Latest Posts by cturtle - Page 18 |
Do catholics and christians get along? What I mean is, traditionally, are they co-existing religions...
Has 35 Posts by cturtle |
I'm currently reading an article in National Geographics. Its fact, not fiction and it isn'...
Has 16 Posts by cturtle |
President Bush's speech was bold and highly visionary.
I liked his social security plan and...
Has 5 Posts by cturtle |
Hey ppl. Well, reffering to those phhrases of Christ such as 'when you see me you see God'...
Has 3 Posts by cturtle |
homosexual marriages: yes or no?
Has 9 Posts by cturtle |
Do you believe that every person has a soul mate? Why or why not? Also do you believe that (saying t...
Has 10 Posts by cturtle |
Gorbachev Calls Iraqi Elections 'Fake'
http://www.prisonpla 10105ele...
Has 1 Posts by cturtle |
"We will build a statue for Bush," said Ali Fadel, the former provincial council chairman....
Has 2 Posts by cturtle |
This is a question I was pondering for some time in geometry on Friday.
People say that time in its...
Has 16 Posts by cturtle |
what exactly are trips? like, people say you open "doors" when you do drugs so much you &q...
Has 17 Posts by cturtle |
I have a theory on life, and i would be interested to hear other peoples views on what i have to say...
Has 11 Posts by cturtle |
During Presidential elections, fairly exclusively, people are bombarded by the notion that they need...
Has 12 Posts by cturtle |
What if Jesus had been running in the election, how would he have faired? What would be the issue...
Has 7 Posts by cturtle |
Everyone is brain washed. This whole world is brain washed. Everything and every thought are fed to...
Has 3 Posts by cturtle |
I know this may sound a little superficial, but if you could decide, at what age would you like to d...
Has 1 Posts by cturtle |