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Tagged > Body
THREAD ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17362 Views
Religion Forum
I was taught that infant baptism is not necessary. Children are innocent of sin until they come of age to make (understand) the implications of their actions. quote: ----------------------------...
THREAD 'Micro-units' and 'Macro-units'... What should we concern ourselves with?.. and,
1 Posts • 5763 Views
Philosophy Forum
I'll try and explain... What I mean by 'micro-units' would be the most indivisible units that exist, like 'quarks' or something similar... and what I mean by 'macro-units' would be the most complex...
THREAD Do chicks like guys with huge muscles?
41 Posts • 37911 Views
Talk Talk
I don't like big muscles. Like when it ends up looking like the guy's been taking steroids since he could breath, ya know? I think that an athletic build is hot, like a swimmer's body:...
THREAD Astral Travel/ Projection
10 Posts • 5568 Views
Philosophy Forum
yes thus, if you ask... lets say can i go back 50 billion years ago to my home, you will be brung there, but... what if you think of such material things like your arm to feel something, it'll fl...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhy was The Pill Developed for Women and Not Men?
6 Posts • 3456 Views
Psychology Forum
I think the most important reason is because it's the woman who gets pregnant. It's my body that's affected the most, so it's primarily my responsibility to prevent pregnancy. It&#...
THREAD Natural Cures & Alternative MedicineHow to do meditation at home?
5 Posts • 7071 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Yea it is so easy and useful mate, first of all have healthy diet. Set your fitness goals and manage your time. Yoga is amazing technique for relieving stress. Yoga poses are good exercise and can hel...
THREAD Avoid strangers glances and smiles
15 Posts • 3726 Views
Talk Talk
Next time that happens to you, approah the personw ith this qeustion, then ask them whats wrong? And listen to their response. Ask them why they feel bad and not well enough to give a simple smile bac...
THREAD televangelist-faith "healer"- Peter Popoff....liar and fake
5 Posts • 5742 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
He never healed anyone though. By intrinsically attempting to appease or reassure another simply explains nothing, and does nothing. A healing process involves the actual physical revival of the mind...
THREAD God in Religionunfair senario
12 Posts • 4432 Views
Religion Forum
In the bible, it says: "Indeed, as the body without spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead." (James 2:26) So it's not enough to believe in god, you must act on your b...
THREAD Intimacypain and the first time
28 Posts • 8850 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
god has nothing to do with pain and the first time. its called thight muscels. god did not design the body so that it could, with much pain, take a penis and you know this because?
THREAD Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70924 Views
Psychology Forum
See i didnt know chicks didnt like those strech shirts. I wear those shirts so girls can see the body ive worked so hard to get over 5 years. Whats makes them so un-appealing? *confused*
THREAD Could there be a pill for that?...
17 Posts • 6078 Views
Philosophy Forum
I have enjoyed all responses so far, so now... Would you actually recommend some sort pill or treatment with similar effect (i.e. to help 'correct' hormonal balances or like) to someone w...
THREAD DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 24985 Views
Psychology Forum
more thoughts associated with your words (this could be completely wrong but it may have some connections) walking: Freedom. Movement. Ask yourself where do you want to go. eating: Satisfaction....
THREAD ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24407 Views
Religion Forum
KGB: resurrection is a fraud. 'Resurrection' would not have been meaningful without a meaningful death. In the ordinary, everyday understanding of the words involved, to say that someone...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismHands up if you are an atheist
57 Posts • 12440 Views
Religion Forum
i would expect that if consciousness is contained to the space inside my head. if you perceive yourself, outside of your physical being... in the same environment your physical body is "in rea...
THREAD Smallest Bits of the Universe...
6 Posts • 2038 Views
Philosophy Forum
I guess, when you say small, you don't always mean in length, but possibly smallest value as a whole unit... I believe they measure quarks (in one way) in eV (which I think is electron volts, or...
THREAD Could there be a pill for that?...
17 Posts • 6078 Views
Philosophy Forum
That's the most retarded thing i have ever heard... You are what you eat!!! There's no way that food causes homosexuality. It's way more likely to be genes or hormones that are under pr...
THREAD ~Tattoo Pics~
62 Posts • 75793 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
This thread should have 2 points to it, one is "Show the Tatoo", and the will be "Guess the Body Part" ;)
THREAD ChristianityA lost tomb of Jesus?
2 Posts • 2035 Views
Religion Forum
'The Body' - This is a cool film. If you watch this film, take care and watch the last scene very carefully, especially if you are a Christian.
THREAD Religion & HumanityGrand Religious Theories
16 Posts • 6102 Views
Religion Forum
I'm not sure I know what you're asking, but here it goes: There is a scientific explination of the spiritual world, we just have not found it. It is like a mirror reflection of the p...
THREAD Mental IllnessSplit Brain,DID,Epilepsy,Split Personality
2 Posts • 4190 Views
Psychology Forum
Are you asking for a third party's advice to cope with it, or are you asking if someone can research it for you? because like you said, it may all be in the mind, and if you conclude there...
16 Posts • 7252 Views
Philosophy Forum
Fear is a chemical concoction brewed within the brain, fueled by 1 part life experience, 1 part basic instinct and 1 part external influences. We all have similar feelings that can be found in basic i...
124 Posts • 33674 Views
Talk Talk
The problem with you Americans is you have to be different to the rest of the world. Even with the way you measure the temperature. :P ;) Just out of interest, here is a converter of what things a...
THREAD GamesThe Copter Game
69 Posts • 88161 Views
Jokes & Games
Oops that should be "The Copter Game". Seems you can't edit the subject, only the post body? Strange. Thats what we are for. Seems to me that you like star trek TNG eh Locut0s?...
THREAD Life & DeathMovies that best describe life/death??
22 Posts • 6933 Views
Philosophy Forum
why did every body forget the MATRIX!*grin* I m not jokin when I say that that film is the closest any film will get to reality. The machine shit may be balderish, but the rest of reality being an i...
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