God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122959 Views Religion Forum |
now lets think here a minute elemental, if god exists because thats how the universe works, then wouldnt it make sense that if we understand the universe better we could prove or disprove god.
Wel... |
God in Religiongods name
46 Posts • 12632 Views Religion Forum |
So yes, there is merit to you saying God is the first, the only God. But where does that get you in a discussion about the false gods of others and why they had so many?
Who are you to say that oth... |
War & Terrorism900 years of the West against Islam
24 Posts • 6698 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The cost is not monitary, but our ideals. Our live and let live democratic ideals. We will have sacrificed our system to impose our system on another culture. Democracy doesn't work for everyone... |
Un-caring me.
11 Posts • 3473 Views Philosophy Forum |
i think that self intrest is perhaps the strongest instinct an individual posesses. surely it developed first over the course of the evloution of life. social intrest, it would seem, also developed ou... |
ChristianityA few questions for Christians.
13 Posts • 3232 Views Religion Forum |
Well, the way I see it the biggest problem with beliefs is when those beliefs become a need. My beliefs are not a need. To provide an example of what they are: would you say that you need to believe i... |
ChristianityScientific Proof of the Bible vs Theories
44 Posts • 21066 Views Religion Forum |
I think you over mystify the unknown.
Just because we don't know everything about everything doesn't mean there aren't simple and unspectacular answers behind them.
Art is emoti... |
Atheism & AgnosticismO no, Atheism
17 Posts • 7148 Views Religion Forum |
Even though it appears to me that no God is required to have an existence like the one we've got, I consider it perfectly rational to believe in something because it makes you feel good. If you (... |
14 Posts • 3837 Views Talk Talk |
I havent thought about this until i read this thread, but i seem to be in the exact same spot. I just dont care about anything. Until now I looked at it like a center in me, a zen garden of sorts. I n... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122959 Views Religion Forum |
Some who study religion and non-religion world said, most who believes in god usually because they were 'educated' or 'tought' the concept of 'god'. he/she might say god... |
Religion & Humanitypray for me
29 Posts • 8560 Views Religion Forum |
Hi I graduated from high school last year. The best way I can discribe my faith is by saying that I'm a born agian cristian. While it's not a matter of life and death, the reason im writing... |
258 Posts • 67428 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
there is a building
and in this building there is a bomb
you can not see this bomb
you can not hear it
but you can feel it
ti cking
i love the reasons i am... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40581 Views Religion Forum |
But to them morally it could be perfectlly right
Could be - I'm sure that happens
It is the exception not the accepted attitude put in practice - if it was, it would surely d... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39611 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yeah I can see that for sure. I don't consider people who condemn anyone to be Christian because Christ never condemned anyone. Ever hear the story about the whore that was about to get stoned to... |
Product Reviews Forum Guidelines
1 Posts • 3061 Views Product Reviews |
The purpose of the Product Reviews Forum is to provide accurate, detailed and honest information about products through hands-on experience. Only high quality and original reviews are permitted. Revie... |
Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38015 Views Psychology Forum |
Are you saying that a sexy, modelesque woman is as likely to be raped as a fat unhealthy one?
I say size doesn't matter to many rapists. Rape is not about sexual attraction and is not conside... |
16 Posts • 15602 Views Religion Forum |
Thank You, this link did lead to the appropiate page and while I was wrong about the antiquity of the source, little has come forth to change the text of the bible.
Not to harp on a sore subject . .... |
ElectionsObama is not fit!
20 Posts • 6468 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Iron the point is understanding the worse of two evils.
The spark of a revolution can be snuffed by good old uncle Sam with the releasing of a breath. You understand your beliefs, you also understa... |
Depressiondepression or alcoholism
9 Posts • 4329 Views Psychology Forum |
I understand completely where you are coming from. Been there done that - Got the freaking T-shirt and threw it away !
when you wake up from the drunk, the problem will still be there but now you wil... |
Speed Of Time
64 Posts • 16974 Views Philosophy Forum |
Concerning the first condition, how can you be sure that the substance you perceive and have an idea of truly exists?
You are correct. My meaning of final cause is not the same as Aristotle's.... |
Gender PsychologyWhat kind of guys do chicks like?
55 Posts • 22926 Views Psychology Forum |
Girls in general are all the same. It's the little things they do that makes them think their different. That's why women are impossible to figure out. Too many little things. It doesn'... |
ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17387 Views Religion Forum |
[5) When believers receive their new bodies, they put on immortality (1 Cor. 15:53). Scripture indicates at least 3 purposes for this:
(a) so that believers may become all that God intended for huma... |
How do you know?
2 Posts • 1921 Views Talk Talk |
Honestly, i don't know that love can be defined. I've been taught that a good definition must consist of more than just examples and cannot contain the same word you're defining. I don&... |
SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views Religion Forum |
I think there might very well be a corolation between a no-faith system, and being a big fan of Data and Spock. After all they are the ones that make the most sense, and can answer all unan... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42147 Views Religion Forum |
But why is believing this more important then simply living the life Jesus asked us to. Christians don't live the life Jesus asked them to do! Believe with the works giving evidence of your faith... |
Religion & HumanityReligion's Purpose?
16 Posts • 8931 Views Religion Forum |
Dumbteen - You might have me on the science, it is not my expertese. But neither you nor protege understand religion.
But I will give you this. The scriptures are jaded and will get us lost when we... |