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Tagged > Cool people
THREAD Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17225 Views
Religion Forum
religion (bible based) has a synonym, at least in my opinion... it's opinion... religion=opinion there is a set of information these different groups of people derived their different opinion...
THREAD World Peace & Removal of Terrorism
1 Posts • 2060 Views
Philosophy Forum
World Peace & Removal of Terrorism There are two root causes for the entire chaos and terrorism in this world. One is the thirst for earning money and the other is the religious fanatic. Due to...
THREAD God in Religionproofs for God's existence
23 Posts • 7422 Views
Religion Forum
"so because we exist, we have to have existed? the argument makes little sense. by that reasoning, if i flip a coin and get a head, looking back, i would have to have gotten a head, because i got...
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 67488 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Happy Birthday Its been a year now and its starting to show. This is house was a new thing, but its getting old. Its been a long ride and its starting to show. I am tired and cramping and my fac...
THREAD SocietyPoverty
20 Posts • 7221 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Don't know what your reading, but I saw about the same amount of coverage on both beheadings and the same amount of rage. I must of missed the persident bush's comments condemning the (US) I...
THREAD GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34219 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
You don't see where I got what? The only question you have asked is what I know of the Reece committee and that is not the subject of this thread. Start a thread for discussing the Reese Commi...
THREAD SocietyFacts vs Bush-Bashing
13 Posts • 4422 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Again, all your accusations fit most firmly on yourself. Stop pointing fingers because people are standing up to you. You apparently are the one in desire of people simply aggreeing with your posis...
THREAD LawPolitical/Current Events Convictions and Defense
8 Posts • 2732 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Individuals should have control over the fate of the perpetrator of a criminal offense against them. This control should be reasonably approximated to equate the value of the crime. This is true an...
THREAD GovernmentWhat has the US become?
47 Posts • 15236 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Dugbug: your plan has been well thought out, I could tell you put some time in it. But our government will always be privy to information that we can not have access to. Has our government abused t...
THREAD GovernmentObama is a Communist - should we really vote for him?
23 Posts • 5474 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum trade/balance/c5700.html Th at site lists the trade balances between the United States and China when you go to the store you are buying things on credit from China. Th...
THREAD SocietyProphecy
30 Posts • 16482 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
354. Another air crash to cover up (11/2/05) On 10/22, a Nigerian jet carried 117 passengers crashed shortly after takeoff. I believe it was another swift reaction to my accusation of the four rec...
THREAD Body Art/Piercing
21 Posts • 8427 Views
Talk Talk
A DistractionB - If I may offer advice, demand to use a fresh needle, one from a brand new pack. All of the suggestions belowm can also be applied to body piercers. I had seen some of my current arti...
THREAD ChristianityChristian Intolerance
4 Posts • 3220 Views
Religion Forum
This topic definitely depends on the person. Some people will kill you and your family for simply saying something offensive to them. Others will be like: "LOL ROFL I JUST GOT WTF PWND" J...
THREAD ElectionsWhat Black People think about RON PAUL!
2 Posts • 2649 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
All these African Americans seem to understand that accusations that Ron Paul is racist is all bull - why don't republicans??
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismAgnosticism
23 Posts • 7702 Views
Religion Forum
"seriously, how much does it all really matter?" I can tell you that it matters both politically and socially for one very underrated reason. What people believe is the basis for what...
THREAD DrugsWhats so appeling about drink?
15 Posts • 3265 Views
Psychology Forum
It's like you need counseling this isn't healthy lmao Some people drink to relax and make time go bye quicker or just to do something, but out of all the just passing time habits I�...
THREAD Gay Bishop??
57 Posts • 15690 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
"I like how if a kid has a disability then people say god made him that way. Or if couple break up someone would say, well god has a plan for you. Yet if someone is gay, then well, they are sinne...
THREAD Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25445 Views
Psychology Forum
ok....i sort of see some of your ponts....but, the fact that suicide is illeagal, well, i dont think thats ever stopped anyone....and i dont think that if it were to become legal there would be an inc...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorMind over Matter?
15 Posts • 4402 Views
Psychology Forum
a lot of the time though, these people dont realise that they are fine tuning their bodies or minds. you may be able to do something a bit, then practice and get better at it, but u dont realy underst...
THREAD Words Faster than the Speed of Sound...
3 Posts • 3282 Views
Philosophy Forum
If one can currently call someone from new york at 3 pm to another in california at noon. It's just a matter of time before we're talking to people from even further reaches of space and tim...
THREAD confused
10 Posts • 2468 Views
Talk Talk
i second that, some people will tell you that you are missing out on things if you find the person you want young, and mayb you do miss out on some things, but you also get to skip the "being mes...
THREAD ConspiracyJFK Assassination
8 Posts • 6659 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Sometime in the future they are going to release the truth. I believe it is wrong for a government to keep things hidden from the people just to protect themselves, and when they do release the facts,...
THREAD ConsciousnessLevels of Consciousness
29 Posts • 10907 Views
Philosophy Forum
I can "hear" strong thoughts directed at me within close range. I think with the proper training I'd be able to read other people's thoughts so I know for a fact that telepathy is...
THREAD Societyhurricane katrina
9 Posts • 4068 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
they built it 400 years ago, and they were probably drunk at the time. but i agree. the destructoin could not have been prevented, but the deaths could have. how mant people died after it was done? ho...
THREAD GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24624 Views
Philosophy Forum
RIGHT THERE! thats what i was trying to get out of you... that is the reason religion is bad. "Judaism had failed and so Jesus came to right the wrong" im sure you would fight for that...
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