 43yrs • F • 
Earth: Isn't it Amazing |
Out of all the planets that astronomers have identified, of all the new planetary discoveries that have been made, isn't it amazing that our planet doesn't just have life, but that it's abundant with it. It's as though the universe that we currently know of is a black stage that has many colorful spot lights, but Earth is the shiny disco ball. Our solar system is spectacular, full of mysteries to be solved, but our blue green planet is the gold mine buzzing with life. Earth is amazing. It is likely that other life exists in the universe. But until we find life elsewhere, our planet stands out. Our planet is perfect unlike all other planets we know of. Because on our planet, the cosmic energy that brewed up our Sun and solar system and the placement of our Earth, on our planet that energy came full circle. It culminated into a living consciousness. A consciousness capable of exploring itself.
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"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."