Bless and Curse NOT...!
The Cloth recognizes each other among the mass... the uniform is the Awareness, and the reality it lends itself to...
Why do I go this way to begin ?
because, religion is like employment of the masses in these days...
Bringing the philosophy or substance and ethics-driven morality up to or down to the modern expression, requires me to draw this analogy...
the decay
the degredation of the quality of the inheritor's.... who now rule due to the deferance and at the unwitting behest of the mass of workers who service the Intellectual and the Business Class of Americans....
your quote is priceless in this effort
the NEW
"Opiate of the People"
Is ! Work... The Unions lost their efficacy in my lifetime, my father was a who made tires.... he struck out, supported industry and the common man's right to make good on his effort,
his hard knocks
The Blood Sweat and Tears accomplished little in regard to impressions... his effort made millions
billions really, once we calculated men of similar ilke....
Nafta, it insued... without delay or derailment...
The overspecialization of unskilled labor required him to make a way out of no way...
My father went into business for himself with a third form education from a third world economy...
But in a land where there was no rule against re-inventing oneself... as an American,
regardless of economy or circumstance and timing
I think the American Model has changed along the way, to where there is no Inherited Status or "Class"
The Accomplishment for the Genius Savant, is to flow with the change of importance...
once Money was the most power
Influence came to pre-emminence over time.... near history of the early America... after revolt
Physical Force is a last resort IF! one is civilized...
I believe the world of man rotates these equidistant forces of Power among themselves which are highest
So the age old and respected man of his own means
The man by his own bootstraps
The Gentlemens' gentleman, and the Mans' man... have all gone
the way not of the dodo, but of Reincarnation...
The effort it seems is as follows:
My Father taught me that there are several forms of "Class" in human social order..
1 The Intellectuals
2 The Intellectuals create the Business Class
3 The Business Class creates the Military Class to protect the
Intellectuals and the Business Class
4 All the others serve them
a Class system that refuses to be broken.. and will forever be organized
whether society is organized by those that got there first or last is irrevelent to my understanding of my father...
as he says
"Dwayne, there's a system in place. You have to learn to work the system."
I tend to add:
"Or it will work you over."
in summation, i'd say that, "I guess I'm cut from a different cloth."
thanks for posting and reading my own...
hope you see this
because, of course, I enjoyed this.