Emotions & Feelingswhat are you afraid of
50 Posts • 13526 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm afraid of people, I hate crowds. Some people I can get along with and others I don't even want to talk to and I don't know why - weird huh. |
HomosexualityGay Marraige, For or Against?
32 Posts • 16758 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
The only people questioning whether Homosexuality is a choice or not are people trying to rationalize their hatred. |
Emotions & FeelingsDo You Ever Feel Like People Don't Care What You Think?
5 Posts • 3623 Views Psychology Forum |
Title says it all. |
God in ReligionGOD
23 Posts • 8894 Views Religion Forum |
The problem lies in people. Religion would be great if there were no people to screw it up. |
Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35956 Views Psychology Forum |
That works for most people groups. I have met people who still hate the Germans because of Hitler. |
Society & SociologyStupid people complaining about stupid things!!!
27 Posts • 15768 Views Psychology Forum |
Ya I understand about nicotine and how people didn't know about its attributes but some people still try to sue just because of their ignorance |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24432 Views Religion Forum |
Allright. Another question: if history is so unreliable, why did you talk about Ceasar crossing the Rubicon so much? And if nothing is absolute, while this may be nice to think and comforting to belie... |
War & TerrorismExcerp: Rape-Slaying in Iraq by US Soldiers
0 Posts • 1892 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Let us first consider rape. Rape is different from murder because at least murder coulkd be excused as defence; if you kill some one they are not going to kill you. Rape, however, is violation because... |
Life & DeathWhat does our existence in life mean?
20 Posts • 9200 Views Philosophy Forum |
Oblivionbram, I don't quite understand what you are saying.
Are you saying that emotions are what make us human, but emotions are meaningless because they are simply reactions?
One thing th... |
Society & SociologyStraw man theory for winning arguments
5 Posts • 3072 Views Psychology Forum |
Watching some prime time commentartor, promoting how our war is good. We have not been attacked since 911 . . . ah so it is alright for the president to decieve the people as it is in their best inter... |
40 Posts • 14971 Views Talk Talk |
and some anime haters * evil grin *
i just can't take it seriously
that's my problem
i started watching this moviie two days ago , it's called "waking life" i think
it&... |
Relationships & Lovenobody loves me!
0 Posts • 31969 Views Psychology Forum |
Whenever I feel unloved, I get this automated mental slap saying, "Hello? Look at the people around you." I listen to the voice and realize that people do love me (you can always tell this b... |
Anarchy... don't you need a rule for that?
48 Posts • 11465 Views Philosophy Forum |
the idea behind anarchy is not to simply remove all the rules and watch the chaos begin. the idea is to create a mindset amongst people where the type of rules we have would not be necessary. anarchis... |
ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43058 Views Religion Forum |
you don't believe that all of humanity should be treated and respected equally
Most people would agree with me on that, why do you think we have a criminal system at all? People should be tr... |
Religion & HumanityWho here has been moved?
8 Posts • 3570 Views Religion Forum |
I have definitely been pursuaded and/or moved by several people here, so much so that I have found those people to be very good "online" friends (68firebird, PV_em, Mia, Wyote etc.). They of... |
ElectionsTonights Debate
24 Posts • 5513 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
If Mccain wins I am leaving this country until he is out of office, and even then, I don' think I'll be coming back.
I'd rather live out in the European mountains under a rock, tha... |
Society & SociologyPeople
46 Posts • 15159 Views Psychology Forum |
I highly dislike people who make stupid comments and laugh like they're hilarious. I get so fed up with them....sometimes I just turn around and either tell them to shut the hell up or make a sar... |
Rules To Live By
29 Posts • 7271 Views Philosophy Forum |
Don't insult my intelligence. I am not "incapable" of understanding your intentions. Even though you say you hurt people to help them, I still don't think that is what you want. I... |
ElectionsNovember Elections in the U.S.
4 Posts • 2299 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
truth is the politicians have been deceiving the people for a long time so what do you think? They say you can fool allthe people some of the time but you can't fool all the people all of the tim... |
Life & DeathSoul: Born or Grown
0 Posts • 2018 Views Philosophy Forum |
In life you go down a path, If a kid smokes a cig one day for one second and doesnt again he simply tried a cig, If he tries it one day then tries it the next for the next month, is he considered a sm... |
LawPolitical/Current Events Convictions and Defense
8 Posts • 2730 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I find that a bit strong. For instance. I was recently involved in a court case where I plead guilty to battery and trespassing. What happend was my girl friends parents were beating her, she was 18 a... |
Law & GovernmentCan law and justice be maintained without religion
21 Posts • 7941 Views Philosophy Forum |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S ocial_contract
Most religions stem from this theory and then they add in their agenda.
The social contract alone is enough to promote law and order.
Come on, mos... |
RelationshipsViews on sex(ladies reply please)
11 Posts • 14514 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I think from a female perspective, as well as (although I can't speak for the opposite gender I can only presume), as for males, there are lots of meaning and non-meaning involved with sex. Simil... |
Habits & BehaviorRandom Hatred
77 Posts • 16748 Views Psychology Forum |
Rap in general. People who judge me and others without taking the time to at least talk to me/others. Siblings that guard the computer with their life. People who can't take sarcasm. |
PerceptionThe Surreal Aspects of Life
0 Posts • 946 Views Psychology Forum |
People are more inclined to read such events because it's controversial. Some people may say well in his position I would have done the same thing. Or they would disagree and say no I wouldn'... |