 43yrs • F • 
Changes and a Redirection for Captain Cynic |
The site has been quiet for a long while. After a handful of Google's algorithm changes, our position in search results rankings dropped severely. That was quite traumatic as I'd spent so much time and effort on bringing in new traffic - all of which just slowly dwindled away as Google demoted CC's ranks. Important lesson right there - don't rely on search engines for traffic. You either have a large advertising budget for promoting your site or you don't, and unfortunately for CC, I don't. Since the drop, most of the new posts that showed up were spam. I stopped visiting the site because it felt like a sore wound every time I did, only logging in once every few weeks/months to clean up all the new spam that showed up. CC is so dear to my heart. But what I had hoped for it didn't pan out. Which leads me to where I am going with the site now. I had tried to make CC a place of thought and sanctuary for others. But without others who share that same outlook there was just me. And now that desire is now being redirected. Redirected to me. A forum for just my thoughts and musings, a place for me to reflect, talk and ponder the universe that surrounds me. It is no longer to be a public forum that sits open waiting and hoping for genuine patrons and newcomers to stop by. Registrations are closed, user posts cannot be made. CC is now a space for just my through to echo through its wonderful walls. It will take me some time to make all the logistical changes that are necessary. But hey, it's just me here anyway so I have all the time I need. Thanks to everyone who genuinely cared about CC - I wish you all the best for your journey through this universe that we are all a part of.
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"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." [ Edited by Dawn at