God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50281 Views Religion Forum |
good depends on what angle you see it from
such as conquerors think what they did was good but the country they conquered didn't
what Jesus did was good but by some people might not see it... |
Coldplay: Clocks
14 Posts • 4107 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
How can you define that trash as music?
1.It sucks
2. It sucks
3. Guess what... IT SUCKS!
Hown many decent albums, nay, VERSES have they done that are remotely interesting? NONE!
My conclusi... |
Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31951 Views Psychology Forum |
My wife is my perfect mate, and she is my dream girl.
We are best friends, we like the same things; movies, girls, music, books, etc. She has the perfect body, nice ass, perfect...well you get the... |
22 Posts • 6773 Views Talk Talk |
I liked your description of guitar, NicOfTime. To any aspiring guitarists out there I can offer one piece of advice. It may seem like nothing to you now but as you keep with it, the significance of th... |
since we're all tryin to get to know each oth
11 Posts • 3614 Views Talk Talk |
on my 25th birthday i would like to have made a decision about my career,i would like to have started a family,possibly be married or just living with my boyfriend like i am currently,i want us to own... |
 33yrs • M
im the best |
 33yrs • M
"I intend to live forever......so far so good....." |
Rehab & AddictionWhat differentiates the habitual narcotic user and the recreational narcotic user.
7 Posts • 11719 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Since I did not try smoking weed until i was in my twenties I have plenty of practice "escaping." This site for instance was one of the ways I used to escape my reality.
Often times when... |
Sexual BiologyNot Cumming
17 Posts • 7391 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I've looked at the upisdes to this
1- its good exercise
2- it must be good when u do cm
3- its good for the chick
Then I looked at the downside
1-not so good for a quickie
lol. I do... |
5 Posts • 2938 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
This is probably one of the coolest music groups on the planet. They are from Finland. Cello enthusiasts everywhere should know about these guys. Anyone who loves hardcore stuff should be able to resp... |
Random QuestionsTop 5 Artists
45 Posts • 10009 Views Talk Talk |
1. Tool
2. Rage
3. Pink Floyd
4. Slipknot
5. Smashing Pumpkins
Unbelievable to me, that on THIS website, throughout this entire post no one even mentions Tool. The deepest poetry in the biz by... |
The shocking things that get let onto the internet
3 Posts • 2700 Views Talk Talk |
aka my friends band, possibly the worst on the internet. i have to hand it to him though, he manages to make the sex pistols sound like singing.
http://www.unsigne dbandweb.com/music/bands/5334/ inde... |
Mental IllnessEminem Schizophrenic or Bi-Polar or both
7 Posts • 30067 Views Psychology Forum |
Certainly not the music I tend to listen too . . so accept my ignorance but . . . ChrisD, I agree which makes me wonder about J+J's comments?
Listening to the flow of rap isn't something I... |
Horse Music
1 Posts • 2880 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
http://www.killsometime.com/hu mor/humor.asp?humor=HorseMusic
:D :D :D |
Aqualung 'Brighter than Sunshine'
4 Posts • 2294 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Yummy melody, yummy voice...
I love the way the music becomes more and more expansive yet his voice still sounds so tender and intimate. |
Wierd al yankovic
2 Posts • 2082 Views Talk Talk |
I am a big fan off wierd al yankovic!! he is a parody writer post things about song's of his or music videos. my favorite is white and nerdy!!!*lol* |
About You / IntroductionsAye
9 Posts • 3515 Views Talk Talk |
BSR - do you speak/understand Scottish Gaelic at all? Do you have a strong Scottish accent?
My hobbies include music, Automobiles,
What kind of cars are you into? |
Physics & CosmologyThe Big Bang
6 Posts • 2922 Views Science & Technology Forum |
very interesting.. never thought of music as a universe before.. so does that mean every time we turn off the stereo we're murdering anything and everything that could of ever been? time could fl... |
Ringtone Creator
1 Posts • 3140 Views Jokes & Games |
i found this website and tried it out. it really works and you dont have to pay or anything. plus, if you have some music programs you can make your own song and then send it to your phone to use as a... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160006 Views Talk Talk |
124 Posts • 33711 Views Talk Talk |
What is the deal with the movie industry now? There are plenty of now ideas out there, it's just nobody has the brains to figure out how to put them on the screen. I mean, look at Willy Wonka and... |
spare time/ hobbies
9 Posts • 3993 Views Talk Talk |
atm I usually listen to a lot of music, read, go running in the national park, rock climbing, cycling, sailing. also chat 2friends, dont really watch tv, and definately on computer alot using photosho... |
Emotions & Feelingsanger
10 Posts • 3330 Views Psychology Forum |
i guess the best thing to do is to stop feeding your anger with any type of negativity. fireangel is right, perhaps, you should find an outlet for your anger. try to involve yourself in... |
The Smashing Pumpkins
5 Posts • 2184 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
This is one of my fav vids they've done. I thought it was very original when it came out. All the different elements it has within one continuous shot along with the odd movements of the band mem... |
tranZmission Productions
1 Posts • 2993 Views Jokes & Games |
A new website has arrived its www.tvtranzmission.com ..news, reviews, interviews, live footage videos and much more...We are a resource for the "underground" music artists to be seen, heard.... |