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Tagged > 4 8 year old
THREAD Habits & Behaviorzoning out
6 Posts • 4344 Views
Psychology Forum
A couple of years ago I used to zone out a lot and kind of daydream or philosophize. I heard that it was bad for your eyes and so over the past year or two I've tried to stop myself from zoning o...
2 Posts • 3585 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Has anyone seen the movie FRIDA, with Salma Hayak as the lead playing Frida. Wow I absolutley loved it I would have to say its one of my favourite movies so far this year. I would love to get my hand...
THREAD Personal Thoughts
22 Posts • 7299 Views
Talk Talk
Well i have 2 opinions on this issue. The first is that love has no boundaries, if your in love your in love. And if the other person loves you back age doesnt matter. But think of your dad going o...
THREAD SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33457 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Hmmm let's see first off he was on a watch list, his own father contacted the CIA and said watch out for him I think he is planning something really stupid and he still boarded the plane. He...
THREAD SocietyIdeas on education
9 Posts • 3644 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I understand if the video is a bit too long for you to watch and ultimately it is not necessary. So, does school kill creativity? My personal experience is that when I was in primary school, we...
THREAD Society & SociologyWhere you live
31 Posts • 7749 Views
Psychology Forum
My mom is and has been a single mother for the majority of my life so we had to move around all over the place. money = non-existing the past 2 years have been alright though, because I have a good...
THREAD DrugsDo you smoke?
47 Posts • 16745 Views
Psychology Forum
Forget about it. I've been all clear for quite a while. Once you've had it though, the spectre never leaves you, and as the treatment was pretty draconian, they consequences of discomfort...
THREAD Need to rid myself of nail-biting habit
7 Posts • 2562 Views
Talk Talk
It's pretty tough to do that though. I've tried, but its become like an addiction. I can stop for a say or two, but by day three, I'm breaking down. It's become an obsession that&#...
THREAD Natural Cures & Alternative MedicineHomemade Toothpaste
8 Posts • 9405 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
I have tried the baking soda alternative but cannot say that it is to my taste at all. Thus I have been just brushing with water for at least half a year now and my teeth haven't gotten worse (or...
THREAD How can i get her back!?
2 Posts • 3450 Views
Talk Talk
ok me and my gf have been together for a year and half, breaking up, getting back together, living together, not living together. Now, its been 4 montsh since we broke up, she has a bf, i had a gf, an...
THREAD Intimacypercentage of women who swallow during oral sex
36 Posts • 146843 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
So those degrading 'money' shots in porn flicks are actually beneficial for those darling girls instead of an insult? Just think, if they would only lay off long enough to let it dry they�...
THREAD Random QuestionsSenior Pranks!
25 Posts • 46533 Views
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On the last days in my senior year, my classmates and I wrote letters making fun of the teachers and telling the truth about the school and stuck them wherever we could: between textbooks, behind the...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33956 Views
Religion Forum
I think I agree with your point to an extent, Decius... if we can deduce something can exist, it doesn't mean it must or that we know anything about it. If we can't possibly know about some...
THREAD What should I do?
4 Posts • 2032 Views
Talk Talk
Im in a realationship with this amazing guy ok and I could not ask for more! but the problem is that he has alot of girls that are his friends from college, and lets just say I get jelous when a girl...
51 Posts • 72632 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
There are many statistics floating around the web one is that around 20 percent of couples live “sexless” marriages (Sexless meaning having sex less than 10 times a year) which I believe...
THREAD What Borders?
24 Posts • 8653 Views
Talk Talk
US renews Mexico travel warning as killings mount 27 Jul 2005 02:15:43 GMT Source: Reuters MEXICO CITY, July 26 (Reuters) - The United States renewed a travel warning on Tuesday for U.S. citiz...
THREAD EconomyStock market and social security
23 Posts • 8172 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
4. The reverse point As I have said, a growing up stock market must be supported by increasing investment fund. A $100 market grew up 10% in first year with $110 investment.Next year, to support a...
THREAD ElectionsDemocrat and Republican Memes
0 Posts • 3971 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Condoleezza "became one of the first two female members admitted to Augusta National Golf Club, the home of the Masters tournament, which has excluded women as members throughout its 80-year hist...
THREAD About You / Introductionspaying for college
6 Posts • 2656 Views
Talk Talk
So I am graduating this year and the thought of going to college is really scaring me. It's not actually going to college but, rather more the cost of college. I have been really stressed lately tryin...
THREAD SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33937 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
FBI Spying has 'Hundredfold' Increase Under Patriot Act released on 11/06/05 at 08:26:44 The FBI now issues more than 30,000 national security letters a year, according to government...
THREAD Freshman Diaries
1 Posts • 3290 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Has anyone heard about Freshman Diaries? It is a new show on Showtime where they give college freshman cameras and film thier first year in school. I think it sounds pretty cool.
THREAD Help Please!
3 Posts • 2935 Views
Talk Talk
There's nothing wrong with that. I could sometimes be thinking of floor tiles and still get a boner. And, to be frank, although I wouldn't call it arousal, this occasionally happens to me. I...
THREAD War & TerrorismFrom Iraq
9 Posts • 3389 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Bush lied to us and used the intel to get away with it. He was briefed about the possibility of uncertainty. There is proof that going to war with Iraq was his inention long before 9/11. 9/11 is just...
THREAD Martial arts
29 Posts • 15393 Views
Talk Talk
Yes actually. I was in Tae Kwon Do for a year or two until I moved to another state. Actually, the most appealing form to me is Jeet Kune Do. The greatest martial artist of our time, Bruce Lee, in...
THREAD Chocie Chocie!
5 Posts • 3987 Views
Talk Talk
Well its that time of year again, and I definately wont be eating MUCH chocolate, what about you guys? Does anyone get long weekends like I do in Australia, we get FRI, SUN,MON off which is choice! I...
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