 34yrs • M • 
mycalling062190 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
hello. thanks for the warm greetting... |
Hello everyone, I am new to the community, you guys have a awsome place here. Im glad i stumbeld across you guys/ladies. greetings... btw, quick question?¿.. im having trouble setting my avatar. im doin the correct steps. its when i finish picking the pic i want, it loads.......but nothing changes, the avatar doesnt set. Any idea??
 43yrs • F • 
Hey, sorry for the delayed response here - I'm guessing you figured out the avatar issue? Irregardless, here's some pointers: - To upload an avatar you have to tick the 'I agree with the terms of use' clause to enable uploading. Then choose the file image that you want to upload (can be a .png or a .jpeg file). Then click submit. - There is a maximum of 4 avatars that you can save within your user center. Once you have 4 saved, in order to upload a new one you will have to delete one of the saved ones. To delete an avatar click the orange X below the image you want to delete. - To change your public avatar between between saved avatars, click the 'Set Default' link below the image that you want to display. Let me know if you have any more questions and welcome to the site!
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"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."