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Tagged > Feelings
THREAD Society & SociologyThe Internets Rape Of Innocence
17 Posts • 6025 Views
Psychology Forum
its just that when given full freedom, people will take full advantage of it regardless of consequences (seen or unforeseen). Such as the seen and unforseen consequences of sheltering minds. And...
THREAD Stoned in love, but not with you.
10 Posts • 3071 Views
Talk Talk
Wyote: Thank you for your reply; I know that you're right. When I was 9, I was riding with my 17 year old cousin, and she hit a deer... She was hysterical, and the poor little guy was lying on th...
THREAD How does the mind display itself to us?
11 Posts • 2983 Views
Philosophy Forum
I have noticed something new about how the senses appear to display... Basically some senses are more internal of the mind whereas others are more external. The hypothesis goes, that, something inter...
THREAD Famous PhilosophersWhy do you love/hate Deepak Chopra?
3 Posts • 6694 Views
Philosophy Forum
I want to get rid of Deepak Chopra! He act like his has power to convince people about way of living, religions and mind-body medicine. He a fraud! If people want to have a happy life, we know the roa...
THREAD a new code processor
11 Posts • 2885 Views
Philosophy Forum
I've been stumbling on some very interesting videos tonight and something clicked in my head. why can't we fully understand eachother and our feelings? why do we believe we have separate rea...
THREAD PerceptionSee object with eyes.
3 Posts • 2760 Views
Psychology Forum
"Mind" is a word we came up with that doesn't describe an actual object, it's part of an experience created by your brain. "Thoughts" and "feelings" are the way...
THREAD Relationships & LoveOpen Relationships and Swinging
3 Posts • 3086 Views
Psychology Forum
My understanding is on a biological level human brains are conditioned to imprint on the people we have sex with just as chicks do on their mothers. For example the chemical Oxytocin that is associate...
THREAD Dream World
5 Posts • 3542 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Is this just a dream? Is none of it real? Has all my loves been false, my hopes are lost Is this just a dream? Can't you hear me scream? My love for you, has been a failure You never loved me,...
THREAD DepressionThe word depression is a emotion and much more.
6 Posts • 2794 Views
Psychology Forum
my depressions are either obsession with suicidal thoughts or just complete apathy. I haven't had the first in years but when I get depressed through apathy I become so sarcastic that I almost...
THREAD Sentience vs. Sapience
7 Posts • 29300 Views
Philosophy Forum
knowledge is basically how to do something wisdom is basically how to do something right, or not do it ;) sapience... ooooooo sounds all "collegey" you labeled the top of your thread...
THREAD Christianitychristians?
110 Posts • 24269 Views
Religion Forum
Perhaps you find it easy to accept the concept of babies being sinners before they learn how to talk No harder than accepting the fact that babies have arms, legs and eyes. Being a perpetual sin...
THREAD Christianity'Loving my neighbour'
7 Posts • 3619 Views
Religion Forum
It is good to be committed in today's society. The person receiving the action of the commitment will be more glad that a commitment is received out of Love Love is the ultimate scope of a per...
THREAD SpiritualityCan the Supernatural be taken seriously?
32 Posts • 9679 Views
Religion Forum
Basically my question is this: Can the "Supernatural" be considered as a possible truth claim from the minute it is put forth without being hastily shot down as being "Un-natural&quo...
THREAD God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 41983 Views
Religion Forum
Evil - Man - Good All good and all evil stems from man. The only real good is in knowledge. And the highest of these forms that I know of is feelings. The only evil is in perspective, stems from...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityAnti-morality: a new, justifiable theory to live b
15 Posts • 6012 Views
Philosophy Forum
The plea was for perfection, this is a current improbability or even impossiblility, depending on what perfect even is. The other way of looking at it of course being that we are perfect as we are, we...
THREAD Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77251 Views
Psychology Forum
"that's your opinion and opinions are like assholes, we all have one. yours stinks... (not to be taken literal)." Thanks for sharing that deep insight. ""what does any o...
THREAD ChristianityChristian Q&A
0 Posts • 3762 Views
Religion Forum
Back when I was in college, a friend was killed by someone he had grown close friends . . . this friend's wife had a child with red hair but the husband did not. Because my friend was red headed,...
THREAD Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132005 Views
Philosophy Forum
i dont know about the whole saving the planet thing, but i for one find it kind of arrogent on the parents' part to assume that it's alright to just bring someone into the world. i mean, a l...
THREAD IslamDo YOU hate muslims?
11 Posts • 3830 Views
Religion Forum
...hate to argue on a peaceful forum but.. tazzlyn, by calling me generalizing and ignorant you are in turn calling yourself the same thing. only from my perspective. you declared those things from th...
THREAD Free Will
60 Posts • 15135 Views
Philosophy Forum
What is free will? It is the idea as a human, even in the most degrading of situations, we still have a choice. Perhaps not major, perhaps not meager. But the fact remains, we do not have to speak...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityEvil
19 Posts • 6451 Views
Philosophy Forum
*confused*Yes this is all very interesting. But what is your own definitions of evil. To me evil is any act that's consequences leave you cold to the core. Something you just cannot believe someo...
THREAD How do we describe perfection
49 Posts • 20057 Views
Philosophy Forum
Yeah but thats really not the point is it. If what you are saying is that perfection can be descibed as wishful thinking, you have something that has a little substance. But to say that there is no su...
THREAD BooksA book like no other
10 Posts • 3541 Views
Talk Talk
I like your posts. You articulate your thoughts well. You have the conviction that feelings can be amplified infinitely - I'm wondering, where does this conviction come from? But if you bel...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsWhat Gods or Goddesses do you believe in
31 Posts • 9973 Views
Religion Forum
Well said Dawg. To add to that... I don't refer to god as a he because to me that just doesn't make sense. If it can be classified as masculine or feminine (energetically only, not human mal...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionEmotions
17 Posts • 7048 Views
Philosophy Forum
and I realized that anger was an extension of sadness, when I thought about it, of course I was mad, but I was more upset and hurt then I was mad. I dont know, way to strong of emotions that I have ev...
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