This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 41107 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Jesus did I get off track, I was origingally posting to tell of a current casting rumor for superman, Bryan Singer the director of X-MEN was also the director of the Ususal Suspects, and him and Kevin... |
Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35952 Views Psychology Forum |
(I didn't read thru all the posts so I don't know if this was said already)
Not all terrorists are muslim.
I remember 9/11 and they read this note that said those who sacrifice themsel... |
About You / IntroductionsQ&A
0 Posts • 742 Views Talk Talk |
I have been physically aggressive a few times when I felt threatened, but there was an incident where I was verbally aggressive that I feel outweighs those.
This guy - an acquantence of a friend -... |
Rehab & AddictionDrugs
23 Posts • 14380 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
I don't drink and I do weed on very special occasions. I have tried Ecstasy and Shrooms and cigarettes. Basically, marijuana is the only one i would ever consider doing long term. I have a lot of... |
Free Will
33 Posts • 9500 Views Philosophy Forum |
Good question. Does the acknowledgment of the illusion of free will in turn provide free will? I think not. If the person who drove to work as quickly as possible read this, and in an attempt to prove... |
Rehab & Addictionbeating addiction
13 Posts • 3648 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
I actually get a very smart rush when I smoke weed. Everything I look at or do comes to me a lot clearer.
But I know that particular state of being should not be experienced too much. Because you... |
Do you deserve respect?
73 Posts • 15358 Views Philosophy Forum |
one should jude all actions equally and all people seperatly, because we do not understand their motivation for the action, therefore i beleive it is impossible to understand the action. the only thin... |
Reality & MetaphysicsIs Karma Real?
25 Posts • 24975 Views Philosophy Forum |
Karma cannot be real, based on the fact that you'd have to know what right and wrong are. Animals are a good example to disprove karma because animals do not know what right or wrong is, only hum... |
Your ISP (Internet Service Provider)
10 Posts • 4323 Views Talk Talk |
What Internet Service do you use, and what are the Pro's and Con's?
I have had AOL since it was 3.0 or something like that, and have had a good time chatting in their Chatrooms, but that... |
Relationships & LoveWhat is Love?
9 Posts • 8666 Views Psychology Forum |
Sorry if this topic already exists somewhere, I don't have the patience to look for them because I'm feeling confused right now.
I've been with my boyfriend for almost two years and... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32934 Views Philosophy Forum |
"You listed a quote? You believe he said that? OMG you more naive than I had imagined!"
What reason should I not believe he said that? Like I said I simply listed a quote that I've... |
EconomyEver wonder...
12 Posts • 2772 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Ah, but since so much is actually owned by the government, I'm guessing that too can be argued. But none of it would matter..."
True, we probably could go back and forth o... |
Is It Me??? It's Them, Right?
3 Posts • 3625 Views Jokes & Games |
I've been in 8 "no sex, no nudes" art films to date.
Most actors need money for their work just as anyone else. I was approached by a director to make 1 and through his connections... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42006 Views Religion Forum |
"If you judge people, you have no time to love them." (Mother Teresa)
This is exactly what I have been tring to say about 'evil' in the other posts as well, it is a really good... |
3 Posts • 2891 Views Talk Talk |
I just got back home from a 3 day round trip to Wyoming. Went to Medicine Bow, which was 1100 miles with 3 kids! I was excited about seeing my old bosses, and my youngest son got to see his best frien... |
BooksMein Kamph
6 Posts • 6730 Views Talk Talk |
They didn't stop to analyze Mein Kamph to see its lack of validity. It has lots of stupidity in it. Ridiculous assumptions and connections.
Neither did the allies had any of them actually rea... |
Famous PhilosophersSocratic and Platonic philosophies
34 Posts • 10373 Views Philosophy Forum |
Oh, yeah..I've told these few warnings to a few others who have graciously offered to give me some feedback on my paper...Chapter One could be considered pretty boring--material that's aread... |
Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36752 Views Philosophy Forum |
Oh for God's sake.
[I created an account because I wanted to add this short message, but I'm glad I did -- which is often the way it goes. Because I'm ordering at least three of the... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55461 Views Philosophy Forum |
I believe that humans came about through evolution after being created by the great crab king Lew Johnson. Lew was a very quiet boy who accepted his first job as a desk clerk in lower Manhattan. His b... |
Society & SociologyThe mentality of a soldier
0 Posts • 7803 Views Psychology Forum |
Is it really that difficult for you people to understand what it's like to truly "give yourself" to a cause? The majority of soldiers would die not JUST for the country itself, but the... |
Visual Poetry
1 Posts • 2844 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Here's something that a teacher decided to try on us, and I though I'd put it up and see if anyoune else wants a shot. Go to google, find one picture of any style you want. Incormorate it in... |
19 Posts • 7036 Views Talk Talk |
jimmy you lose muscle while you sleep.. and bob cuz i dont wanna lose muscle lol....
when you don't have food in you'r gut then you'r body goes in to somewhat of a starvation mood..... |
Religion & HumanityWhy?
9 Posts • 4055 Views Religion Forum |
To see glass half full is good, to see it half empty is bad. We do seem to always see it half empty rather than half full.
But I sometimes wonder, to see it half full, this brings us peace and sat... |
War & TerrorismExerp: Sign the petition and send it on
9 Posts • 3474 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I have to agree...
Fighting a war on terrorism, by taking over Iraq.
Is like..
Fighting a war against Predjudice, by bombing Alabama.
There just is no "homebase" for terrorism just... |
Females Inferior?
31 Posts • 13314 Views Philosophy Forum |
This is 2003, we humans have allegedly advanced so much. We have allegedly come to know how ridiculous past societal views were. The issue of being female has been a fact used to define ways of life/b... |