Latest Posts by wittgensteins - Page 2 |
"Everything would move like butter in regards to communication if people focussed more on truth...
Has 1 Posts by wittgensteins |
The physicist Richard Feymman famously questioned the credibility of the social sciences, suggesting...
Has 1 Posts by wittgensteins |
It is a mystery, and it is a testament to the stupidity of the masses, that Derrida's odious ub...
Has 1 Posts by wittgensteins |
A crank is someone who sees the truth through a fool's eyes. It is a barb I hope the following will...
Has 1 Posts by wittgensteins |
I bought and read a book on moral relativism. The protagonists of the debate resemble two people who...
Has 1 Posts by wittgensteins |
Andrew Johnson
To What Extent Does the Concept of Umma Tally with that of Globalization?
This q...
Has 1 Posts by wittgensteins |
1 Where there is no gravity, only those in chains are free.
2 We are all, we moderns, pebbles on...
Has 2 Posts by wittgensteins |
Though there is a superficial plausibility in the suggestion that the umma is a precursor to globali...
Has 1 Posts by wittgensteins |
The only thing worse than an affront to our common sense is finding some common sense to our affront...
Has 1 Posts by wittgensteins |
The key, the most inescapable, most unanswerable question of philosophy is: why philosophise? Though...
Has 1 Posts by wittgensteins |
It behoves us not to say, and it does us credit to deny, that God has been dealt death-blow, and tha...
Has 3 Posts by wittgensteins |
I want to assess the arguments for a minimal state in Hayek's classic The Road to Serfdom. I th...
Has 1 Posts by wittgensteins |
So i was watching a discovery channel special on sex and it said that people like people who are fit...
Has 1 Posts by wittgensteins |
Both the mimetic and the essentialist theories of art contain a kernel of truth. For although art ne...
Has 2 Posts by wittgensteins |
Could it be? That I have an intimation... of God's existence?
That it is only an intimation sugge...
Has 1 Posts by wittgensteins |