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Tagged > Ethical
THREAD why continue?
63 Posts • 20685 Views
Philosophy Forum
Wizard's Logic: do you think the diversity of answers to this question is a sign of strength or weakness? There seem to me to be two (widely discrepant) solutions to this problem: first, the posi...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityThe five fingers of ethics
2 Posts • 9646 Views
Philosophy Forum
I have reduced my complete ethical system to five basic principles; the five fingers of ethics Briefly, these five principles are -the thumb: the universalist imperative: do what everyone should hav...
THREAD Life & DeathIf your a clone do you have a soul?
41 Posts • 19344 Views
Philosophy Forum
"To extend it into the spiritual aspect, well this has been a rather neglected area of study by science? " I'm not sure if the study has been no neglected, but rather, the study is vir...
THREAD DreamsWhat do you dream about?
29 Posts • 10711 Views
Psychology Forum
more to the developed topic of lucidity to begin. there are hundreds of types of induction techniques that can increase one's ability ot achieve waking or near waking consciousness while dreaming...
THREAD God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50292 Views
Religion Forum
To help answer you question Petesmith: Athiest ethics usually boils down to 'Me first, always!' ideology. Atheists may have exactly the same views about what counts as good and bad, and may...
THREAD BiologyScientists Turn Dead Cells Into Live Tissue
1 Posts • 2488 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Antony Barnett and Robin McKie / London Observer | September 24 2006 Scientists working at a British laboratory have achieved one of the most controversial breakthroughs ever made in the field of s...
THREAD SocietyAmerica is F***ed
0 Posts • 1436 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
All right, to address a couple of points first: 1). Yes, the people do vote for the government, however, this does not mean the people always support the government. Sometimes a government strays too...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityEthics: DARE YOU IGNORE IT?
17 Posts • 6148 Views
Philosophy Forum
Can an ethical statement be 'true'? Is it simply 'true' that 'thou shalt not kill' in the same way that 'the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second' is true? The latter fact is a truth concerni...
THREAD BiologyScience versus Instinct
37 Posts • 11630 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Ok, lets start with the term 'instinct', to help settle some confusion. "Instinct' means the inherent disposition of a living organism toward a particular behavior. Instinct is pre...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityIs there any ethical validation for inbreeding White Tigers?
3 Posts • 4758 Views
Philosophy Forum
I am not sure how many people are familiar with the White Tiger Dilemma; but to sum it up, there is an enormous debate centered upon how they are bred. White Tigers are not their own species, and do n...
THREAD Vegetarianism
30 Posts • 9564 Views
Talk Talk
Hey metalgiant, I too respect your opinions and like them because your intent is good; but I still think you're stance could be better directed. I wrote a reply but I got logged off it took m...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityNotes on Ethics
1 Posts • 2468 Views
Philosophy Forum
I bought and read a book on moral relativism. The protagonists of the debate resemble two people who, though travelling in opposite directions, have fallen into the same pit. Both views are expressed...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21986 Views
Religion Forum
The Quanum zero effect does nothing of the kind. Science continues to examine and describe the universe around us. Things dtill fall off trees and you still cannot walk into walls Your going to sit...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsMormon
6 Posts • 4890 Views
Religion Forum
I'm not an active member. I joined a long time ago when I had a good friend in the church while in the Navy. I could not acccept all of their beliefs so I dropped out. But once you are a member,...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityIdea for a Normative Theory
1 Posts • 2958 Views
Philosophy Forum
DISCLAIMER: This starts off by sounding kinda ridiculous, but I think it becomes much more reasonable as you read on, and I have put a lot of thought into it, so please don't dismiss it immediate...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhat Is Wrong With Being A Slut
37 Posts • 15044 Views
Psychology Forum
Thank you for your reactions. I'd like to add some new material. Power. Control. Libido. Three basic and primary drives of many, many men and perhaps the most primitive urges in the center of...
THREAD GovernmentProp 8: A Different Approach
1 Posts • 2504 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Okay so in the wake of the religious arguments and the linguistic arguments, (and those arguments aside) I thought I would take a look at this proposition from the legal/democratic aspect. So bear wit...
THREAD God in ReligionWake up and discover that God never existed
48 Posts • 13384 Views
Religion Forum
secret07 the truth is you can't be sure that your 'God' exists and other 'Gods' don't. What makes christianity more genuine, realiable, legitimate, accurate, sincere, tru...
THREAD GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24614 Views
Philosophy Forum
Entertain for a moment why we have the need to construct the concept of God. We know that we began as a species early to conceive of polytheistic gods to explain that which we could not, or to justify...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21986 Views
Religion Forum
Quantom zero effect disproves everything we know about physics. We can't explain black holes or how a sun flare 100 miles away from the sun burns over 1000% hotter than the surface of the sun, we...
THREAD Peter Tosh CD Review
1 Posts • 3547 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Peter Tosh Reggae Review 'Honorary Citizen' A man of Jah, a Wailer, and most importantly an awesome reggae performer and writer, describes Peter Tosh in a nutshell. To commemorate his musical con...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13578 Views
Religion Forum
we might need tp check out the history of where and how Nebuchadnezzar kept his army tools. How he defeated so many nations. (See Kings, and psalms and Exodus....) And how he was a great and evil co...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityEthics: DARE YOU IGNORE IT?
17 Posts • 6148 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ethics should be sung, not said. Ethics is the frail raft which the virtuous man trusts through churning seas. It pulls us down, it stops us from angling for the stars, even as it puts solid ground be...
THREAD Sentience vs. Sapience
7 Posts • 29304 Views
Philosophy Forum
knowledge is basically how to do something wisdom is basically how to do something right, or not do it ;) sapience... ooooooo sounds all "collegey" you labeled the top of your thread...
THREAD Iain King's 'How to Make Good Decisions"
1 Posts • 3016 Views
Philosophy Forum
Continuum is pleased to announce that Iain King's 'How to Make Good Decisions and Be Right All the Time: Solving the Riddle of Right and Wrong' is now available! 'Iain King's ambitious bo...
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