A good piece of news for chess fanatics.
1 Posts • 2978 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
In early March this year, Zhu Chen, Woman's World Chess Champion from China, will oppose Irina Krush from the USA, the winner of the French-American Chess Championship, in The Accoona Woman'... |
Random QuestionsRandom Questions
32 Posts • 15125 Views Talk Talk |
What is in your CD player right now? BOB MARLEY- a tribute (big up 2 someone else who said that.. sorry...)
What is under your bed? simpsons mosaic puzzle i never got around to finishing... and dus... |
GovernmentGovernmental Reform
8 Posts • 4003 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to recognize when a country is in a state of demise, and in dire need of reformation. Our country, the United States of America is overrun with... |
God in ReligionDefining God
61 Posts • 14841 Views Religion Forum |
Your making very grand assumptions there buddy, to say that the universe is autonomous is a hefty assumption, and takes any faults from god, other than he made it an autonomous killing machine, which... |
22 Posts • 11354 Views Philosophy Forum |
The final stage of their new world order is open tyranny. These are egomaniacal people, they don't like being forced to rule in secrecy.
There is a benevolently defined new world order as well a... |
Why do we put words in quotes?
12 Posts • 12545 Views Talk Talk |
the one who supposedly said the word that you put in quotes.. after dwelling on that for a little bit perhaps its generally not an imaginary person comes from specific people but you might kind of for... |
Godwill religions join with the returning of Jesus?
2 Posts • 3691 Views Philosophy Forum |
In my unimportant opnion I think your post was full of bullshit. First off, who are you to narrow the relegions down to "three" as the only ones who can set right to this world of wrong. I t... |
ConsciousnessLevels of Consciousness
29 Posts • 10902 Views Philosophy Forum |
Please don't presume I am referring to guessing what they would like for tea/dinner or that they are due to come to my house. We have conducted experiments as scientifically as possible.
It s... |
Patriarchy: here forever
1 Posts • 1972 Views Philosophy Forum |
An ancient Chinese storyteller wrote a group of stories similar to Gulliver's Travels wherein the narrator travels to strange lands with strange people. He visited one land where women ruled and... |
War & Terrorismal-Qaida / Iraqi link?
25 Posts • 8238 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
War is hell. Berg was STUPID to try to profit from American-style imperialism during a 'hot' war. People that enter into a war zone give up all rights to outrage at their deaths. American bo... |
ChristianityGive up sin?
22 Posts • 5950 Views Religion Forum |
I was thinking.. from what I know, when you go to heaven, your sins and what not are washed away.. once you enter the kingdom, are you unable to sin anymore?
lets think about that for a second. we... |
IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23091 Views Religion Forum |
Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (1928-2003) Khalifatul Masih IV (1982-2003) Fourth Successor to the Promised Messiah.
He was a religious leader, and it sounds like he was man of peace. I couldn't fin... |
SocietyFacts vs Bush-Bashing
13 Posts • 4421 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well that's my point exactly, Innocent until proven guilty. Stories are stories and He shouldn't have to disprove all these stories until evidence is brought up against him.
I just think... |
SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11633 Views Religion Forum |
Something has always irritated me about theists. They pride themselves on their faith, yet, in my eyes, refuse to admit what it is.
Faith, by it definition, requires that you believe something simply... |
Life & DeathSoulful Communism
1 Posts • 2066 Views Philosophy Forum |
When you're thinking of the politics of the soul, what comes to mind?
For me, I guess it would be communism... Not like the kind of communism we may have seen in the past, but from the idea that we t... |
FuturologyEvolution of thought
4 Posts • 2994 Views Philosophy Forum |
:p The famous counter arguement comes from hundreds of years B.C.E. by a guy named Plato that said in paraphrase;
Necessity is the mother of invention.
http://www.bartl eby.com/59/3/necessityist.... |
Religion & HumanityGeneral meaning of life
24 Posts • 10688 Views Religion Forum |
In my opinion, the meaning of life is survival and reproduction, as with other beings. Of course, with our intelligence we have made many advancements etc. which make it quite easy to survive (I'... |
In The NewsSafety cap left off toxic cargo: Britain
5 Posts • 3715 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Safety cap left off toxic cargo as it travelled 130 miles across Britain
Found this article on Fark.com. Talk about disturbing news...
Blunder left trail of lethal radiation
By Andrew Norfolk... |
Life & DeathLet's promise that we'll never ever commit suicide!!
1 Posts • 3356 Views Philosophy Forum |
I wrote this note, it's anti-suicide and about keeping hope in life, read and enjoy :))
There are more ways than ever to find out how much life is worth living, each time you feel so lonely,... |
LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29325 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Taiyondae, you are blaming people of a certain sexual orientation for:
The 9/11 attacks
The current state of american affairs
Every single incindence of child abuse and rape
Not a single one o... |
I am a bodybuilder and have been thinking about taking creatine
4 Posts • 3165 Views Talk Talk |
my sisters bf used to take creatine and it will screw you up chemically. It has the same effects only not as harsh as roids. It allows you body to be pushed to a level that is wouldn't be able to... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42431 Views Religion Forum |
i wil make a point on the being god piece again all i was trying to say is yes 9/11 happened it has already happen and u cud say god allowed it to happen which means if i were god i will do the same t... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32946 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Most soldiers are in Iraq, and you don't know what they believe. I believe I know a little more about what they believe then you, because I know what it means and I know what it is. "... |
ChristianityI've searched everywhere for the true church,
23 Posts • 8513 Views Religion Forum |
Why not, god sends angels to kill babies in the bible even.
I don't remember reading that - but there are some ugly things in the bible - but I happen to believe like the Gnostics that a fa... |
LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51801 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Prostitution is unnecessary so why should the single man need it?
Who says he does, it doesn't matter if he needs it or not, he wants it and since consentual sex is legal prostitution should... |