The Zero Conjecture
10 Posts • 4017 Views Philosophy Forum |
but rschultz...if it exists in the mind it exists somewhere...if it exists in reality it exists somewhere...if it exists in a nowhere state....that's a somewhere........no matter what situation,... |
7 Posts • 3554 Views Philosophy Forum |
Anti matter? Well in essence all matter is energy as you say, but you fail to acknowledge that mater is not only condensed energy, but bundles of it in forms like electrons and protons and nuetrons. N... |
BiologyPareidolia and Apophenia
3 Posts • 3142 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Pareidolia and apophenia, the two aforementioned words, changed my childhood completely. My dad told me about them when i was 12, and if i should have them, i plan to tell my children at an appropriat... |
PoetryThe poems that we read
17 Posts • 15222 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
"You, Andrew Marvell" by Archibald MacLeish
And here face down beneath the sun
And here upon earth's noonward height
To feel the always coming on
The always rising of the night:... |
Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views Psychology Forum |
Unfortunatly I do not watch any of the recent SNL episodes. (I perfer the comedy central old school stuff). Yet I have seen a lot of SNL and it might have changed with the new cast, I can't reall... |
7 Posts • 3554 Views Philosophy Forum |
Matter can never see matter. Matter in itself has no real observation properties, because it can only absorb photons and retransmit them, and if you truly look at photons it is only energy one sees, a... |
This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 41113 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
i hope it does look good, though admitedly it does have a lot to live up to. but i do agree with st jimmy, the cloak is the wrong shade of red, i hadnt noticed till he mentioned it, but it is wrong, w... |
God in Religionunfair senario
12 Posts • 4435 Views Religion Forum |
actually you dont know anyone patape. its impossible to see what a person does during their entire life. a person may seem good, may act good, may do good things, yet have several dark secrets no one... |
PoetryPoems by an Ancient
21 Posts • 6603 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
it keeps raining
it just keeps raining
maybe one day...
this world will wash away
and all that I felt for in any case
will be gone forever in histories end
it couldn't last
we knew it
su... |
14 Posts • 4155 Views Philosophy Forum |
the uncreated binary is called "dark binary"*dead* |
This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 41113 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
the costume isnt quite right though
Yeah, i noticed that too, the red on his costume is too dark. |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49767 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I've lost her.
No death involved; no ending of time.
She was taken from me; I was five at the time.
A dark figure, from the shadows arose.
Without warning I lost her, I've never felt so alone.... |
Religion & HumanityPoints on Religion
75 Posts • 15802 Views Religion Forum |
Religion has been removed from public and resorted it to purly a private matter.
the fact about that is... there are people to fight it... back when our country was founded the main rule was seper... |
Life & Deathwhat defines life
63 Posts • 18447 Views Philosophy Forum |
There's a saying- an old defination of a philospher: He's a blind man in a dark room, trying to find a black cat which is not there. He theorizes about it, discusses it and tries to prove it... |
Reality & Metaphysicsdeluded reality
7 Posts • 3738 Views Philosophy Forum |
how can you see the truth if you keep thinking of what is?... you can only know the truth if you seek for it...and when your search is done accept what is!..... you're only in the box when you th... |
DreamsImagination/Dream theory
14 Posts • 7770 Views Psychology Forum |
Yeah, I also noticed that you can't see these 'dark' spots directly. But I also see another thing. Unlike all those other 'particles' I sometimes also see colourless stings jo... |
42 Posts • 10551 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
among millions
so alone
none to trust
watched by all
looked down upon
looked up at
disappointing all
living were your best
comes no were near the rest
never good enough
no matter how hard yo... |
Time Travel
24 Posts • 8986 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, actually, a new theory called the 'super string' theory has been formulated, that the base of all matter are these two dimensional 'strings'. So it's not neccessary that... |
Physics & CosmologyThe Edge of the Universe
32 Posts • 9592 Views Science & Technology Forum |
if it is taken as read that the universe is infinite, the question i would ask, is "is there any matter outside a certain area of the universe?" if the universe spread from a central point,... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhy do we exist?
83 Posts • 60676 Views Philosophy Forum |
we have no fate. we got this 1 life to experience the structure of the universe the chance of your life existing is about 1 in 18 with 403,166 zero's after it, almost zilch. life's a gift... |
Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25421 Views Psychology Forum |
When I was younger, I believed suicide was a personal choice that neither government nor religion should put restrictions on. Then, as I grew up and was submerged in death and dying (I worked at a nur... |
SocietyI Think We Are Doomed
14 Posts • 3415 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Bill, if it weren't for the fact that our own government foriegn policies are riddled with terrorism, then yes, it would matter.
Did it matter that the Bush family has extreme Nazi ties leadin... |
Booksa pretty damn good book
8 Posts • 4172 Views Talk Talk |
Man I feel like I am in Oprahs book club- well sort of.
To kill a mocking bird was great as well- the movie was good to.
here is some more info on what I was talking about- the book and the contr... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40602 Views Religion Forum |
when any trully logical mind examines the situation such creatures become childish vagaries.
This has a thought provoking message no matter how you believe. Does evil exist?
The university pr... |
Death Cab For Cutie- Title And Registration
4 Posts • 3379 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Great song. One of my favorite bands. Some of their great songs would be:
-Marching Bands of Manhatten
-Someday you will be loved
-Soul Meets Body
And my most favorite: I will follow you into the... |