Random QuestionsZune or ipod
8 Posts • 2879 Views Talk Talk |
They're exactly the same... Zune has a little larger screen. iPod is the original though, the Zune, a cheap knock-off. Same price man, I say go with the original. The only thing a Zune could do t... |
What IS existance?
59 Posts • 15379 Views Philosophy Forum |
In regards to "If I cut my arms off I won't be any less of me" What would you be without your brain,? Not much. But then again, If you are already dead, mixing your individual brain cel... |
Do you deserve respect?
73 Posts • 15365 Views Philosophy Forum |
and who is the judge of if those lives should be saved or not? god? or did god impower the people to make that choice himself, and if he did, then why is it a sin to judge. if he gave us the power to... |
GovernmentBush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned paper'
8 Posts • 4565 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The Navy participated in a study to determine what causes stress and it was discovered that the inability to control your surroundings caused stressed. So while it may appear that the person in charge... |
There is No God and You Know It
17 Posts • 5933 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I don't understand summit's obsession with the question of God's existence. I once put the odds of God's existence at about one and a billion if not higher. But, then that would ma... |
Religion & HumanityDoing good: Universal Religion
24 Posts • 8059 Views Religion Forum |
I think that it is a valid stament but rember it is also dependent on how you define good.
I think this is a highly underrated point.
Good being a subjective word, there really is no definition,... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30374 Views Religion Forum |
" Since mankind, or those 'innocent' babies, existed in their parents at the time of the fall (sperm and eggs)"
Is it really the baby's fault he was once an evil sperm? I don... |
EconomyS!#$ is going to hit the fan
1 Posts • 2225 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Peter Schiff has been predicting this recession for some time now and his predictions are only getting worse. I advise everyone to listen to this as it is urgent that as many people as possible are in... |
Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views Psychology Forum |
Wait, what does the media have to do with SNL.. they are 2 completly different types of television. Now if the media did something like SNl, then you can complain, but SNL is a comdey show. It is supp... |
God in ReligionDid God really make us in his image?
10 Posts • 7009 Views Religion Forum |
When I go to the zoo I notice that the primates on one side of the cage look pretty much like the primates on the other side of the cage. We come from gorillas. That's why people look like gorill... |
Drugstrips (drugs)
54 Posts • 17745 Views Psychology Forum |
what exactly are trips? like, people say you open "doors" when you do drugs so much you "trip", what do you think? |
Mental Illnessmy mind can't rest
12 Posts • 7844 Views Psychology Forum |
no man this is like the world cup where people thought lions is walking freely in Johannesburg, now that really made me laugh anyway we have laws here in South Africa, and please do not refer to South... |
Love QuotesWhat Love Means to a 4-8 Year Old
1 Posts • 2606 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Children are so innocent.
Too bad we have to become adults and forget what is important!!
What Love means to a 4-8 year old ..
Slow down for thr... |
Society & SociologyThe Internets Rape Of Innocence
17 Posts • 6031 Views Psychology Forum |
it has very little to do with sheltering them. and they will certainly access it on their own either at a friends house or at school, or any number of places. its just that when given full freedom, pe... |
ConsciousnessUnconsicous Response to Issues...
2 Posts • 2485 Views Philosophy Forum |
Was thinking about the Universal Unconscious, and came to the conclusion that there must be some interplay in the form of stimulus and response (as in a communicated response).
This response would ha... |
Do you know the difference between a liberal and a conservative?
9 Posts • 3137 Views Talk Talk |
I couldn't just leave this be. So here is my effort to educate, every time i see such ignorant remarks from one side to another my head hurts. But I know it's probably not your fault, just the fault o... |
GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34217 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
No, and I don't see where you got that. I was speaking of propagandizing, quite clearly.
Regardless, I was again referencing a point to gain insight into your opinionated position on various f... |
Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16252 Views Religion Forum |
I'm an atheist, and I haven't killed anyone yet. Conversely, I know very religious people who haven't commited murder either.
A system of balance, keeping the powerful from going ov... |
GovernmentBarack Obama
0 Posts • 2054 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I would also like to say that I get a boner watching his speeches
Yes, well you see this is part of his seductive power...and in being able to be all things to all people.
Mr family man,
M... |
An old faithfull that i always post around
3 Posts • 3067 Views Jokes & Games |
this one has probably been put down here somewhere already but ill put it on again for those who missed it or in case it hasnt been listed.
Skippy's list
213 things that specialist schwarz... |
How change makes us feel
6 Posts • 3688 Views Philosophy Forum |
Isn't it strange how change makes us feel. When I first got glasses I looked and felt smart. My friends and family thought they made me look better, but after a while the glasses didn't have... |
Are all Philisophical minds elitists?
37 Posts • 9525 Views Philosophy Forum |
No you just seem to have a misunderstanding on what "enlightend" means. It is not a levelized function. To be enlightend means that "levels" such as elitist and non-elitist are irr... |
110 Posts • 24292 Views Religion Forum |
But when you compare the old testament with the teachings of Jesus, they are so different.
What is different? The New testiment is the fulfilment of the old testiment. The Old testiment prophets and... |
4 Posts • 2084 Views Talk Talk |
i feel lonely and a bit depressed because i can't seem to interact with people. i have liked this guy who is about a year younger than me, but i think that i just like him, because i don't h... |
@tax cuts
22 Posts • 5539 Views Talk Talk |
Taxing the men that make jobs will end with those men taking money from those in which he employs because he doesnt seem the as people but as tools. He ONLY cares about money.
Just because you thi... |