The Mind
49 Posts • 13337 Views Philosophy Forum |
So basically what you're saying is:
Everything that uses the word "brain" is good, and everything (that you mentioned) using the word "mind" is BAD. But none of it matters,... |
Pictures of Ourselves
281 Posts • 71137 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Gentelmen, you are all good looking.
Wes, that little baby girl is adorable!
Mia, you are gorgeous hon. Gorgeous! I love the black/white picture. Great photography.
All right, you all saw my... |
Weird ThingsThree weird things you're grateful for.
33 Posts • 10512 Views Talk Talk |
1) Ignorance.
- i strongly dislike ignorance, but it has its perks. it makes it easy to pull pranks on people or make people you dont like look stupid.
2) Guys that are douchebags
- it makes go... |
ChristianityA Great Man Passes
24 Posts • 6711 Views Religion Forum |
the big deal is influence. how much influence have you had on the world? a lot less than him i bet.
catholic/non-catholic. good/evil. influence is still influence. |
48 Posts • 26846 Views Jokes & Games |
timmo is stupid he is dum shit the graphics r good and everything*devil**devil**devil **devil**devil**devil**devil** devil* |
Why Teachers Go Crazy!
22 Posts • 6886 Views Jokes & Games |
HAROLD: Teacher, would you punish me for something I didn't do?
TEACHER: Of course not.
HAROLD: Good, because I didn't do my homework. |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"I'm with you on that one, OK! Actually, though, a lot of people even in my generation (Dylan's) did not like his voice. They liked the message and the messenger but not his voice. &quo... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57908 Views Religion Forum |
So can we all agree that for every good there is an equal bad? If we can all agree on this then we can start asking why this is true? In my opinion, it is because of balance, *everything* has an oppos... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceDe ja vu - my theory
11 Posts • 7045 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I think destiny is a joke. Fate is a joke. Somethings, DO happen for a reason, but I don't think that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Stuff happens because of the decisions people make (obviousl... |
68 Posts • 15269 Views Religion Forum |
Killing in self defense is murder and it goes against the teachings of Jesus. Jesus said to turn the other cheek and do good to those who hurt you.
No where in there does it say lay down and die wh... |
IslamMuslim women who cover their hair
27 Posts • 77119 Views Religion Forum |
Women just make it less obvious about their superficial views. They see money as opposed to breasts. Men see ass as opposed to social status. etc. It's just human nature to see something nicer an... |
No more SANTA
17 Posts • 6782 Views Talk Talk |
haha teh way i found out all the kids were discussing what "santa" was going to bring them she got frusterated adn yelled out " santa is a fake your parentss give you the presents and e... |
Random QuestionsKarma
39 Posts • 9056 Views Talk Talk |
I have not realy redefined karma. I have used an analogy to express the vast yet exceedingly simple concept of karma all your actions will have an infinite implications. How would you define Karma? If... |
112 Posts • 27056 Views Talk Talk |
good news - no more hospitals for at least a while
bad news - my heads supposed to be foggy for another week or two
its interesting to me, there are people who absolutely love mountain dew and t... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
That's what's so good about this site. There is such an assortment of people on it from different places, ages, backgrounds etc. that you get a variety of different opinions on one subject.... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49766 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
A good deed left unturned,
Taken for a fool--an unlucky scene of events.
Smiles shade the unforeseen silence that awaits us.
As tears break through the glass of our souls.
Roads built on shame,... |
RelationshipsI have nothing but contempt for the western woman
35 Posts • 19217 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Ok, good. :)
The problem then arises about what we can do to sort it out. And I just came to the conclusion that this is what it looks like when a culture dies.
It could be seen that Culture is... |
Comforting an atheist on their deathbed
11 Posts • 6178 Views Talk Talk |
at the risk of seeming like a complete jackass im going to ask this question.
how do you comfort an atheist on their deathbed?
its very easy when a person is religious or at least believes in... |
Top Gear: Car getting totalled by airplane engine
0 Posts • 1927 Views Talk Talk |
This show's back here in the uk. Its one of the best shows on tv. You can watch them by typing in top gear in youtube. every sunday its on here. So good idea to do a search monday to watch the la... |
Society & SociologyThe mentality of a soldier
0 Posts • 7803 Views Psychology Forum |
Agreed iSOUGHT|THO We do need God's help for the coming years. Yes iSOUGHT|THO The Basic Soldiers need all of that for him to function as a soldier, Show no mercy to your enemy because they will... |
Emotions & FeelingsMixed Emotions/Open Your Mind
16 Posts • 7785 Views Psychology Forum |
Think of it this way people do these things in order to feel accepted if they didn't feel accepted there would be more me running around *shudders* oh wait it might be a good thing though.... Mor... |
Religion & HumanityWho here has been moved?
8 Posts • 3570 Views Religion Forum |
I enjoy learning what others believe in. I also believe that if anyone is moved, it is God who opens their hearts and eyes To understand.
In the term stubborn, do you mean that they refuse to let g... |
General HealthHealth Tips
12 Posts • 6318 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
"We all know meditation is great, but if you get to a certain level, without a really really good instructor you can actually damage your health."
In what ways can meditation damage your... |
SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29209 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Or at the very least, there is no alternative that we know about.
Right - so we've gone around circle. A democratic government by the people for the people is best so far (vice) a government b... |
Remembering The Moon
27 Posts • 7018 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I started writing this morning, it may be the beginning of something, I have an idea where it could go but thought I would share it with you guys...
The clearest and brightest night that ever exis... |