posts • 8554 Views
Religion Forum
"im stronger than you'll ever be 14 year old..." I'm not the one who's begging people to pray for me you scumfuck If someone would like bible errors: http://www.freetho...
THREAD BiologyGMed Organisms
33 Posts • 10571 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Like I said - if they didn't create it so you had to use a chemical to grow it I would support it. This has been done for pure profit. Plants and animals have been domesticated, breed and c...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsDoes Time Even Exist?
85 Posts • 29866 Views
Philosophy Forum
i agree with 730.. Man sets his own limitations, and if man sets time as one of those limitations then it will exist, period. i think that it is naive to say that there is nothing faster than t...
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